Issue 342 - 27/03/2020

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The country is in a lock down now.

The fact is it should have happened earlier

but better late than never. The prime

minister’s call for the Janata Curfew

was nothing but a preparation for the

full lock down. It is good that people

responded to it. Actually, this is a good

way to impose things in the name of

people’s will but yes, it was needed and

whatever way is done, has to be welcomed.

The Prime Minister spoke for

about half an hour and his address was

uninspiring to say the least. It did not

have anything except his own ‘anecdotes’

and then the ‘novel’ ‘idea’ of

‘thali peeto’ & ‘ghanti bajao’. Many of

the bhakts came on their balcony and

did it so diligently that they were

unable to stop it. I thought Modi ji

might have given a time period for how

long was it supposed to be done. Now,

we are getting videos that people came

out in the streets at many places with

their thalis and Ghantas and banged

them. All the ‘social distancing’ was

wiped off with in five minutes of what

we witnessed in Ahmedabad and Jaipur

where the crowds throng the street with

tricolor in their hands.

Why is this country and its leadership

not serious about the issue confronting.

Why you want to convert

everything into an event and spectacle.

Definitely, the PM was sounding worried

as he saw the situation in the west

is turning nightmarish but unlike the

Western leaders who showed great

sense of urgency to protect their nation

and their economy, we did find nothing.

French President Emmanuel Macron

locked down the entire country and

promised that the government will look

after the poor as well as the Industries.

Look at the inspiring speeches from

German leader Angela Merkel to

Canadian Prime Minister Justin

Trudeau who assured their nation that

the government will take care of everything.

The Dutch health minister collapsed

due to Corona Virus and the

prime minister appointed, a former

minister who belong to the opposition

party as Health Minister. A country like

Great Britain which was initially not

keen and waiting for things to happen

as they were, finally listened to the scientists

and pumped huge amount of

money to not merely protect the

Industries but also to the citizens particularly

the vulnerable. All governments

and companies allowed their employees

to work from home. Italy has been hit

hard due to this calamity and yet is coping

with it with great courage and confidence.

The government is working

day in and out despite the enormity of

the situation. The situation in the

United States is alarming and a big failure

of the government which waited for

so long and allowed the situation to go


The world’s most powerful government

is looking helpless as the number of

cases growing alarmingly. China, who

LEADERS inspires

through their actions

were the first to face the tyranny of

Corona Virus in Wuhan today are actually

providing hope to the world. That they

could do so with great discipline is an

example. Of course, countries like South

Korea and Singapore too inspires hope. A

tiny country, victim of Western economic

sanctions, has been sending his team of

doctors and nurses on foreign mission to

help other. This time, a 58 members contingent

is in Lombardy, Italy, a city hit

hard from the Corona Virus.

And look inward, we have

a Parliament in session but it

did not have time for serious

discussion. Even if the speaker had

allowed a discussion, the leaders would

have made it an address to their bhakts.

What we are witnessing today is the

numbing of brains by idiotic ‘prescriptions’

and deliberate distortions. Now

TV channels are inviting fraudster Babas

to give more ‘knowledge’ to people.

Why are we doing so ? The reason is

clear that when we fail as a nation to

respond to the crisis. I personally feel

that India will succeed in holding on as

we have enormous food diversity. The

food culture of this country will survive

it from the onslaught of these diseases, of

course, we need to maintain physical distancing.

Socially, India has always practised

‘distancing’ because of the ‘caste

system’ and many of the ‘ideologues’

will now justify this as a ‘boon’ amidst

the current crisis. Whether people survive

or not, our economy will be in a

deeper crisis and poor and marginalised

will face more trouble.

The quality of Narendra Modi and

his team is that they do not give people

a chance to think for themselves. They

are deciding and thinking for every one

and producing all these ‘event’ which

the bhakts are more than happy to

respond as all of us are waiting for a

miracle and people feel Modi can

get them that ‘miracle’. In India,

Kerala government has done

By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

social and human rights activist

extremely well and announced a big

package for people. Even Arvind

Kejriwal’s offer on food subsidy was

good. Many state governments have

been far active in dealing with it. The

prime minister’s address lacked that

seriousness which it needed.

The Central government has allowed

private labs to conduct the Corona testing

and a fee is capped around Rs 4,500

for that. This is so cruel. Rather than

this, the government could have pitched

in the private sector and ensure that all

those who needed it, would have got the

consultancy and treatment. No patient

should be barred or untreated. Any kind

of discrimination based on assumption

or findings should be strongly condemned

and government must make it

clear that such part of behavior by people

or doctors or any one else is criminal

and will be dealt with seriously. Isnt

it tragic that a doctor who was suffering

from Corona Virus was not admitted by

nursing homes in Maharashtra. The

Ghanta Bajao brigade might act as a

vigilante to see who did not bajao the

Ghanta and then isolate them.

In December when the Corona Virus

was first detected in Wuhan city of

China, a big numbers

of Indians students

particularly engineering

and medical were

stranded there. When

no one was going

there, the brave crew

of Air India rescued

all these students and

Indian citizens. We all

accuse this airlines of ours but the fact

is that in the time of crisis, it is this airlines,

which has come to the rescue of

the nation. And what happens now is

more shameful and ungrateful. I place

Air India’s press release here :

“It is alarming to note that in many

localities, vigilante Resident Welfare

Associations and neighbors have started

ostracizing the crew, obstructing

them from performing their duty or

even calling in the police, simply

because the crew traveled abroad in the

course of their duty,” Air India said in a


“These vigilantes have conveniently

forgotten that many a spouse, parent,

sibling, child and near and dear one

have been brought home safe and

secure from affected countries, thanks

to the heroic efforts of these Air India

crew,” the airline said.

“We would like to appeal to all concerned,

particularly the law enforcement

agencies, to ensure that our crew

are treated with the courtesy, respect

and freedom that every citizen of this

country deserves especially in light of

the fact of their having undertaken

flight duties to affected countries to

bring back Indian citizens,” Air India

said as reported by NDTV.

Can there be more shame and inhuman

than this that the Resident Welfare

Associations are targeting in such a stupid

way to the people who have served

the nation and were the first on the line

of duty. It is time to name and shame

them. You could have watched this

RWA and many like them in the forefront

of Ghanta Bajao and thali peeto

event. Most of these RWA have turned

into Right Wing Associations and sadly

have become blind to prejudices. We do

understand that all of us need protection

and distancing but that should not kill

our humanity. Corona will never succeed

as long as there is humanity but if

it will succeed if the human inside us

die and societies turned into prejudiced

vigilante groups. Let us unite amidst

this distancing. Let us learn to care. Let

us not suffer in hatred. This is a big

challenge to humanity and we hope

humanity will ultimately win.

Wish you all protection and good


Vidya Bhushan Rawat is a social

and human rights activist. He blogs

at www.manukhsi.blogspot.com

twitter @freetohumanity

Email: vbrawat@gmail.com

Prince Charles declared COVID-19 positive

London : Britain's Prince

Charles has tested positive

for coronavirus, but is "otherwise

in good health", his

spokesman said on


The Prince of Wales, 71, is

"displaying mild symptoms,

but otherwise remains in

good health", the spokesman

said, reported the BBC.

The Duchess of Cornwall

has also been tested but does

not have the virus, he added.

The couple were now selfisolating

in royal residence

Balmoral in Scotland, the

spokesman said, adding it

was "not possible to ascertain

from whom the prince caught

the virus".

Charles is not the first

member of the royalty to test

positive for COVID-19.

Prince Albert of Monaco has

also tested positive.

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