South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL

South Scandinavian Marine Protoctista PROTOCTISTA ... - TMBL


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Gulf of Naples<br />

Trypanodinium Chatton,1912<br />

@ Copepod eggs<br />

T. ovicola Chatton,1912 ()<br />

@ intracytoplasmic in eggs of Oncaea media Giesbrecht, Oithona spp., Clytemnestra spp.<br />

S France<br />

Cochlosyndinium Chatton,19??<br />

@ Coryceus<br />

DOUBTFUL DINOFLAGELLATES (sensu Sournia,1986)<br />

Archaeosphaerodiniopsis Rampi,1943<br />

Dinoasteromonas Bursa,1971<br />

Dinoceras Schiller,1931<br />

Goniodinium Dangeard,1927<br />

Melanodinium Schiller,1935<br />

Nephrodinium Meunier,1910<br />

Pachydinium Pavillard,1915<br />

Pseudoactiniscus Bursa,1969<br />

Thaurilens Pavillard,1917<br />

Atelodinium Chatton,1920<br />

A. microsporum Chatton,1920<br />

@ coelom parasite of Paracalanus<br />

Banyuls-sur-mer<br />

A. parasiticum Chatton,1920<br />

@ coelom parasite of Paracalanus<br />

Banyuls-sur-mer<br />


= CHRYSOPHYCEAE Christensen,1962, non Pascher,1914<br />

* All Pankow,1990 included & all Parke & Green, in Parke & Dixon,1976 included.<br />

This taxon belongs to the informal group Straminopiles Patterson,1989.<br />

Bordnamonas Larsen & Patterson,1990<br />

* Correct order? Which suborder & family?<br />

B. tropicana Larsen & Patterson,1990 ()<br />

Tvärminne, Denmark, Wadden Sea, England, Ireland, N Atlantic, Belize, Panama, Brazil, Fiji, Australia<br />

Palisporomonadidae de Saedeleer,1946<br />

* Correct order? Which suborder?<br />

Palisporomonas de Saedeleer,1946<br />

P. apodinium de Saedeleer,1946<br />

@ the diatoms Actinocyclus subtilis, Striatella sp. & Licmophora sp.<br />

Mediterranean<br />


= OCHROMONADALES Pascher,1910<br />

Ochromonadaceae Lemmermann,1899<br />

Dendromonas Stein,18??<br />

= Monadodendron Pascher,1942<br />

D. latypes (Valkanov,19??) Preisig, Vørs & Hällfors, in Patterson & Larsen,1992<br />

= Monadodendron latypes Valkanov,1970<br />

* Brackish water<br />

?<br />

Ochromonas Vysotskii,1887 ( O. triangulata Vysotskii,1887 - fresh water)<br />

= Chromophyton Woronin<br />

O. olivacea Büttner,1911<br />

Kieler Bucht<br />

O. minima Throndsen,1969<br />

Oslofjord, Bergen, Tromsö<br />

O. bourrellyi Magne,19??<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

O. cosmopolita Ruinen,19??<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

O. crenata Klebs,1???<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

O. minuscula Conrad,19??<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

O. oblonga Carter,19??<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Uroglena Ehrenberg,1835<br />

= Uroglenopsis Lemmermann<br />

U. americana Calkins,1892<br />

* Warm water species.<br />

Bothnian Bay & Sea, Gulf of Finland, N Baltic<br />

U. volvox Ehrenberg,1835 ()<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Gulf of Finland<br />

U. marina Büttner,1911<br />

* Possibly identical with U. volvox Ehrenberg, sensu Huber-Pestalozzi,1941.<br />

Kieler Bucht<br />

Anthophysa Bory de St. Vincent,1823<br />

* Not mentioned in Chrétiennot-Dinet,1990<br />

A. vegetans (O.F. Müller,1786) von Stein,1878<br />

= Volvox vegetans O.F. Müller,1786<br />

Gulf of Finland, German Baltic<br />

Boekloevia Nicolai & Baas-Becking,1935<br />

B. gallica Bourrelly,19<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

B. hooglandii Nicolai & Baas-Becking,1935 ()<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Chrysobotriella Strand,1926<br />

