Issue 342 - 27/03/2020

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The ways of the Almighty are

strange and we must bow to his will.

The mankind is trying all means to

conquer nature but the Almighty has

surprises in store. The different types of

the strands keep erupting and take medical

science by surprise. Corona Virus is

the latest and the medical science

although well advanced is struggling to

cope with it. It seems, for the man to

understand the true nature of the

Almighty is beyond his capability. He

is using the God’s name for his own

advantage. Today the commercial

aspects are more valuable to him than

the faith and the belief in the Almighty

God. Presently, the man is so deeply

involved in the space programme that

will commercialise the journeys into

space. Only the very rich will be able to

afford. Will this help the millions

dying of hunger and sickness in this


The charities are desperately crying

out for help to save the breeds falling

prey to commercial greed. The tigers,

the elephants, the leopards and many

more are being hunted by the poachers

to satisfy the commercial needs.

The religious organisations are banking

the collections even though their

followers are dying because of hunger.

The evilness of the preachers in all the

religions is being exposed. The culprits

are being jailed. The vulnerable under

the care have been and are still being

abused by the authorities. The records

are present all around the world.

In Tihar Jail – India, four males have

been executed for the murder of a young

lady doctor named Nirbhaya, in the

early hours of the 20th March 2020. It

has taken seven years and three months

for her parents to get justice done for

their beloved daughter. She was brutally

Mamata warns of action

against officials stopping

vegetable vendors

Kolkata : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata

Banerjee on Wednesday warned state government officials

that action would be taken against them if they

tried to stop vegetable vendors and personnel engaged

in home delivery of essentials during the ongoing lockdown

to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus infection.

"I have instructed all police stations to permit home

delivery of essential commodities. Vegetable vendors

cannot be stopped. If the government order is not

obeyed, action will be taken against administrative officials,"

she said.

Banerjee also drew on the board how people should

remain within a safety line to maintain social distancing

outside shops selling essentials.

Later, in a tweet, city police commissioner Anuj

Sharma urged people to maintain social distancing and

said "We have marked safety lines for buyers in markets

and shops. Please, obey".

Banerjee also instructed the police to make available

food for those who were going hungry due to the lockdown.

"If you come across anybody who has nothing to

eat, please inform the Block Development Officer or the

police. They will arrange to deliver food to their

homes". The Chief Minister also requested pavement

dwellers to shift to night shelters where police would

arrange food for them.



gang raped and murdered in the bus. It

shocked the world the way she met her

fate. Worldwide media covered the

incident. There was a big outcry all over

India for their hanging. A special programme

named India’s Daughter was

prepared and transmitted worldwide.

The family has faced a lot of the

obstacles but has finally managed to get

the justice they wanted. In India, many

murders are being done through gang

rapes and in the name of the Dharma.

Little children under the age of ten are

also being gang raped and murdered.

All the convicts from now on wards

should be hanged only then the law and

order in India can be imposed. The rich

must not be allowed to overrule the laws

of the country. They seem to buy their

way out. The corruption introduced by

the rich in the system needs to be ironed

out. The MPs, the saints or anyone connected

in murdering of the innocent

should face the rope. This will in return

increase safety of the women in India.

The Government should be fair and

not bias. All the religions and the

beliefs should be respected. All should

be treated as one. The poor in India

deserve justice. The rich are getting

richer and the poor are getting poorer.

The closure of the Yes Bank has

exposed some elite and raised awareness

to how the rich benefit from the

general public’s money. The laws are

being broken by the rich but they seem

to get away. The poor are generally used

to cover the offences committed by the

rich even though they have no involvement

in it. This lets the rich to walk

away with the clean sheet and the poor

is recorded as the culprit on the police

Taking hot bath daily

good for your heart

Tokyo : If you want to live longer, read

on. Researchers have found that regular hot

tub bathing is linked to a lower risk of mortality

from heart disease and stroke.

According to the study, published in the

journal Heart, the higher the dose, the better

it seems to be for cardiovascular health, with

a daily hot bath seemingly more protective

than a once or twice weekly one. "We found

that frequent tub bathing

was significantly associated

with a lower risk of hypertension,

suggesting that a

beneficial effect of tub

bathing on risk of [cardiovascular

disease] may in

part be due to a reduced risk

of developing hypertension,"

end of December 2009, whichever came

first, with the final analysis based on 30,076

people. During the monitoring period, 2097

cases of cardiovascular disease occurred:

275 heart attacks; 53 sudden cardiac deaths;

and 1769 strokes.

