United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr


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No. 7.-REAL VALUE of the TOTAL lllPORTS and ExPORTR of MERCIIANDISF. into and from the UNITF.D KINGDOM.<br />

.<br />

1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1~63.<br />

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e e e £ £ I! £ e<br />

Importe . . • tu,.W,05.1 lt3,5t!,SllO lft,5M,1Gt 187,sM,Ml l~ '179,182,3115 210,M0,873 217,483,0M l?U,716,9'16 z.t8,980,IM2 Im Ports.<br />

rtuh ...,._ · W.181,796<br />

95,688,085 11~ Ul,OM,101 114',00S,7116 130,411,529 133,891.22' 126,10'2,814 I 23,1)9'l,2'Jj 146,489,768<br />

J rb ... ...,..=<br />

F01'ehm lllld Col~} lS.638,386 !1,~ f;.1,39.1,"'°5 2-.. 108,19' !.1,17... 023 25,281,+16 29,630,124 3-•~.~ il,176,870 40,485,005<br />

Fon-ig11 nnd Col~<br />

Bsport.a Dial • • . BxPorts nial.<br />

Total - ns.m.on 11B,e8l,a00 1~ HG,174,301 139,78%,779 155,~9'15 164,W,351 159,632,408 100,168,IU 195,974,173 Total.<br />

Total ot Imports and Bspon. 188,110,HG ~.w.uo lnt.76',507 [3u.018,7.U 306.W,Sll 3M,876,3.'JO 3'16.05Z.!U 1<br />

m,111,ut. 391,885,110 M4,9115,nG<br />

Total of Import.a aml Exports.<br />

No. 8.-RE.tL v ALUE of TOTAL lxPoRTS from, and of TOTAL ExPonTS to, the various FOREIGN COUNTRIES and BRITISll POSSESSIONS.<br />

(The Exports in this Table include both British, and Foreign and Colonial Produce.)<br />

CoUNTBIES. 1S54. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862.• <strong>1863</strong>. COUNTRIES.<br />

Po:amo!f. e e e e e e e e ll 14 Poaimnr:<br />

Eassia-N'ortbern pmriorts 1,!99,M7 !0.173 t,999,579 t~.lOt s..w.sm 9,6S3,57G 11,0i2,7D8 8,300,G!l 10,328,153 9,!Dl,922 Import&} Russia-Nort'1crn<br />

Ports • Bsports U,487 - S.1~ .. 6!1,5'17 ~G 11,121,n1 .. 009,196 G,321,421 3.2U,465 - E:s.ports Ports.<br />

--,Southern {Imports !,952.741 462,908 1,,562,346 3.G18,4SO S.487,091 3,SM,.'\50 G,118,700 4,462,161 4,712,006 3,127,!68 Imports 1--, Southern<br />

Ports - Export.II 119,552 - Zll,918 353,482 ~lJ8 815,"55 t7'1,osa '"4,059 li09,163 - Exports Poru.<br />

Swodcn and Nor-{Imports 3,m.m 3,ftl,81S 1,979,795 !,7M,313 !,519,224 3,529,659 4,3M,305 3,571,925 3,8M,18\) "463,212 Imports } Sweden and Nor·<br />

way • • Bxportll 1,691,Mt 1,tlt,850 1~061 J,!80,636 1,0ia,886 J.~io 1,571,386 1,7ti0,5t:l l,577~t - Es ports way.<br />

.... •.t• -.m tn,U1 lllH,879 trl'IP,1 818,138 n9.MJ 781,&19 - Bx port.<br />

Denmark (iuclud· pmPorta !,708,188 3,088,979 l,I01,S31 1,n11,520 1,977,9'3 !,5t3,036 !,575,9118 ~ 2.165,6"'1 !,429,lJl3 Imports } Dcmm1trk (lnclud·<br />

Ing lcelaDd) • Bxporta 1189.718 1,0I0,28S ~.(1}1 1,007,180 7~ 1133,400 91G,912 l,HlJllK ,129,flOl! - E:s.port. iog Iceland).<br />

DmishWOltlndies {t= 101,ll5! lM,131 48,G28 aa,G77 9G,G86 lU,822 IMl,997 3'19~ '/G,308 UI0,362 Im1>0rts } DanishW~tiodics.<br />

Pl'ussia - -{~=<br />

9,055,503 lll,2U.86! 4,534,815 6,7U,078 '-107,l;oo 4,755,683 7,513,821 6,440,895 7,8.'13,927 6,231,717 Imports J Prl ·<br />

2.51G.n9 3,116,671 1,G68,623 2,6.17,468 2,61-A,601 2,236.820 2,879,+MJ 4,057,850 3,9118,663 - E:s.1>0rta UISta.<br />

llan0rts All6C wns •<br />

Bolland - pm ports 8.'131,1"1 8,400,93i 7,a:J.4"1 1,203,78G 6,165,2'71 8,71~ 8,256,690 7,692,895 7,863,031 8,660,278<br />

- Bxporta 8,8t3,911 7.J.119,977 8,262,531 8,883.602 8,0W,69'1 S,l!ID,186 9,7GZ,962 10,9811;}.11 10,611,103 -<br />

L~~~ } llollaud.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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