Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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Klopper, Ronell R., Smith, Gideon F., & van Wyk, Abraham E.31: 157-158. 2013. The correct name of Aloe plicatilis, the fan aloe, in the genusKumara (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae), again.Klopper, R. R., Zietsman, P. C., Preez, P. J. du, & Smith, G. F.28: 37-38. 2010. A first record of a South African aloe, Aloe spectabilis, becomingnaturalized elsewhere in the country.Krogstrup, Peter, Find, Jens I., Kristensen, Michel M. H., & Damgaard, Jørgen24: 61-65. 2006. Micropropagation of Adenia goetzei Harms, an attractivecaudiciform form Central Africa.Lavranos, John J., & McCoy, Tom A.25: 9-16. 2007. The identity of Aloe steudneri Schweinfurth and a new species, Aloeneosteudneri, from Mt. Saber, Eritrea.Lavranos, John J., Rakouth, Bakolimalala, & McCoy, Tom A.25: 17-20. 2007. Aloe argyrostachys, a beautiful new species from the mountains ofcentral Madagascar.Lawant, Pjotr, & Winthagen, Diny19: 3-14. 2001. Euphorbia resinifera portrayed in a manuscript herbal nearly fifteenhundred years ago.20: 13-16. 2002. Euphorbia resinifera portrayed in a manuscript herbal nearly fifteenhundred years ago – revisited.Leach, Larry C.1: 79-80. 1983. On the classification of the Stapelieae.1: 81-83. 1983. A discussion of some aspects of Huernia taxonomy.Liede, Sigrid7: 69-72. 1989. Sarcostemma pearsonii N.E.Br.: a neglected species from SouthernAfrica.11: 50. 1993. Again: Nomenclatural types of the sections of the genus Erepsia N.E.Br.(Aizoaceae – Ruschioideae).Liede, Sigrid, Hammer, Steven & Whitehead, Vin9: 39-44. 1990. What is Lampranthus scaber (L.) N.E.Br.?Liede, Sigrid & Meve, Ulrich8: 93-99. 1991. Observations on pollination and hybridization in the genusConophytum (Mesembryanthemaceae).10: 16. 1992. Correction to <strong>Bradleya</strong> 9 [: 97, Table 2 caption].Lima, Alejandro N., & Adams, Ralph M.14: 57-62. 1996. The distribution and abundance of Pilosocereus robinii (Lemaire)Byles and Rowley in the Florida Keys.Locatelli, Evelise, & Machado, Isabel Cristina17: 75-85. 1999. Floral biology and bat pollination in Pilosocereus catingicola(Cactaceae) in northeastern Brazil.17: 86-94. 1999. Floral biology of Cereus fernambucensis: a sphingophilous cactus ofrestinga.Locatelli, Evelise, Machado, Isabel Cristina, & Medeiros, Petrúcio15: 28-34. 1997. Comparative study of the floral biology in two ornithophilousspecies of Cactaceae: Melocactus zehntneri and Opuntia palmadora.Loots, S., & Mannheimer, C.21: 57-62. 2003. The status of Aloe pillansii L. Guthrie (Aloaceae) in Namibia.Lowry, M., & Schlumpberger, B. O.31: 89-95. 2013. Lobivia minutiflora: a cryptic species finally recognised.Lüthy, Jonas M.

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