Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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Duret, Clément22: 43-52. 2004. Obetia ficifolia (Urticaceae): a pachycaul nettle in danger.Edmondson, John, & Rowley, Gordon16: 14-24. 1998. John Blackburne of Orford Hall and his cultivated succulents.21: 29-38. 2003. The Liverpool Botanic Garden and its cultivated succulents.Eggli, Urs3: 97-102. 1985. Backeberg’s invalid cactus names.3: 103-119. 1985. A bibliography of succulent plant periodicals.5: 101-102. 1987. More bibliographical data on succulent plant periodicals (1).10: 83-84. 1992. Nomenclatural notes on two genera of Crassulaceae and a newcombination.10: 89-94. 1992. A new Opuntia from eastern Brazil.15: 35-36. 1997. Range extension for Portulaca mauritiensis von Poellnitz(Portulacaceae).Eggli, Urs, & Giorgetta, Mario31: 31-43. 2013. A putative Oreocereus × Echinopsis hybrid from southern Bolivia.Eggli, Urs, & Nyffeler, Reto25: 37-44. 2007. Parodia allosiphon (Marchesi) N.P.Taylor (Cactaceae –Cactoideae) – a cladistically ‘basal’ species with a restricted distribution range(Notes towards a checklist of Cactaceae of Uruguay, 2).27: 13-36. 2009. Living under temporarily arid conditions – succulence as anadaptive strategy.Fay, Michael F. & Gratton, Jill10: 33-48. 1992. Tissue culture of cacti and other succulents: a literature review anda report on micropropagation at Kew.Fay, Michael F., Gratton, Jill, & Atkinson, Peter J.13: 38-42. 1995. Tissue culture of succulent plants – An annotated bibliography.Fencl, Rick, & Kalas, Richard31: 5-14. 2013. Ferocactus wislizeni subsp. ajoensis (Cactaceae), a new subspeciesfrom south-western Arizona.Figueiredo, Estrela, & Smith, Gideon F.28: 79-102. 2010. What’s in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what tocall the next new species.29: 121-124. 2011. Who's in a name: eponymy of the name Aloe thompsoniaeGroenew., with notes on naming species after people.30: 25-32. 2012. Clarifying the application of the long-confused name Aloecommutata, and the establishment of Aloe ×commutata Tod. (Asphodelaceae).Font, Fabian & Picca, Pablo19: 59-66. 2001. Natural hybridization between Trichocereus atacamensis (Philippi)Marshall and Denmoza rhodacantha (Salm-Dyck) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae).Forster, Paul I.21: 53-56. 2003. Aloe bruynsii (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae), a new species fromMadgascar.Friedrich, H. & Glaetzle, W.1: 91-104. 1983. Seed-morphology as an aid to classifying the genus Echinopsis Zucc.Gerbaulet, Maike30: 187-198. 2012. One or many genera in Mesembryanthemoideae (Aizoaceae)?Discussion of a conflict in genus perception.Gilbert, Michael G.3: 48-52. 1985. The genus Sedum in Ethiopia.

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