Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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Tacinga saxatilis ssp. occibahiensis .................................. 21: 66Tacinga saxatilis ssp. pomosa............................................ 21: 66Tacinga subcylindrica21: 13-16; 29: 18, 23(stat.n.), 25, 34, 36, 38, 40Tacinga werneri ................................................ 10: 89-94; 23: 59TalinaceaeTalinaceae ........................................................................ 28: 136TalinariaTalinaria [Grahamia] .............................................. 12: 107, 108Talinaria coahuilensis [Grahamia] ................................. 12: 108Talinaria palmeri [Grahamia coahuilensis] .................... 12: 108TalinopsisTalinopsis [Grahamia] ............................................. 12: 107, 108Talinopsis frutescens [Grahamia].................................... 12: 108TalinumTalinum .............................................................................. 27: 50Talinum coahuilensis [Grahamia] ................................... 12: 108TamusTamus elephantipes [Dioscorea] ......................................... 27: 9TanquanaTanquana ............... 22: 25, 31; 24: 2-4, 10, 14-19, 25, 27, 32-34Tanquana archeri..................... 24: 4, 7, 10-11, 15, 18-19, 27, 34Tanquana hilmarii22: 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 35; 24: 4, 7, 9-11, 13, 18-19, 27, 34Telephium ......................................................................................... 25: 2TephrocactusTephrocactus ..............................8: 88; 24: 94, 96; 26: 63; 27: 55Tephrocactus albiscoparius [Cumulopuntia pentlandii] ... 13: 96Tephrocactus alboareolatus [Cumulopuntia zehnderi] ..... 13: 96Tephrocactus alexanderi ...... 13: 96-97; 16: 129; 18: 128; 20: 58Tephrocactus alexanderi var. bruchii [alexanderi] ........... 13: 97Tephrocactus alexanderi var. bruchii subvar. brachyacantha [Tephrocactusalexanderi] ......................................................................... 13: 97Tephrocactus alexanderi var. bruchii subvar. macracantha [Tephrocactusalexanderi] ......................................................................... 13: 97Tephrocactus alexanderi var. subsphaericus [alexanderi]13: 97; 21: 84(NT)Tephrocactus andicola [Maihueniopsis glomerata] .......... 13: 99Tephrocactus aoracanthus13: 100; 15: 107-108; 16: 121, 134; 21: 127; 24:96-97, 100Tephrocactus aoracanthus var. paediophilus [paediophilus]19: 92Tephrocactus articulatus13: 103; 16: 123, 128; 19: 104; 21: 82; 21: 127; 24:100Tephrocactus articulatus var. calvus n.inval. [articulatus]13: 104Tephrocactus articulatus var. diadematus [articulatus] .. 13: 104Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis [articulatus] ........ 13: 104Tephrocactus articulatus var. oligacanthus [articulatus] 13: 104Tephrocactus articulatus var. ovatus [aoracanthus] ....... 13: 104Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracanthus [articulatus]13: 104-105Tephrocactus articulatus var. polyacanthus [articulatus] 13: 105Tephrocactus articulatus var./fa. syringacanthus [articulatus]13: 105Tephrocactus asplundii [Cumulopuntia pentlandii] ........ 13: 105Tephrocactus atacamensis [Maihueniopsis]13: 105(omitted in error)

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