South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL


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S. complexa (Norris,1965) Throndsen,1974<br />

= Pleurasiga complexa Norris,1965<br />

Oslofjord<br />

S. cupula (Leadbeater,1972) Thomsen,1988<br />

= Pleurasiga cupula Leadbeater,1972<br />

Isefjord, Frederikshavn<br />

S. diplocostata var. diplocostata Ellis,1930<br />

= S. pedicellata Leadbeater,1972<br />

Isefjord, Fredrikshavn, Bergen, Britain, Mediterranean<br />

S. diplocostata Ellis,1930 var. paucicostata Throndsen,1969<br />

Tvärminne, Isefjord, Oslofjord, Mandal<br />

S. elegans (Norris,1965) Throndsen,1974<br />

= Pleurasiga elegans Norris,1965<br />

Isefjord, Bergen, Mediterranean, US Pacific<br />

S. kentii Ellis,1930<br />

Oslofjord<br />

S. urnula Thomsen,1973<br />

Tvärminne, Isefjord<br />

S. norrisii Thomsen,1973<br />

= Sportelloeca kentii : (Ellis,1930) Norris,1965, non Stephanoeca kentii Ellis,1930<br />

Isefjord<br />

S. campanula (Kent,1880) Boucaud-Camou,1967<br />

= Salpingoeca campanula Kent,1880<br />

Engl. Channel<br />

S. constricta Ellis,1930<br />

Parke & Leadbeater,1977 area<br />

Syndetophyllum Thomsen & Moestrup,1983 ( Parvicorbicula pulchella Leadbeater,1974 - Indo-Pacific)<br />

CERCOMONADIDA Vickerman,1983, in Lee,1985<br />

* With uncertain taxonomical position according to Patterson & Zölffel,1992<br />

Cercomonadidae Kent = Cercobodonidae Hollande,1942<br />

Cercomonas Dujardin,1841<br />

?= Dimastigamoeba Blochmann,1894 ?= Cercobodo Krassilstchick,1886<br />

?= Prismatomonas Massart,1920 ?= Mukdeniamonas Skvortzow,1960<br />

?= Changia Skvortzow,1960 ?= Reptomonas Kent,1880<br />

?= Cercomastix Lemmermann,1913 ??= Helkesimastix Woodcock & Lapage,1914<br />

C. crassicauda (Alexeieff,1???)<br />

= Cercobodo crassicauda (Alexeieff,1???) Lemmermann,1???<br />

Plymouth<br />

C. varians Skuja,1???<br />

?<br />

Heteromita Dujardin,1841<br />

H. reniformis (Zhukov, ?in Zhukov & Mylnikov,1983)<br />

= Bodomorpha reniformis Zhukov, ?in Zhukov & Mylnikov,1983?<br />

?<br />

Massisteria Larsen & Patterson,1990<br />

M. marina Larsen & Patterson,1990<br />

Tvärminne, Limfjorden, England, Ireland, deep Atlantic, Brazil, Panama, Fiji, Hawaii, Australia<br />

PROTEROMONADIDA Grassé, in Grassé,1952 emend. Vickerman,19??<br />

@ Parasitic in amphibians, anurans & urodelans<br />

* Not marine<br />

RETORTAMONADIDA Grassé, in Grassé,1952<br />

Retortamonadidae Wenrich,1932<br />

@ chiefly in vertebrates & insects, but Chilomastix is reported from e.g. Box salpa & Toxopneustes esculentus<br />

Chilomastix Alexeieff,1912<br />

C. motellae Alexeieff,1912<br />

@ in alimentary canal of Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus & Ciliata mustela<br />

