United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr


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70 ·POPULATION.<br />

I<br />

No. 47.-Nu~mEn of CRIMINAL OFFENDERS ColUllTTED for Tnu.y,, CONVICTED,<br />

nnd AcQUJTTEp.-<br />

YEAUS.<br />

.<br />

Coxx.tTTBl> l'OR TRIA.L.<br />

I ACQU>UED,<br />

,, e.xclwlvo<br />

CO?i'IICTID. of Persons found<br />

Males. Femafos. TOTAL. and detain(' 4,635 3,MS l,IHO<br />

lS-18 3,"90 1,410 4,009 3,CS9 1,100<br />

1849 3~ 1,123 4,357 3,2i .. 1,003<br />

18:-.o 3,301 1,107 4,-ll>S :J,$1)3 1,051<br />

1851 2,892 1,1()\) 4,C.<br />

l.S«l H,2M 4,2$8 18,~2 .S,639 {),$22<br />

1Sl7 23,552 7,65i 31,209 15,233 15,{):,2<br />

1843 2!l,765 tl,757 ~22 18,200 20,2$6<br />

1849 31,M-O 10,~ill 41,959 21,202 20,767<br />

1850 22,~ s.~i.i: 31,326 17,lOS H,21)3<br />

1851 li.3-'7 7..347 24,G-Si 1-l,S'i7 10,2SS<br />

-l~li2 12,4.ii 5,2M l'i,()78 1(),4:.i 7,200<br />

18S3 10,261) 4,SSl 15,144 S,'iH 6,300<br />

185-i 7,'~37 3,S!il 11,'iSS 7,0Sl 4,711<br />

155:> IJ,010 2,003 9,012 11,220 I 3,771<br />

lS!iG S,097 2,002 7,099 4,02-J. 3,006<br />

1&7 1>,.£SS 1,752 'i,210 3,lr'-5 3,2i3<br />

1858 •,708 1,GOO 0,308 3,SW 2,WO<br />

1859 4,4-02 1,4-03 tl,SG!i 2,735 3,100<br />

1800 3.006 1,300 ~.386 2,000 2,.'!93<br />

-<br />

Note.-Tho dccrcl\SG in tho Number of Persons committed !or Trial in I~ni:lnnd nnd Wales, sluce 1555, is<br />

partly to bu 11ttributcd to the 011crntlon of tllo Crlminal"Justlco ;\et otlSM, which authorbe.risouerw, lnstCAd er committing for 'l'rlru to the Sessions.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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