C. spondylomorum (Conrad,1926) Strand,1926 ()<br />

Belgium, Britain<br />

Entodesmis Borzi,1892<br />

* Not mentioned in Chrétiennot-Dinet,1990<br />

E. litoralis (Anand,1937) Parke & Green, in Parke & Dixon,1976<br />

= Gloeochrysis litoralis Anand,1937<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

E. maritima (Anand,1937) Parke & Green, in Parke & Dixon,1976<br />

= Gloeochrysis maritima Anand,1937<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Monas O.F. Müller,1773<br />

= Spumella Cienkowski,1870 (Suggestion about proposal for name conservation from Preisig, Vørs &<br />

Hällfors,1992, in Patterson & Larsen) ( Spumella vulgaris Cienkowski,1870 - fresh water)<br />

M. uniguttata Skuja,1939<br />

Finland<br />

M. dangeardii Lemmermann,19??<br />

Plymouth<br />

M. sociabile Meyer,1???<br />

Plymouth<br />

Chromulinaceae Engler, in Engler & Prantl,1900<br />

Chromulina Cienkowski,1870 ( C. nebulosa Cienkowski,1870 - fresh water)<br />

C. pleiades Parke,1949<br />

Isle of Man<br />

C. lunaris Carter,19<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. ovalis Klebs,18<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. pallida Perty<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

C. parvula Conrad,19<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Oikomonas Kent,1880 ( O. mutabilis Kent,1880-82? - fresh water)<br />

* Colourless<br />

O. termo (O.F. Müller,1773) Kent,1880-82<br />

= Monas termo O.F. Müller,1773<br />

* Fresh, Brackish & <strong>Marine</strong> waters<br />

Plymouth<br />

Sphaleromantis Pascher,1910 ( S. ochracea Pascher,1910)<br />

S. subsalsus Conrad,19<br />

* Systematic position uncertain.<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

S. marina Pienaar,19<br />

E North Sea<br />

Chrysapsis Pascher,1910 ( C. fenestrata Pascher,1910 - fresh water)<br />

= Pascherella Conrad,1926<br />

C. yserensis (Conrad,1926?)<br />

= Pascherella yserensis Conrad,1926?<br />

Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

Dinobryonaceae Ehrenberg,1834<br />

Codonoeca James-Clark,1867<br />

C. costata James-Clark,1867 ()<br />

* <strong>Marine</strong> species<br />

?<br />

Dinobryon Ehrenberg,1835<br />

D. petiolatum Willén,1963<br />

* Warm water species.<br />

All Baltic, Öresund, Kattegatt, Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

D. suecicum Lemmermann,1904<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Gulf of Finland, Bothnian Bay, S Norway<br />

D. bavaricum Imhof,1890<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Gulf of Finland, Bothnian Bay & Sea<br />

D. divergens Imhof,1890<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Bothnian Bay & Sea, Gulf of Finland, German Baltic, Öresund, N Kattegatt<br />

D. sociale Ehrenberg,1832<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Gulf of Finland, German Baltic<br />

D. sertularia Ehrenberg,1835 ()<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Gulf of Finland, Lübeck<br />

D. balticum (Schütt,1896) Lemmermann,1900<br />

= Dinodendron balticum Schütt,1896<br />

= Dinobryon pellucidum Levander,1???<br />

All Baltic, Öresund, Kattegatt, Skagerrak, Parke & Dixon,1976 area<br />

D. cylindricum Imhof,1890<br />

* Freshwater species, which does not tolerate the full salinity of the area.<br />

Bothnian Bay<br />

Ollicola Vørs,1992<br />

= Calycomonas : Auctt., non Lohmann,1908<br />


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