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V E Taxon Anteil Lage Gef. Bem.<br />

: Viola calcarata L. A0 Lr G∗<br />

Viola canina L. s. l.<br />

: Viola canina subsp. canina L. k<br />

: Viola canina subsp. montana (L.) Hartm. k<br />

!! Viola canina subsp. schultzii (Billot) Kirschl. A1 Lh G1<br />

: Viola collina Besser A0 Lr G∗<br />

? Viola elatior Fr. A0 Lr G?<br />

: Viola epipsila Ledeb. A0 Lr G∗<br />

: Viola hirta L. k<br />

: Viola mirabilis L. k<br />

: Viola odorata L. k<br />

: Viola palustris L. k<br />

? Viola persicifolia Schreb. A0 Lr G?<br />

? Viola pumila Chaix A0 Lr G?<br />

: Viola pyrenaica Ramond ex DC. A0 Lr G∗<br />

Viola reichenbachiana agg.<br />

: Viola reichenbachiana Boreau k<br />

Viola riviniana agg.<br />

: Viola riviniana Rchb. k<br />

: Viola rupestris F. W. Schmidt A0 Lr G∗<br />

: Viola suavis M. Bieb. k<br />

Viola tricolor agg.<br />

: Viola arvensis Murray k<br />

nb Viola arvensis subsp. arvensis Murray<br />

nb Viola arvensis subsp. megalantha Nauenb.<br />

!! Viola calaminaria (Ging.) Lej. s. str. A3 Lz G2 k<br />

!! E Viola guestphalica Nauenb. AE Lz G2<br />

nb Viola kitaibeliana Schult.<br />

Viola tricolor L.<br />

: Viola tricolor subsp. saxatilis (F. W. Schmidt) Arcang. k<br />

Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor L.<br />

nb Viola tricolor var. maritima Schweigg. ex K. G. Hagen<br />

nb Viola tricolor var. polychroma (A. Kern.) Gams<br />

: Viola tricolor var. tricolor L. k<br />

(!) Viola uliginosa Besser A0 Li G?<br />

nb Viola x bavarica Schrank<br />

nb Viola x scabra F. Braun<br />

Viscum album L. s. l.<br />

: Viscum album subsp. abietis (Wiesb.) Janch. A1 Lh G∗<br />

: Viscum album subsp. album L. k<br />

: Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm. k<br />

Vitis vinifera L. s. l.<br />

? Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris (C. C. Gmel.) Hegi A0 Lr G?<br />

: Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera L. k<br />

: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray A1 Lh G∗<br />

: Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel. k<br />

nb Vulpia unilateralis (L.) Stace<br />

: Wahlenbergia he<strong>der</strong>acea (L.) Rchb. A0 Lr G∗<br />

: Willemetia stipitata (Jacq.) Dalla Torre k<br />

: Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimm. A0 Lr G∗<br />

Woodsia ilvensis agg.<br />

? Woodsia alpina (Bolton) Gray A0 Lr G?<br />

? Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. A0 Lr G?<br />

: Woodsia pulchella Bertol. A0 Lr G∗<br />

: X Calammophila baltica (Flüggé ex Schrad.) Brand k<br />

nb X Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn.<br />

Xanthium orientale agg.<br />

: Xanthium albinum (Wid<strong>der</strong>) H. Scholz s. l. k<br />

nb Xanthium albinum subsp. albinum (Wid<strong>der</strong>) H. Scholz<br />

nb Xanthium albinum subsp. riparium (Celak.) Wid<strong>der</strong> & Wagenitz<br />

: Xanthium saccharatum Wallr. k<br />

: Xanthium strumarium L. s. str. A0 Lh G∗<br />

: Zannichellia palustris L. k<br />

nb Zannichellia palustris subsp. palustris L.<br />

nb Zannichellia palustris subsp. pedicellata (Wahlenb. & Rosén) Arcang.<br />

nb Zannichellia palustris subsp. polycarpa (Nolte) K. Richt.<br />

: Zostera marina L. A0 Lr G∗<br />

: Zostera noltii Hornem. A0 Lr G∗

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