South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL


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P. calceolata van der Veer,1976<br />

Tamar estuary<br />

P. virescens Billard,1976<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

P. ennorea van der Veer & Leewis,1977<br />

England<br />

Diacronema Prauser,1958, emend. Green & Hibberd,1977<br />

D. vlkianum Prauser,1958, emend. Green & Hibberd,1977 ()<br />

Isle of Wight<br />

Exanthemachrysis Lepailleur,1970<br />

= Pavlova Butcher (p.p.)<br />

E. gayralae Lepailleur,1970 ()<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />


= PRYMNESIALES (Fritsch) Papenfuss,1955<br />

Those families previously placed in the order ISOCHRYSIDALES Pascher,1910 by Parke & Green (in Parke &<br />

Dixon,1976)<br />

Isochrysidaceae Parke,1949<br />

Isochrysis Parke,1949<br />

I. galbana Parke,1949 (), emend. Green & Pienaar,1977<br />

Isle of Man fish pond<br />

I. litoralis Billard & Gayral,1972<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Chrysotila Anand,1937, emend. Green & Parke,1975<br />

* Benthic genus<br />

C. lamellosa Anand,1937 emend. Green & Parke,1975<br />

= Isochrysis maritima Billard & Gayral,1972<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. stipitata Anand,1937 emend. Green & Parke,1975<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Imantonia Reynolds,1974<br />

I. rotunda Reynolds,1974 (), emend. Green & Pienaar,1977<br />

S Kattegatt, Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Dicrateria Parke,1949<br />

D. gilva Parke,1949<br />

Oslofjord, Plymouth<br />

D. inornata Parke,1949 (), emend. Green & Pienaar,1977<br />

Oslofjord, S, W & N Norway, Bjørnøya, Plymouth, Wales<br />

Apistonema Pascher,1925<br />

* Benthic genus. Correct family? According to Jordan & Green,1994 does Pleurochrysis spp. have<br />

"Apistonema "-stages in their life cycle, so the taxonomic position of this genus is in doubt and no longer used<br />

within the classification of extant Haptophyta.<br />

A. pyrenigerum Pascher,1931<br />

@ Phragmites & Cladophora<br />

Öregrund, SW Kattegatt, E North Sea<br />

A. aestuarii Magne,19<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

A. carterae Anand,1937<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

A. submarinum Dang.,19<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Chrysonema Anand,1937<br />

* Not included in Chrétiennot-Dinet,1990. Correct family? Genus of uncertainaffinity according to Jordan &<br />

Green,1994<br />

C. litorale Anand,1937<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Noelaerhabdaceae Jerkovic,1970<br />

Emiliania Hay & Mohler, in Hay, Mohler, Roth, Schmidt & Boudreaux.,1967<br />

E. huxleyi (Lohmann,1902) Hay & Mohler, in Hay, Mohler, Roth, Schmidt & Boudreaux.,1967 ()<br />

= Pontosphaera huxleyi Lohmann,1902<br />

= Coccolithus huxleyi (Lohmann,1902) Kamptner,1943<br />

= Gephyrocapsa huxleyi (Lohmann,1902) Reinhardt,1972<br />

Tvärminne, Kieler Bucht, Öresund, Kattegatt, Skagerrak, all Norway, Plymouth, all oceans except Polar &<br />

Antarctic seas<br />

Gephyrocapsa Kamptner,1943<br />

G. oceanica Kamptner,1943 ()<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

G. kamptneri Deflandre & Fert,1954<br />

* Not mentioned in Jordan & Green,1994<br />

Faeroe-Shetland area, Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Reticulofenestra Hay, Mohler, Roth, Schmidt & Boudreaux,1967, emend. Gallagher,1989<br />

= Crenalithus Roth,1973<br />

Those families previously placed in the order PRYMNESIALES by Parke & Greene (in Parke & Dixon,1976)<br />

Phaeocystaceae Lagerheim,1896<br />

Phaeocystis Lagerheim,1893<br />

P. pouchetii (Hariot, in Pouchet,1892) Lagerheim,1893 ()<br />

= Tetraspora pouchetii Hariot, in Pouchet,1892<br />

?= P. amoeboidea Büttner,1910 ?= P. sphaeroides Büttner,1910<br />

* The two species described by Büttner from Kieler Bucht have not been recorded since their description.<br />

Central & W Baltic, Belt Sea, Öresund, Kattegatt, Limfjorden, Skagerrak, Oslofjord, Bergen, North Sea<br />