Roscoff<br />

C. caulleryi ?Alexeieff,1912? ()<br />

@ ?<br />

?<br />

C. undulata Skuja,1956<br />

* Free-living<br />

?<br />

C. sp. : Martin & Robertson,1911<br />

@ in alimentary canal of Pollachius virens<br />

E Scotland<br />

C. bocis (Brumpt,1912)<br />

@ in alimentary canal of Box salpa<br />

S France<br />

Retortamonas Grassi,1879<br />

Cochlosomidae Tyzzer,1930<br />

@ intestinal bird parasites<br />

* Not strictly marine<br />

TRICHOMONADIDA Kirby,1947<br />

Monocercomonadidae<br />

@ In alimentary tracts of invertebrates & vertebrates<br />

Monocercomonadinae Kirby,1947<br />

Monocercomonas Grassi,1879<br />

= Eutrichomastix Kofoid & Swezy,1915<br />

M. motellae (Alexeieff,1910)<br />

@ in rectum of Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus<br />

Roscoff<br />

M. salpae (Alexeieff,1910)<br />

@ in rectum of Box salpa<br />

Mediterranean<br />

M. molae Noble & Noble,1966<br />

@ endocommensal in hindgut of Mola mola<br />

California<br />

Protrichomonas Alexeieff,1911<br />

P. legeri (Alexeieff,1910) Alexeieff,1911<br />

@ endocommensal in stomach of Box boops<br />

Mediterranean<br />

Trimitus Alexeieff,1910<br />

= Tricercomitus Kirby,1931<br />

T. motellae Alexeieff,1910<br />

@ in rectum of Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus<br />

Roscoff<br />

Chilomitinae<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Hypotrichomonadinae<br />

@ in land tortoises & squamate reptiles<br />

* Not marine<br />

Trichomonadidae Wenyon,1926, em. Grassé,1952<br />

@ In alimentary tracts of invertebrates & vertebrates<br />

Trichomonadinae Chalmers & Pekkola,1917<br />

Trichomonas Donné,1837<br />

T. prowazeki Alexeieff,19??<br />

@ Box salpa<br />

Banyuls-sur-mer<br />

Tritrichomonadinae<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Trichomitopsiinae<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Pentatrichomonoidinae<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Devescovinidae Kirby,1931<br />

@ In hindgut of termites<br />

* Not marine<br />

Calonymphidae Grassi,1911<br />

@ In hindgut of termites<br />

* Not marine<br />

OXYMONADIDA Grassé, in Grassé,1952<br />

Polymastigidae Bütschli,1884<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Pyrsonymphidae Grassi,1892<br />

* Not marine?<br />

Oxymonadidae Kirby,1928<br />

@ Insect endosymbionts<br />

* Not marine<br />



Turbomonas Prowse,1962<br />

* <strong>Marine</strong>. Which family?<br />

Hexamitidae<br />

Gyromonas Seligo,1886<br />

Hexamita Dujardin,1838<br />

= Hexamitus Bütschli,1878 = Urophagus Klebs,1892<br />

H. inflata Dujardin,1841<br />

* a brackish water saprobiote<br />

Marennes (France)<br />

H. nelsoni Schlicht & Mackin,1968<br />

@ held responsible for "pit disease" in Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea spp., Ostrea lurida<br />

USA, Netherlands<br />

H. bovis Lavier,1936<br />

@ Box boops<br />

Mediterranean<br />

H. motellae Lavier,1936<br />

@ Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus<br />

Mediterranean<br />

H. salmonis (Moore,1923) Kulda & Lom,1964<br />

@ causes heavy epizootics in freshwater salmonid cultures<br />

?<br />

Octomitus von Prowazek,1904<br />

* Correct family & order?<br />

O. motellae Alexeieff,1910<br />

@ in rectum of Ciliata mustela & Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus<br />

Roscoff<br />

Trigonomonas Klebs,1892<br />

Treptomonas Dujardin,1841<br />

(RHIZOMASTIGIDA Doflein)<br />

* Artificial order from which included taxa has gone to different other groups.<br />

HYPERMASTIGIDA Grassi & Foa<br />

Joeniidae Janicki,1915<br />

@ termite symbionts<br />

* Not marine<br />

Lophomonadidae Kent,1880<br />

@ cockroach symbionts<br />

* Not marine<br />

Rhizonymphidae Grassé & Hollande,1951<br />

@ termite symbionts<br />


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