After taking account of potentially influential

factors, analysis of the data showed

that compared with a once or twice weekly

bath or no bath at all, a daily

hot bath was associated with

a 28 per cent lower overall

risk of cardiovascular disease,

and a 26 per cent lower

overall risk of stroke. The

frequency of tub bathing

wasn't associated with a

heightened risk of sudden

said the study

cardiac death, or with a par-

researchers in Japan. Having a bath is associated

with good sleep quality and better

self-rated health, but it's not clear what its

long term impact might be on cardiovascular

disease risk, including heart attack, sudden

cardiac death and stroke. To explore this, the

researchers drew on participants in The

Japan Public Health Centre-based Study

Cohort 1, a population-based tracking study

of more than 61,000 middle-aged adults (45

to 59 years). At the start of the study in 1990,

some 43,000 participants completed a

detailed questionnaire on their bathing

habits and potentially influential factors:

ticular type of stroke, called subarachnoid

haemorrhage (bleed into the space surrounding

the brain), the researchers said.

Further analysis of preferred water temperature

indicated 26 per cent lower and 35

per cent lower risks of overall cardiovascular

disease for warm and hot water, respectively.

But no significant associations

emerged for overall stroke risk and water

temperature. After excluding those participants

who developed the cardiovascular disease

within five or 10 years of the start of the

study, the associations found weren't quite as

strong, but nevertheless still remained statistically

lifestyle, to include exercise, diet, alcohol

significant. According to the

intake, weight (BMI); average sleep duration;

and medical history and current medicines

use. Each participant was monitored

until death or completion of the study at the

researchers, this is an observational study,

and as such, can't establish cause, added to

which changes in bathing frequency weren't

tracked during the monitoring period.



record. This is a general practice in

India because the poor do not have any

voice. Why are the laws being broken

by the Government Officials? The

Prime- Minister Mr Narendra Modi is

stressing that the group gathering must

be avoided at all cost to stop Corona

Virus’s progress. But on the TV, the BJP

in Madhya Pardesh is shown celebrating

the departure of the Kamal Nath’s

Government. They are all so closely

standing together and are in a large

group. The viewers cannot understand

that when the Prime Minister is urging

the whole country to avoid close contact

and here his own party members and his

associates are disobeying his orders.

The laws should be obeyed by all

regardless of their caste, culture, position

and creed. This belief of one being

better than the other by birth is totally a

misleading statement. It is a man made

stigma that supports caste difference in

India. The escape from the Corona

Virus by drinking cow’s urine has failed

to draw any attention. This belief may

hold value for some in India but worldwide

has no effect. It has been put forward

by the religious sect to raise praise

for the cow because it is a religious


The episodes EK MAHANAYAK


being shown on the sky channel 709.

They show of the hatred, its development

and of behavior toward the lower

caste. Such a behavior and the attitude

of the higher caste instigated Dr Bhim

Rao Ramji Ambedkar to stand and fight

for their rights.

This hatred based on the religious

grounds needs to be eliminated, only

then equality has any chance to flourish

in India.

Mitej Teji

Kamal Haasan, Sarika,

Shruti, Akshara stay in

4 houses amid lockdown

Mumbai : South superstar Kamal Haasan and his

entire family are under

self-isolation in different

cities and houses.

His wife Sarika and

elder daughter Shruti

are currently residing

in separate apartments

in Mumbai while the

actor-politician himself

and younger

daughter Akshara are

in Chennai in different


"I am used to being

by myself. The difficult

part is not having

the option to go out

and the looming fear

of what all of this means for us. People have started taking

it seriously in the last few days. Thankfully, by the

time I returned, the shoots were also getting cancelled.

My entire family has self-isolated. Mum (actress Sarika)

is in Mumbai as well but in another apartment, Dad

(Kamal Haasan) and Akshara (sister) are in Chennai but

in separate houses. All of us had different travelling

schedules and it didn't make sense for us to isolate

together. That's the decision I feel people should make,"

Shruti told Mumbai Mirror. Shruti has returned from

London just 10 days ago and is under home quarantine

since then. The actress took to Instagram on Monday to

share: "I hope everyone's ok ? I'm learning a lot about

myself and im super glad I'm someone who enjoys my

own company so much. It's good to use this time to introspect

and ease into ourselves in silence. stay home , stay

positive, take care and sending everyone lots of love and

light. #stayhome #selfcare #selfiesnonstop #stayfit."

Meanwhile, on Tuesday evening Prime Minister

Narendra Modi announced a nationwide complete lockdown

for 21 days.

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