Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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19: 19-54. 2001. The Turbinicarpus mandragora complex.22: 85-130. 2004. Another look at the pachypodiums of Madagascar.Machado, Marlon26: 1-18. 2008. What is the role of hybridization in the evolution of the Cactaceae?Machado, Marlon, & Taylor, Nigel21: 13-16. 2003. A new subspecies of Tacinga inamoena (Cactaceae) from easternBrazil.Machado, Marlon, Zappi, Daniela C., Taylor, Nigel P., & Borba, Eduardo L.23: 41-56. 2005. Taxonomy and conservation of the Discocactus Pfeiff. (Cactaceae)species occurring in the state of Bahia, Brazil.Martínez-Avalos, J. G., & Glass, C.15: 73-76. 1997. Mammillaria giselae J.G.Martínez-Avalos & C.Glass, sp. nov. Unanueva especie para Tamaulipas, México.Maruri Aguilar, Beatriz, Sánchez Martínez, Emiliano, & Golubov Figueroa,Jordan30: 111-126. 2012. In situ analysis of the current conservation status of Mammillariaherrerae Werderm. in the southern Chihuahuan desert.McMillan, A. J. S.8: 48-52. 1990. Plants described as Schlumbergera russelliana.Mashope, Barbara K., Herselman, Liezel, & Labuschagne, Maryke T.29: 103-114. 2011. Genetic diversity among South American cactus pear genebankaccessions using AFLP markers.Mauseth, James D.7: 1-12. 1989. Comparative structure-function studies within a strongly dimorphicplant, Melocactus intortus (Cactaceae).14: 66-81. 1996. Comparative anatomy of tribes Cereeae and Browningieae(Cactaceae).17: 27-37. 1999. Comparative anatomy of Espostoa, Pseudoespostoa,Thrixanthocereus and Vatricania (Cactaceae).22: 131-140. 2004. Cacti and other succulents: stemanatomy of “other succulents”has little in common with that of cacti.24: 73-82. 2006. Blossfeldia lacks cortical bundles and persistent epidermis; is itbasal within Cactoideae?24: 93-106. 2006. Wood in the cactus subfamily Opuntioideae has extremely diversestructure.Mauseth, James D. & Ross, Robert G.6: 49-64. 1988. Systematic anatomy of the primitive cereoid cactus Leptocereusquadricostatus.Mauseth, James D., Terrazas, T., & Loza-Cornejo, Sofia16: 31-43. 1998. Anatomy of relictual members of subfamily Cactoideae, IOS Group1a (Cactaceae).Melo-de-Pinna, Gladys Flávia, Arruda, Emilia, & Abreu, Deusa Deise24: 53-60. 2006. Wide-band tracheids in Brazilian cacti.Menezes, Marcelo O. T., Taylor, Nigel P., Machado, Marlon C., Coelho, Paulo J.A., & Correia, Diva29: 13-42. 2011. Diversity and distribution of Cactaceae in Ceará state, north-easternBrazil.Menezes, Marcelo O. T., Taylor, Nigel P., & Castro, Antônio S. F.30: 151-154. 2012. New disjunct record of Melocactus violaceus in Ceará, northeasternBrazil.

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