United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1849-1863_No11_ocr


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QUANTITIES ot Wm:.u and of OTHER Knrns of Gn.uN, and of WHEAT and OTHER KINDS of MEAr. and F1.ova, IHPonTED into tbo ~<br />

UNITED KmGDOM from v ARIOVS CoUNTBIES-Conlinutd.<br />

Commuu.<br />

Cotnmltu.<br />

<strong>1849</strong>. 1850, ~I 1852. ~ ~ ~ 1856. 1857. 1858. , 1859. ~ 1es1. _186_"_1-_18_&_•·-1-------i<br />

~ ~ --- ~ --~ ------<br />

.... Nor&h•Porte uo.trr ll3,llOS 610,088 MS,'181 eM,130 1118M7 • • S!I0,8.11 966,!78 M:S,77• l,Of0,407 l,l'I0,2113 ees,100 '78.IH NI.I• au.ia,Worth•Porta.<br />

- Soa&h• Part. m.ns •.IOO Ja.us -~ lt.0'10,c •Ml • • m,an ft,..... f1.ns.- lt.aa$t i.-.• 1.-.-11 .... t.1t1,t• - lau&h• Port.I.<br />

BW'ellea • • ms.aes US.486 w,aes •• ll!0,937 235,!31 "'9,801 218,SM m.m 40l,218 m.- 'l•'llM m.o.m 1110.70'1 -.- Sweden.<br />

~ an.!1 ~J l,S10.730 p,077.sti N!,919 770,190 NG,10& 8'1t,371 fl,tu.t'1 ..,._ 986,137 887,.11)1 t.olt,H8 lt'T,881 805,0U '181,IM l.oe'l .. 71 {~ lllMI the<br />

'<br />

P1U1ia • • 1-.- l,M0,811 lll0,1118 111tM8 lt.t7e.at 'liG,781 t01,8'1S 151,tlO 1,8119,488 tf'l,NO 1,010,'171 t,JM,771 l,AO,en jt.sas,1151 1,'t'7• Pl'Ullla.<br />

BaueTowm • l8l,J18 a&i.88t Utl,8&1 lll!M7 28fM3 390.108 1'10.Ul a&t,MG M5,t07 161,811 1:n,MS .....,o.s a,oH &11,llft9 181,tU lhnle'l'ownl.<br />

°=r !Olli*:} QJ,191 467,&M 1136,889 ll.'S9,'IM 36.1.0711 3&1,61• •11.000 w,e.17 M2,n8 f.08,881 172,.Wl 287,825 f.18,0'lo 193,llO -- { 0 =:;~ (Ot.hcr<br />

BollMcl • • 18!,311 MO,tU 1'9,2G l20,MI l'IOMS !ll0,&111 Ul,101 1815,40.'5 121,tOll 148,8!1 191,M'I 11 .. 461 161,lltO l900,017 Ja.MO Hollabd.<br />

l'nmoe • • '131.UI 778M6 908,016 -- -- 181,9111 M,406 •t.si» 80,001 l,ftt,406 t,'78,UO IHG,121 188,"8 1181,38t 708,8$1 Pnnee.<br />

s,..m • • ~ n.• M.730 9.&tl 7o.ias N.791 ~- 411>,'119 G,089 2!,'1'17 l,tllG ...,_ 101,ic. 1,673 41 Spain.<br />

Italian S&a&es • llOUG 200,908 450,8llO 18.1,0M 118,'148 100,06'1 !ll0.889 !67.US M,08.1 248,005 lt18,4118 lu,336 313,aa ti.3,374 la&,8" Italian St&tes.<br />

w:::1a "· Jlo~} ~!S 211.ao11 cru,u"S 713,874 ees,100 M7,ooo , 23,1118 a.u,m 110,s20 'l&'J,m '103.290 l,311S,870 8115,0.,, 318,MG '-'7.480 {w3!~ 1 • • )(ot.<br />

{Turld1h Dom•, not.<br />

fi!!ienriao. •JM!cl: m,ws !78.mJ ,,..,. 11!,198 1u.~ aes.e11 169.uM ~ Stt,m. 4G3,t8'1 n1,-. -.ns s•.aot 1.-,• 1,460.0ll ~erwlle 1poct..<br />

Turkish Dom•. not}<br />

E§Pt • - m.nr w,oea 9S8.wt 775,823 6"\U6 1588.966 '144.801 808,B63 fn..1M '180.f.62 67'12M •7G$1 &JG,too 1.m,ar.s t,O'Ts,etis Bgypt.<br />

British N. America !8,881 23,9'1 M,405 G0,81G lOCS,'10! Gl,865 27,931 1715,1'18 1'7,618 1118,870 4&,982 &2,3.19 Vft,4189 l,d24,i48 067,1118 BrlU1b N. Amerir.a.<br />

Un1""1 ...... • , ........ 1........ - "'"" 9'7,

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