Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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7: 79-83. 1989. A review of Pehr Forsskål’s stapeliads and the typification ofCaralluma quadrangula and C. subulata (Asclepiadaceae).8: 1-32. 1990. A review of Caralluma R.Br. and its segregates.8: 45-47. 1990. Notes on Monadenium in Ethiopia.Gilbert, Michael G. & Carter, Susan2: 9-14. 1984. A cactus-like Euphorbia from Ethiopia.Glaetzle, W. & Prestlé, K. H.4: 79-96. 1986. Seed-morphology of the genus Notocactus.Gorelick, Root20: 1-4. 2002. DNA sequences and cactus classification – a short review.22: 9-14. 2004. Resolving the phylogenetic placement of Blossfeldia liliputana(Cactaceae): reticulate evolution, chloroplast inheritance, and graft-chimeras.27: 37-48. 2009. Evolution of cacti is largely driven by genetic drift, not selection.31: 142-149. 2013. Coleocephalocereus purpureus has a cephalium; Micranthocereusstreckeri has a pseudocephalium (Cereeae, Cactoideae, Cactaceae).Gorelick, Root, & Doan, Shannon C.23: 31-40. 2005. Distribution of Ferocactus emoryi (Cactaceae) in Arizona.Griffith, M Patrick27: 49-58. 2009. Evolution of leaf and habit characters in Opuntioideae (Cactaceae):reconstrution of ancestral form.Griffith, M Patrick, & Porter, J. Mark21: 126-128. 2003. Back to the basics: a simple method of DNA extraction formucilaginous cacti.Hammer, Steven A.6: 101-120. 1988. Conophytum: an annotated checklist (A-C).7: 41-62. 1989. Conophytum: an annotated checklist (D-K).8: 53-84. 1990. Conophytum: an annotated checklist (L-R).9: 105-128. 1991. Conophytum: an annotated checklist (S-Z).11: 75-85. 1993. Macro-observations on Cheiridopsis N.E.Br. and OdontophorusN.E.Br. (Aizoaceae).13: 82-87. 1995. Marlothistella Schwantes: A rising star.15: 37-41. 1997. Odes on mesembryanthema (Aizoaceae).Hammer, Steven A. & Barnhill, Christopher15: 42-47. 1997. Odes part two: Descriptions of new mesembryanthema.Hankey, Andrew, & Smith, Gideon F.24: 89-92. 2006. Notes on the cultivation and propagation of Chortolirion angolense(Baker) A.Berger (Asphodelaceae).Hart, Henk 't12: 37-56. 1994. The evolution of life-forms, growth-forms, and secondary growth inEurasian Sedoideae (Crassulaceae).Hartmann, Heidrun E. K.10: 5-16. 1992. Revision of the genus Vanheerdea L.Bolus ex H.E.K.Hartmann(Aizoaceae).14: 29-56. 1996. Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on Aizoaceae.16: 44-91. 1998. New combinations in Ruschioideae, based on studies in Ruschia(Aizoaceae).17: 38-74. 1999. An annotated list of the species placed in Ruschia (Aizoaceae).19: 83-90. 2001. Notes on Lampranthus otzenianus and L. uniflorus(Mesembranthema, Aizoaceae).20: 148. 2002. <strong>Bradleya</strong> 19 erratum.

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