Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...

Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...

Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...


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<strong>Nomenclatural</strong> <strong>Overview</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lepiotaceous</strong> <strong>Fungi</strong> ~ Else C. Vellinga<br />

~ G ~<br />

margine lacerato; stipite subæquali, quandque basi tumido; mycelio fibroso; sporis<br />

sublimoniformibus. Sporae 1/1500 poll. longae; Ag. campestri proxima, sed latior et<br />

sporis et colore diversa.’]<br />

[synonym <strong>of</strong> Chlorophyllum molybdites]<br />

Agaricus gliodermus Fr., Öfvers. K. Vetensk. Akad. Förh.: 31. 1851; Lepiota glioderma (Fr.)<br />

Gillet, Hyménomycètes: 73. 1874; Limacella glioderma (Fr.) Maire in Bull. trimest. Soc.<br />

mycol. Fr. 40: 294. 1924.<br />

[in Amanitaceae]<br />

Lepiota glischra Morgan in J. Mycol. 12: 203. 1906; Limacella glischra (Morgan) Murrill in<br />

North America Flora 10 (1): 41. 1914. U.S.A., Ohio.<br />

[in Amanitaceae]<br />

Melanophyllum globisporum Baroni in Mycologia 73: 183. 1981; Hymenagaricus globisporus<br />

(Baroni) Heinem. in Bulletin du Jardin botanique national de Belgique 55: 493. 1985<br />

(Nom. illegit., Art. 53.1), non Hymenagaricus globisporus Heinem. & Little Flower,<br />

1984. Pakistan. Type S. Ahmad 704 (FH). {Agaricus}<br />

Xanthagaricus globisporus (Heinem. & Little Flower) Little Flower, Hosag. & T.K. Abraham in<br />

New Botanist 24: 96. 1997; Hymenagaricus globisporus Heinem. & Little Flower in<br />

Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 54: 165. 1984. India, Kerala.<br />

{Agaricus}<br />

Micropsalliota globocystis Heinem. in Bull. Jard. bot. nat. Belg. 50: 57. 1980. {Agaricus}<br />

Macrolepiota globosa Mossebo in Mossebo et al. in Mycotaxon 76: 268. 2000; Chlorophyllum<br />

globosum (Mossebo) Vellinga in Mycotaxon 83: 416. 2002. Cameroon.<br />

Lepiota globularis Quél. in C. r. Ass. franç. Av. Sci. (Besançon, 1893) 22: 485. 1894 (Suppl.<br />

Champ. Jura Vosges 19).<br />

Agaricus golias Speg. in Anales Soc. cient. Argentina 12: 18. 1881; Annularia goliath (Speg.)<br />

Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5: 664. 1887; Lepiota goliath (Speg.) Speg. in An. Mus. nac. Buenos<br />

Aires, Ser. II, 6: 85. ('1898') 1899. (<strong>Fungi</strong> Arg. nov. v. crit.)<br />

Lepiota gomezii Singer in Fieldiana, Bot., n.S. 21: 99-100. 1989.<br />

Rozites gongylophora A.F.H. Møller in Bot. Mitt. Trop. 6: 70. 1893; Leucocoprinus<br />

gongylophorus (A.F.H. Møller) R. Heim in Rev. Mycol., Paris 22: 299. 1957;<br />

Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (A.F.H. Møller) Singer, Agar. mod. Taxon., Ed. 4: 477.<br />

1986.<br />

Lepiota goossensiae Beeli in Bull. Soc. roy. bot. Belg. 59: 108. 1927; Leucoagaricus<br />

goossensiae (Beeli) Heinem. in Bull. Jard. bot. nat. Belg. 43: 10. 1973. Congo.<br />

Lepiota procera var. goossensiae Beeli in Bull. Soc. roy. bot. Belg. 64: 211. 1932; Macrolepiota<br />

gracilenta var. goossensiae (Beeli) Heinem. in Bull. Jard. bot. nat. Belg. 39: 211. 1969<br />

(not validly published, art. 43.1). Congo.<br />

Schulzeria goossensiae Beeli in Bull. Soc. roy. bot. Belg. 59: 75. 1927. Congo.<br />

Macrolepiota gracilenta (Krombh.) Wasser in Ukr. Bot. Zh. 35: 516. 1978; Agaricus gracilentus<br />

Krombh., Nat. Abb. Beschr. Schw. 4: 8, pl. 24. figs. 13-14. 1836; Lepiota gracilenta<br />

(Krombh.) Quél. in Mém. Soc. Émul. Montbéliard, sér. II, 5: 71. 1872 (Champ. Jura<br />

Vosges 1); Macrolepiota gracilenta (Krombh.) M.M. Moser, Blätter-, Bauchpilze, 1.<br />

Aufl.: 114. 1953 (not valid, basionym not mentioned); Lepiota procera f. gracilenta<br />

(Krombh.) Rick in Lilloa 1: 318. 1937; Leucocoprinus gracilentus (Krombh.) Singer in<br />

Collect. Bot. 1: 239. 1937.<br />

[synonym <strong>of</strong> Macrolepiota mastoidea]<br />

Schulzeria gracilenta Beeli in Bull. Soc. roy. bot. Belg. 59: 76. 1927. Congo.<br />


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