4. Installation et montage - Kessel

4. Installation et montage - Kessel 4. Installation et montage - Kessel


10. Warranty1. In the case that a KESSEL product isdefective, KESSEL has the option ofrepairing or replacing the product. Ifthe product remains defective after thesecond attempt to repair or replace theproduct or it is economically unfeasibleto repair or replace the product, the customerhas the right to cancel the order/ contract or reduce payment accordingly.KESSEL must be notified immediatelyin writing of defects in a product.In the case that the defect is not visibleor difficult to detect, KESSEL must benotified immediately in writing of thedefect as soon as it is discovered. If theproduct is repaired or replaced, thenewly repaired or replaced productshall receive a new warranty identicalto that which the original (defective)product was granted. The term defectiveproduct refers only to the productor part needing repair or replacementand not necessarily to the entire productor unit. KESSEL products are warrantedfor a period of 24 month. Thiswarranty period begins on the day theproduct is shipped form KESSEL to itscustomer. The warranty only applies tonewly manufactured products. Additionalinformation can be found in section377 of the HGB.In addition to the standard warranty,KESSEL offers an additional 20 yearwarranty on the polymer bodies ofclass I / II fuel separators, grease separators,inspection chambers, wastewatertreatment systems andrainwater storage tanks. This additionalwarranty applies to the watertightness,usability and structural soundnessof the product.A requirement of this additional warrantyis that the product is properly installedand operated in accordancewith the valid installation and user'smanual as well as the correspondingnorms / regulations.2. Wear and tear on a product will not beconsidered a defect. Problems withproducts resulting from improper installation,handling or maintenance willalso be considered a defect.Note: Only the manufacturer may opensealed components or screw connections.Otherwise, the warranty may becomenull and void01.06.2010128

11. Plant passport and factory approvalArticle: Septic System INNO-CLEAN +Type:___________________________________________________________________________Article-no.:___________________________________________________________________________Serial-number:___________________________________________________________________________Norm: EN 12566 / DIN 4261Volume:___________________________________________________________________________Material:PolyethylenWeight:This unit has been checked for watertightness to be sure that it is fully operational before leaving the factory.DateName of examiner129

10. Warranty1. In the case that a KESSEL product isdefective, KESSEL has the option ofrepairing or replacing the product. Ifthe product remains defective after thesecond attempt to repair or replace theproduct or it is economically unfeasibl<strong>et</strong>o repair or replace the product, the customerhas the right to cancel the order/ contract or reduce payment accordingly.KESSEL must be notified immediatelyin writing of defects in a product.In the case that the defect is not visibleor difficult to d<strong>et</strong>ect, KESSEL must benotified immediately in writing of thedefect as soon as it is discovered. If theproduct is repaired or replaced, thenewly repaired or replaced productshall receive a new warranty identicalto that which the original (defective)product was granted. The term defectiveproduct refers only to the productor part needing repair or replacementand not necessarily to the entire productor unit. KESSEL products are warrantedfor a period of 24 month. Thiswarranty period begins on the day theproduct is shipped form KESSEL to itscustomer. The warranty only applies tonewly manufactured products. Additionalinformation can be found in section377 of the HGB.In addition to the standard warranty,KESSEL offers an additional 20 yearwarranty on the polymer bodies ofclass I / II fuel separators, grease separators,inspection chambers, wastewatertreatment systems andrainwater storage tanks. This additionalwarranty applies to the watertightness,usability and structural soundnessof the product.A requirement of this additional warrantyis that the product is properly installedand operated in accordancewith the valid installation and user'smanual as well as the correspondingnorms / regulations.2. Wear and tear on a product will not beconsidered a defect. Problems withproducts resulting from improper installation,handling or maintenance willalso be considered a defect.Note: Only the manufacturer may opensealed components or screw connections.Otherwise, the warranty may becomenull and void01.06.2010128

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