4. Installation et montage - Kessel

4. Installation et montage - Kessel

4. Installation et montage - Kessel


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Plant configuration EW 4, EW 6, EW 8 and EW 102. GeneralSampling vesselFeed sensorClear water syphonEmergency overflowExcess sludge syphonFloating switchPipe aerator elementInl<strong>et</strong>Bd kg/d BSB5 Freight/dayQd m 3 /d Sewage inl<strong>et</strong>/dayQ10 m 3 /h Sewage inl<strong>et</strong>//hourVdz m 3 Sewage inl<strong>et</strong>/cycleInl<strong>et</strong>DN 150Coarse particlestrainer andsludge storageAerationSBROutl<strong>et</strong>DN 150VolumesVr, moyen m 3 Medium reactor volume,Vr, max m 3 Maximumreactor volumeVr, min m 3 Minimum reactor volumeVs m 3 Minimum sludge storageVp m 3 Volume of buffer inside the storageVs, ges m 3 Useful volume sludge storageHeightsHr max m Maximum water level AerationHr min m Minimum water level AerationHs m Minimum water level sludge storageHp m Height of the buffer inside the storageHges m Max. water level sludge storagePlastic tank, single tank versionInl<strong>et</strong> Dimensions Volumes Height Surface99

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