Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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27: 145-152. 2009. Rectification of a mistake by G. W. Reynolds on a Malagasy Aloe(Asphodelaceae) and description of a new species.31: 114-115. 2013. Corrections for the validity of two Madagascan taxa in the genusAloe (Asphodelaceae).Charles, Graham26: 63-74. 2008. Notes on Maihueniopsis Spegazzini (Cactaceae).28: 1-14. 2010. Notes on Borzicactus in northern Peru.30: 93-102. 2012. Observations on Borzicactus icosagonus (Knuth) Br. & R. andBorzicactus humboldtii (Kunth) Br. & R.31: 1. 2013. Editorial.31: 2-4. 2013. Matucana rebutiiflora, a new cactus species from Ancash, Peru.31: 25-30. 2013. A new miniature species of Borzicactus (Cactaceae) from southernPeru.Chesselet, Pascale, & Smith, Gideon F.19: 121-123. 2001. Antimima aristulata comb. nov. (Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl);a heterophyllous succulent from Cape Town, South Africa.20: 17-22. 2002. The rediscovery of Ruschia acutangula (Haw.) Schwantes(Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl).Christie, Susan J., Dutton, Roderic W., Hannon, Dylan P., Miller, Anthony G., &Oakman, Neil A.23: 23-30. 2005. Aloe jawiyon, a new species from Soqotra (Yemen).Clark, Jonathan Y.14: 1-9. 1996. A key to Lithops N.E.Brown (Aizoaceae).Crook, Ivor, Arnold, John, & Lowry, Martin21: 87-92. 2003. Austrocylindropuntia lagopus – clarification of nomencalture andobservations in habitat.Crook, Richard & Mottram, Roy13: 88-118. 1995. Opuntia Index. Part 1: Introduction and A-B.14: 99-144. 1996. Opuntia Index. Part 2: Nomenclatural note and C-E.15: 98-112. 1997. Opuntia Index. Part 3: Nomenclatural note and F.16: 119-136. 1998. Opuntia Index. Part 4: G-H.17: 109-131. 1999. Opuntia Index. Part 5: Nomenclatural note and I-L.18: 113-140. 2000. Opuntia Index. Part 6: M-O.19: 91-116. 2001. Opuntia Index. Part 7: P-Q.20: 51-66. 2002. Opuntia Index. Part 8: R.21: 63-86. 2003. Opuntia Index. Part 9: S.22: 53-76. 2004. Opuntia Index. Part 10: T-V.23: 57-78. 2005. Opuntia Index. Part 11: W-Z, cultivars.Crouch, N. R., Prentice, C., Smith, G. F., & Symmonds, R.17: 95-100. 1999. South Africa’s rarest caudiciform cucurbit, Gerrardanthustomentosus.Crouch, Neil R., Smith, Gideon F.29: 115-120. 2011. Aloe sharoniae N.R.Crouch & Gideon F.Sm. (Asphodelaceae):species rank for a leptaloe from southern Africa.Crouch, Neil R., Smith, Gideon F., Symmonds, Richard, & Crouch, Tanza E.20: 67-78. 2002. Battling curses and beating depression: Adenia gummifera in Zulutraditional medicine.Desmet, Philip G., Jacobs, Tom L. K. F., & Smale, Terry C.19: 15-18. 2001. Conophytum subterraneum, a distinctive new species from the northeasternRichtersveld, South Africa.

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