Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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Melocactus neomontanus [ernestii ssp. longicarpus] .......... 9: 27Melocactus neryi ............ 6: 95; 9: 21, 47, 58-60; 10: 27; 27: 130Melocactus nitidus [ernestii]...................................... 6: 95; 9: 26Melocactus oaxacensis [curvispinus] .................................. 9: 71Melocactus obliquus [curvispinus ssp. koolwijkianus] ...... 20: 38Melocactus obtusipetalus [curvispinus] ............................... 9: 71Melocactus onychacanthus [bellavistensis ssp. onychacanthus]9: 66Melocactus onychacanthus var. albescens [bellavistensis ssp. onychacanthus].............................................................................................. 9: 66Melocactus onychacanthus var. conicus [bellavistensis ssp. onychacanthus].............................................................................................. 9: 66Melocactus oreas ............................................................ 9: 23-24Melocactus oreas ssp/var. bahiensis [oreas] ................. 9: 24, 27Melocactus oreas ssp. cremnophilus stat.n.6: 95; 9: 6, 22, 23, 24; 21: 3, 5Melocactus oreas ssp. cremnophilus × concinnus ............... 26: 7Melocactus oreas ssp. cremnophilus × paucispinus ............ 26: 7Melocactus oreas ssp. cremnophilus fa. erythracanthus stat.n. ..[ernestii] ............................................................... 6: 95, 97; 9: 26Melocactus oreas ssp. ernestii stat.n. [ernestii] ......... 6: 95; 9: 26Melocactus oreas ssp. ernestii fa. azulensis stat.n. [ernestii]6: 95, 96; 9: 26Melocactus oreas ssp. oreas9: 6, 22, 23, 24, 25; 21: 3; 29: 18, 20, 34, 36, 39Melocactus oreas ssp. oreas × salvadorensis ...................... 26: 7Melocactus oreas ssp. oreas var. longispinus stat.n. [ernestii]6: 95; 9: 26Melocactus oreas ssp. rubrisaetosus stat.n. [oreas] ...... 6: 95, 97Melocactus oreas var. submunitis [oreas] ........................... 9: 24Melocactus pachyacanthus ............ 6: 95, 97; 7: 36, 9: 21, 40, 41Melocactus pachyacanthus ssp. pachyacanthus .................. 9: 36Melocactus pachyacanthus ssp. pachyacanthus × zehntneri26: 7Melocactus pachyacanthus ssp. viridis ssp.n. . 9: 9, 36, 40-41, 42Melocactus paucispinus9: 10, 21, 46, 48, 54; 21: 3, 4, 5; 24: 47; 27: 39, 40Melocactus pentacentrus [violaceus ssp. margaritaceus] ... 9: 57Melocactus peruvianus ............................ 9: 13, 21, 66-67, 69-71Melocactus peruvianus var. amstutziae [peruvianus] .......... 9: 67Melocactus peruvianus var. canetensis [peruvianus] ... 9: 67(LT)Melocactus peruvianus var. lurinensis [peruvianus] .... 9: 67(LT)Melocactus pruinosus [concinnus × glaucescens]6: 95, 97; 9: 52Melocactus pruinosus × oreas ssp. cremnophilus fa. erythracanthus[×albicephalus] .................................................................... 6: 94Melocactus pruinosus var. concinnus ........................ 6: 95; 9: 52Melocactus radoczii [harlowii] ............................................ 9: 78Melocactus rectiusculus [stramineus]................................ 20: 36Melocactus reticulatus [stramineus] .................................. 20: 37Melocactus reversus [stramineus] ..................................... 20: 36Melocactus robustispinus [concinnus] ................. 6: 98; 9: 52, 53Melocactus roraimensis [smithii] ....................................... 9: 60Melocactus rubrisaetosus [oreas] .............................. 6: 95; 9: 24Melocactus rubrispinus [levitestatus] ........................ 6: 94; 9: 33Melocactus ruestii [curvispinus] .......................................... 9: 71Melocactus ruestii ssp. cintalapensis [curvispinus]............. 9: 71Melocactus ruestii ssp. maxonii [curvispinus] ..................... 9: 71

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