Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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Melocactus ruestii ssp. oaxacensis [curvispinus] ................ 9: 71Melocactus ruestii ssp. sanctae-rosae [curvispinus] ........... 9: 71Melocactus salvador [curvispinus] ...................................... 9: 71Melocactus salvadorensis .............. 9: 7, 21, 39, 41, 44, 48; 21: 3Melocactus saxicola [zehntneri] ................................ 6: 95; 9: 45Melocactus schatzlii ..................................... 9: 12, 21, 63, 65, 70Melocactus schulzianus [neryi]............................................ 9: 58Melocactus securituberculatus [levitestatus] ............. 6: 95; 9: 33Melocactus smithii ...................... 9: 12, 21, 47, 59, 60-61; 10: 27Melocactus stramineus20: i, iv, 32-36, 37(HT), 38, 39, 41, 42; 23: 81, 83, 89,94Melocactus trujilloensis [peruvianus].................................. 9: 67Melocactus trujilloensis var. schoenii [peruvianus] ............ 9: 67Melocactus uebelmannii [levitestatus] ....................... 6: 98; 9: 33Melocactus unguispinus [peruvianus] ......................... 9: 67(NT)Melocactus violaceus .... 6: 98; 9: 21, 54-55; 27: 39; 30: 151-154Melocactus violaceus ssp. margaritaceus ssp.n.9: 11, 21, 47, 48, 55, 57-58,59; 21: 3Melocactus violaceus ssp. ritteri nom.n. ..... 9: 11, 48, 55, 57, 59Melocactus violaceus ssp. violaceus9: 11, 48, 55-56, 59; 30: 153Melocactus warasii [levitestatus] ................... 6: 96-97, 98; 9: 33Melocactus zehntneri9: 9-10, 18, 21, 42, 45, 48-49, 50, 59; 15: 87, 89, 93, 94-95, 97; 17: 76-83; 21: 3; 24: 47-48; 29: 18, 21, 36, 39Melocactus zehntneri var. ananas [zehntneri] ..................... 9: 45Melocactus zehntneri ssp. canescens stat.n. [zehntneri]6: 98; 9: 45Melocactus zehntneri var. curvicornis stat.n. ............ 6: 98; 9: 45Melocactus zehntneri ssp. robustispinus stat.n. [concinnus]6: 98; 9: 52, 53Melocactus zehntneri var. viridis [zehntneri] ...................... 9: 45×Mentophyllum×Mentophyllum n.inval. [×Gibbaeophyllum] ..................... 11: 47×Mentophyllum marnieri [×Gibbaeophyllum] ................... 11: 47MesembryanthemaMesembryanthema .................................... 27: 111-112, 115, 118MesembryanthemoideaeMesembryanthemoideae classification ..................... 30: 187-198MesembryanthemumMesembryanthemum .. 25: 2, 177; 27: 91, 124; 30: 190-191, 197Mesembryanthemum infrag. Lofomorfi [Trichodiadema].. 27: 91Mesembryanthemum abruptum [Octopoma] ..................... 16: 72Mesembryanthemum abyssinicum [Delosperma]26: 42-43, 45, 57Mesembryanthemum abyssinicum Pax non Regel n.illeg. [Delospermaschimperi] .......................................................................... 26: 61Mesembryanthemum aculeatum [Ruschia spinosa] .... 17: 68(LT)Mesembryanthemum acutangulum [Ruschia]17: 41(LT); 20: 19(LT), 21Mesembryanthemum acutifolium [Drosanthemum] ........... 18: 89Mesembryanthemum adscendens [Glottiphyllum longum] 11: 43Mesembryanthemum aduncum Haw. [Lampranthus curvifolius]17: 71Mesembryanthemum aduncum Jacq. non Haw. n.illeg. [Ruschia schollii] 17:66

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