Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...

Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...

Nomenclatural Overview of Lepiotaceous Fungi (Agaricaceae ...


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<strong>Nomenclatural</strong> <strong>Overview</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lepiotaceous</strong> <strong>Fungi</strong> ~ Else C. Vellinga<br />

~ S ~<br />

Lepiota sororia Huijsman in Persoonia 1: 326. 1960; Cystolepiota sororia (Huijsman) Singer in<br />

Beih. Sydowia 7: 67. 1973; Cystolepiota seminuda var. sororia (Huijsman) Gminder in<br />

Krieglsteiner (ed.) Die Großpilze Baden-Württembergs 4. Ständerpilze: Blätterpilze II:<br />

443. 2003.<br />

[probably a synonym <strong>of</strong> C. seminuda]<br />

Lepiota spanista Morgan in J. Mycol. 12: 198. 1906. U.S.A., Ohio.<br />

[type study Smith, 1966]<br />

Lepiota speciosa (Trimbach) Trimbach & Augias in Trimbach in Doc. mycol. 18 (72): 50. 1988.<br />

France; Lepiota rhodorhiza var. speciosa Trimbach in Doc. mycol. 5 (20): 45. 1975.<br />

Lepiota spectabilis Clem. in Bot. Survey Nebraska Report 3: 12. 1893. U.S.A., Nebraska.<br />

Lepiota spegazzinii Sacc. & Trotter in Syll. Fung. 21: 21. 1912 (nom. nov. for Lepiota<br />

cinerescens Speg., 1899, non Lepiota cinerascens Quél., 1893).<br />

Lepiota sphaerospora Beeli in Bull. Soc. roy. bot. Belg. 64: 218. 1932. Congo.<br />

Chlorophyllum sphaerosporum Z.W. Ge & Zhu L. Yang in Mycotaxon 96: 187. 2006. China.<br />

Lepiota spheniscispora Vellinga in Mycotaxon 80: 288. 2001. California, U.S.A.<br />

Lepiota spiculata Pegler in Kew Bull. add. Ser. 9: 390. 1983. Martinique.<br />

Heinemannomyces splendidissimus Watling in Belg. J. Bot. 131: 135. (‘1998’) 1999 (as H.<br />

splendidissima). Malaysia. Holotype Watling 26098 (E). {Agaricus}<br />

Agaricus spodolepis Berk. & Broome in J. linn. Soc., Bot. 11: 504. 1871; Lepiota spodolepis<br />

(Berk. & Broome) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5: 60. 1887. Type Thwaites 886 (K). Sri Lanka.<br />

[type study Pegler, 1972; synonym <strong>of</strong> Lepiota carphophylla]<br />

Lepiota spongodes (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5: 62. 1887; Agaricus spongodes Berk.<br />

& Broome in J. linn. Soc., Bot. 11: 506. 1871. Sri Lanka. Holotypus Thwaites 86. –<br />

Agaricus euconiatus Berk. & Broome in J. linn. Soc., Bot. 11: 508. 1871; Lepiota<br />

euconiata (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5: 62. 1887. Holotypus Thwaites 818.<br />

[type study Pegler, 1972]<br />

Lepiota squamatula E. Horak in Sydowia 33: 121. ('1980') 1981. Papua New Guinea.<br />

Schulzeria squamigera Schulzer & Bres. in Bres., Nuov. Gen. Imenom.: 9. 1886. Slavonia.<br />

Leucoagaricus squamosus Heinem. in Bull. Jard. bot. nat. Belg. 43: 11. 1973. Zaïre. Holotype<br />

Congo, Panzi (Kivu) XI.1956, M. Goossens-Fontana 5577 (BR)<br />

Lepiota squamulosa T. Bau & Li Yu in Journal <strong>of</strong> Fungal Research 2 (3): 49-50. 2004. China.<br />

Leucocoprinus squamulosus (Mont.) Pegler in Kew Bull. add. Ser. 9: 418. 1983; Hiatula<br />

squamulosa Mont. in Ann. Sci. nat., Bot., Sér. IV, 1: 107. 1854. Guiana.<br />

Lepiota erythrella subsp. squamulosa Speg. in An. Mus. nac. Buenos Aires, Ser. II, 6: 93.<br />

('1898') 1899. (<strong>Fungi</strong> Arg. nov. v. crit.) Argentina.<br />

Lepiota squarrosa (Weigel : Fr.) Gray, Nat. Arr. Br. Plants 1: 602. 1821; Agaricus squarrosus<br />

Weigel, Observ. bot.: 40. 1772; Agaricus squarrosus Weigel : Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1: 241.<br />

1821; Dryophila squarrosa (Weigel : Fr.) Quél., Enchiridion Fung.: 68. 1886; Pholiota<br />

squarrosa (Weigel : Fr.) P. Kumm., Führ. Pilzk.: 84. 1871.<br />

[not in <strong>Agaricaceae</strong>]<br />

Lepiota excoriata var. squarrosa Maire in Mém. Soc. Scienc. Nat. Maroc 45: 101. 1937; (1928:<br />

37); Macrolepiota excoriata var. squarrosa (Maire) Wasser in Ukr. bot. Jl 35: 516. 1978.<br />

Agaricus osecanus var. squarrosipes (Bon & P. Collin) Nauta in Persoonia 17: 460. 2000;<br />

Agaricus nivescens var. squarrosipes Bon & P. Collin in Bon in Doc. Mycol. 17 (67): 11.<br />

1987. {Agaricus}<br />

Lepiota stata (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso, Syll. Fung. 19: 1088. 1910.<br />

Lepiota steinhausii Penzige, F. Agrum. ???; Lepiota steinhausii (Penzige) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 5:<br />

45. 1887, nom. nov. for Lepiota citri Steinhaus, non Agaricus citri Inzenga. Poland.<br />


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