Bradleya Vol. 1-27.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol. 1-27.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol. 1-27.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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17: 1-26. 1999. Salm-Dyck’s cactus paintings.18: 1. 2000. Editorial.18: 40. Salm-Dyck’s cactus paintings – A postscript.25: 6-7. 2007. A grandstand view: 1983 to 2007.27: 3-12. 2009. Charles Darwin’s succulent plants.Russo, Lucio19: 67-74. 2001. A mission in life: Thomas Hanbury and his garden at La Mortola,Italy.Russo, Lucio, & Moggi, Guido22: 37-42. 2004. Emilio Chiovenda and his contribution to the knowledge of EastAfrican succulent plants, with a selected bibliography.Rust, S., Bruckmann, C., & Hartmann20: 121-147. 2002. The flowers of Drosanthemum Schwantes (Ruschioideae,Aizoaceae).Santos, Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos, & Watanabe, Hiroko Makino15: 84-97. 1997. Pollen morphology of some Cactaceae of north-eastern Brazil.Santos-Díaz, María del Socorro, Elizalde-Rodríguez, Carlos, & Santos-Díaz,María de Lourdes24: 83-88. 2006. Effect of coconut water, darkness and auxins on morphogenesis ofAriocarpus kotschoubeyanus (Cactaceae).Santos-Díaz, María del Socorro, Méndez-Ontiveros, Ricardo, Arredondo-Gómez, & Santos-Díaz, María de Lourdes21: 7-12. 2003. Clonal propagation of Turbinicarpus laui Glass & Foster, a cactusthreatened with extinction.Schlegel, Urs27: 129-138. 2009. The composite structure of cactus spines.Schlindwein, Clemens, & Wittmann, Dieter13: 25-34. 1995. Specialized solitary bees as effective pollinators of South Brazilianspecies of Notocactus and Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae).Scott, C. L.12: 103-104. 1994. A new species of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae) – H. pringlei.13: 80-81. 1995. A new species of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae) – H. joeyae.14: 87-88. 1996. A new species of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae) – H. venusta.Smith, Gideon F.21: 25-28. 2003. Aloe craibii Gideon F.Sm. (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae): a newspecies of grass aloe from the Barberton Centre of Endemism, Mpumalanga, SouthAfrica.Smith, Gideon F. & Crouch, Neil R.19: 55-58. 2001. A broader taxonomic concept of Aloe greatheadii var. davyana, awidespread and common maculate from southern Africa.19: 117-120. 2001. Haworthia limifolia var. arcana (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae): anew variety from eastern South Africa.Smith, Gideon F., Crouch, Neil R., & Steyn, Elsie M. A.21: 21-24. 2003. Notes on the distribution and ethnobotany of Kalanchoe paniculata(Crassulaceae) in southern Africa.Smith, Gideon F. & Figueiredo, Estrela27: 165-167. 2009. Aloe arborescens Mill. (Asphodelaceae) is spreading in Portugal.Smith, Gideon F. & Klopper, Ronell R.25: 193-195. 2007. Naturalised species of Agave L. (Agavaceae) in the Cape FloristicRegion, South Africa.

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