P. globosa Scherffel,1899<br />

?<br />

Prymnesiaceae Conrad,1926 = Prymnesiidae Conrad,1926<br />

20<br />

* Zooxanthellae of three acantarians, Amphilonche elongata, Lithoptera muelleri & Acanthometra pellucida have<br />

been identified as belonging to this family (Febvre & Febvre-Chevalier,1979).<br />

Prymnesium Massart,1920<br />

P. annuliferum Billard,1983<br />

?<br />

P. gladiociliatum (Büttner,1910) Jordan & Green,1994<br />

= Wysotzkia gladiociliata Büttner,1910<br />

* In need of detailed re-examination according to Jordan & Green,1994<br />

Kieler Bucht<br />

P. parvum Carter,1937<br />

* Toxic to fish.<br />

S Baltic, Belt Sea, Limfjorden, S & central Kattegatt, Oslofjord, S & N Norway, E North Sea, Netherlands, Engl.<br />

Channel, Massachusetts<br />

P. patelliferum Green, Hibberd & Pienaar,1982<br />

* Probably toxic to fish. Not distinguishable from P. parvum in light microscope (differs by scale morphology).<br />

Baltic, cosmopolitan<br />

P. saltans Massart, ex Conrad,1926 ()<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

P. minutum N. Carter,1937<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

P. zebrinum Billard,1983<br />

?<br />

Chrysochromulina Lackey,1939 ( C parva Lackey, emend. Parke & al.,1972 - fresh water)<br />

= Chrysocampanula Fournier,1971<br />

C. acantha Leadbeater & Manton,1971<br />

Kattegatt, Bergen, E North Sea, Plymouth<br />

C. alifera Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1956<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen, Plymouth<br />

C. apheles Moestrup & Tangen,1986<br />

S Kattegatt<br />

C. bergenensis Leadbeater,1972<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen, E North Sea<br />

C. birgeri Hällfors & Niemi,1974<br />

Gulf of Finland<br />

C. brachycylindra Hällfors & Thomsen,1986<br />

Finland, S Kattegatt, S Norway<br />

C. brevifilum Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1956<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen, off SW Britain<br />

C. camella Leadbeater & Manton,1969<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. campanulifera Manton & Leadbeater,1974<br />

N Kattegatt, E North Sea<br />

C. chiton Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1958<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen, Plymouth<br />

C. cyathophora Thomsen,1979<br />

* Warm water species.<br />

W Baltic, Belt Sea, SW Kattegatt<br />

C. cymbium Leadbeater & Manton,1969<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen, Plymouth<br />

C. elegans Estep, Davis, Hargraves & Sieburth,1984<br />

N Atlantic<br />

C. ephippium Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1956<br />

N Kattegatt, Oslofjord, Bergen, E North Sea, Plymouth, New Zealand<br />

C. ericina Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1956<br />

Finland, W Baltic, Öresund, Belt Sea, Kattegatt, Limfjorden, Oslofjord, S & W Norway, Bjørnøya, Plymouth,<br />

Mediterranean<br />

C. fragilis Leadbeater,1972<br />

?N Kattegatt, Bergen, Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. herdlensis Leadbeater,1972<br />

N Kattegatt, E North Sea, Bergen<br />

C. hirta Manton,1978<br />

Finland, W Baltic,Öresund, Belt Sea, Kattegatt, S Norway, Greenland<br />

C. kappa Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1955<br />

Oslofjord, Bergen, Bjørnøya, Isle of Man, Irish Sea, off S England, New Zealand<br />

C. leadbeateri Estep, Davis, Hargraves & Sieburth,1984<br />

Norwegian W coast<br />

C. mactra Manton,1972<br />

= C. IIIb : Throndsen,1969<br />

Denmark, S, W & N Norway, Britain, Mediterranean<br />

C. mantoniae Leadbeater,1972<br />

Gulf of Finland, W Baltic, Öresund, Belt Sea, Kattegatt, Bergen, Greenland, Mediterranean<br />

C. megacylindra Leadbeater,1972<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen<br />

C. microcylindra Leadbeater,1972<br />

N Kattegatt, Bergen<br />

C. minor Parke & Manton, in Parke, Manton & Clarke,1955<br />

Baltic (>4 ppt S), SW Kattegatt, Oslofjord, Bergen, off SW England<br />

C. pachycylindra Manton, Oates & Course,1981<br />

Engl. Channel<br />

C. parkeae Green & Leadbeater,1972<br />

W Baltic, Belt Sea, Kattegatt, Limfjorden, Bergen, Plymouth<br />

C. pelagica Estep, Davis, Hargraves & Sieburth,1984<br />

N Atlantic<br />

C. polylepis Manton & Parke,1962<br />

* Toxic to fish & invertebrates.

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