United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr


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EXPORTS.<br />

4.'}<br />

UNIT:ID KINGDOM to various FoUIGN O>UMTRIES and BatTISH PossEss10Ns-Conti11ued.<br />

1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862.<br />

,.:~ I CounJt1B11-Co1tt.<br />

& & .e .e .e .e .e }'OB.ElGN-C\mt•<br />

ll!,8'18 23,'131 26,983 22,261 '1•,149 llli,1'1S l,07G 9,8'18 Ecuador.<br />

.. OM,M'l 5,Ml,'110 3.98U1'1 3,tlllli,'118 .. 4418,776 -i,11112,lGll 3,7311,781 S.llM.li:l'1 Brazil.<br />

391,323 m,002 G22,6'10 OOS,622 922,'133 681,f!Sd ..:13,790 GM.'1-ll Uruguay (Monte Video) .<br />

098,3!9 1,187,006 1.008,819 968,6'17 1,782,+i7 1,383,1129 SM,21S 1,331,138 Argentine Confctlcr:\tion.<br />

1,3118,MO l,M,6'18 1,117.~ 1,•7 .. 800 1,70Z,800 l~W,tlil 9M,M9 1,433,119 Chill.<br />

l,0'8,010 l,ln,866 1,163,11111 8G7,G68 1,381,3:17 J,19i,873 8Z..,GSG l,OZ7,91111 Peru.<br />

1,415,t'18 1,728,8811 1,'l3o,7'1S 2,W,997 2,872,0-ill 3,11.,094 2,02•,llS 2,412,9118 China (cxelW1i\·o of Hrn Conqt or Africa, not pnr·<br />

tlcularly Ul'lllgnatcd.<br />

213,990 300,199 2152,177 M.1,336 326,27G G28,2711 374,SGl 6"'1,914 Other Countries.<br />

--- ------- ----<br />

82,6l!6,ll09 8',911,•19 70,886,299 84,267,1133 92,220,SW 82,Sll':,t37 82,096,9111 9G,ll70,1H Total of Foreign Countrie~.<br />

lln1t1sn l'ossESSiflll'S :<br />

MS,319 839,768 !508,2641 61&,330 ilGG,948 006,08'1 SUt,1118 8('.0,21G Channel Isln11t'11.<br />

866.'79 863,001 862,'128 713,2116 1,1119,313 1,0111,600 000,913 1,267,011 Gibraltar.<br />

Ml,097 tll8,M7 ~006 Bz..,ltO '1M,07S l!M,110 432,731 623,U• Malta.<br />

8111.M' 2113,20Z 337,0011 2&0.~ M&,OM 296,1170 282,.'!~0 405,177 Ionian lslan.ts.<br />

---------- --- North Amo~lona m1 tho Gold Coast.<br />

48,ll80 lll,G'l8 48,398 "3,200 17.77• M,8'11 62,1137 60,023 Poncsslons on the River Gambia.<br />

11111 .... lt8,48G 119,3011 180,860 2111,1123 180,00G 1'10,3116 178,600 Sle~Leono.<br />

'19,0lll 8',177 70,088 169,230 108,1186 76,D77 112,703 116,0'll Other PoPcsslon•.<br />

lml,'1211<br />

- - - - - - - Ports oftho Crimea.<br />

------ ---<br />

as,aoo,ae rt,1~988 40,nt,

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