Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society

Bradleya Vol 1-31.pdf - British Cactus & Succulent Society


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30: 127-137. 2012. Aspects of the taxonomy of Aloe arborescens Mill.(Asphodelaceae: Alooideae).Smith, Gideon F., Klopper, Ronell R., Figueiredo, Estrela, Crouch, Neil R., &Barkworth, Mary E.31: 128-132. 2013. A note on four historical names recorded in Aloe L.(Asphodelaceae: Alooideae).Smith, Gideon F. & Steyn, Elsie M. A.20: 45-50. 2002. Agave wercklei: a mesoamerican species in South Africa.22: 15-20. 2004. Agave hurteri Trelease (Agavaceae): the perfect landscaping plantfor large gardens.23: 17-22. 2005. Notes on the phenology, natural geographical distribution range andtaxonomy of Aloe dichotoma (Aloaceae).Smith, Gideon F., Steyn, Elsie M. A., & Crouch, Neil R.21: 17-20. 2003. Aloe camperi (Asphodelaceae): the first record of an exotic aloenaturalised in South Africa.Smith, Gideon F. & Walker, Colin C.19: 124. 2001. The botanical paintings of Mary Maud Page.Smith, Gideon F. Walker, Colin C., & Figueiredo, Estrela29: 179-181. What's in a name: an update on epithets used in Aloe L.(Asphodelaceae).Smith, Gideon F., Walters, Michele, Klopper, Ronell R., & Crouch, Neil R.26: 121-128. 2008. Aloes of the World: African Plants Initiative. An internationalweb-based collaboration to promote scholarly research on Aloe L.Smith, Gideon F. & Wyk, A. E. van7: 78. 1989. A bibliography of succulent plant periodicals: additional notes onKambroo.Smith, Gideon F., Fuls, Erich R.,Wyk, J. J. P. van, Heydenrych, G. V., & Wyk,S. van11: 86-90. 1993. Application of revegetation principles: the use of Euphorbia tirucalliL. (Euphorbiaceae) for asbestos tailing rehabilitation.Smith, Gideon F., Walters, Michele, Figueiredo, & Klopper, Ronell R.26: 33-40. 2008. Naturalised species of Agave L. (Agavaceae) in the Eastern CapeProvince of South Africa.Soffiatti, Patricia, & Angyalossy, Veronica21: 39-48. 2003. Stem anatomy of Cipocereus (Cactaceae).Sotomayor, Manuel, Gómez, Alberto Arredondo, Sánchez Barra, FranciscoRené, & Martínez Méndez, Mario24: 111-114. 2006. Pelecyphora strobiliformis (Werdermann) Frič & Schelle exKreuzinger (Cactaceae): a new locality in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.Sousa, Filipe de, