United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1846-1860_No8_ocr


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68 POPULATIQN.<br />

So. 42 . ...;..ToTAL-P9PULAT~ON 1 ,an~ ;t)rn~ns, DEAT~s, an~ ~f.A:nnIAGES in EMQL~D<br />

arid WALES. ,-<br />

-- . --<br />

YEAJIS. , EBTilU.TKD lhll.TlIS, Dl!.A.TllS. Mn~u.0118.<br />

J.>Ol'ULATIOlf,•<br />

. , _:_<br />

-<br />

·-<br />

18-l6 16,9'25,()()() 1172,6211 390,3111<br />

'.i~r.M<br />

1~7 17,132,000 53~.116!1 4:23,8(» 136;~<br />

18'8 ~ 17,MO.~: ~.Q50 399,800 lsS,231)<br />

18-W 17,532,000 • ':178,159<br />

1850 17,766,000 1!93,C2<br />

"°,8:13<br />

368,986<br />

~'~,883-<br />

152,738<br />

~l , .17,983,000 6111,W 395,17-t. lM,200<br />

'<br />

1852 • 18,2()1),0()() llU,171 407,llSS l~,4311<br />

1853 lS,403,000 612,391 Cl,W7 lGl,.'120<br />

lSM 18,618,000 l!M,:IOO 438,239 159,34:)<br />

lSM 18,787,000 C$,123 •C6,2.\2 151,77'<br />

taro<br />

19,(}l!>,()()()<br />

657(.M 391,.'IOO 159,~<br />

1857 19,3(15,()()() '<br />

.~.071 ·Ull,SUi 159,007<br />

l&.S 10,wl,000 &5,-681 4-'9,IJM 156,070<br />

1859 19,7"6,QOO ~9,881 4-U,790 lG'f,72.'J<br />

1800 19,995,000 083~430- -i22,ll00 169,600<br />

~ '. ~<br />

• Estimated for ilio Mlddlo or tho Year; and including Anny,]ia\'Y, and Merchant Seamen at llome, belonging<br />

' · - to England and w"alell. · · · ·<br />

Nold.-Tho results t'or 1800 In tbo above TabliJ :i~ derived trom th9 Quarterly rw:tums 'furnished to tbo Registnr•<br />

General, and aro subject to rcvlalon when the Annual Ablltraclll aro complokd 1 Ii la not probable, however, t.ha\<br />

the numbers will bo materially atr~· · · - ·<br />

No. 43.--·rou~ POPU4,TiOM, and B1~::i;~~' DE~T~S, nnd lbnntAGES j~ ScOTLA.."\D.<br />

~<br />

Ys.US. , EsTIXATED<br />

PoPUL.&.TlON.•<br />

niains. Durns. M.1.nuo:r.:11.<br />

I<br />

lSM 3,001,200 9?,599 62,2'!1 19,G'J()<br />

lSM 3,()33,177 101,7'8 ~.456 20,487<br />

1857 3,M&,.'166 103,6".A (ll,\!2ll 21,3H<br />

18.'JS 3,(f.l;j,SiO 11~•.l{l~ ~,532 19,003<br />

18!19 3,123,17-' 1~7:S2 Ol,7M 21,127<br />

1800 S,152,478<br />

. --<br />

lO!l,701 e8,0M 21,118<br />

• E~tilll,!'tcd for tho lliddlu ot tho Y car, ~d lncl~~~r;,t ~~: Nu'Y, ~ni.l Merchant Seamen at llcmo ,bclo!lllna<br />

1<br />

No. 44.t-Nu~mER of PAUPE~S (cx~lusive of Vngrants) in REClm>T or REL~EF in·tho<br />

scvcr~l Unions and Paris~1es un.dcr Boards of Guardians, in ENGLAND an~ WALES,<br />

on th~ lst of January in each Ycnr.<br />

Number Adult Ablo-bod.100: All otl1~r :ra~pcrs. Total •.<br />

1°e:lN otUnlons<br />

[lsi Jan.) and<br />

'<br />

Parillhea. In-:cioor. Out-door. Total. Jn-door. O~t-door. Total. In-door. Out-doot. Total.<br />

I-<br />

1Sl9 600 28,12.'l 173,1121 201,M-li 91,252 Ml,523 732,7711 ll9,3iG 515,~ 9M,Ul.l·<br />

1850}<br />

600<br />

{2U51. 1is5,oos 151,169 92,-liOS 668,976 7311,sM llS~ll 801,tie• tl20,M3'<br />

><br />

l~l 23,322 131~!03 15'.~ 87,2-t.S SJl>,l~ 7

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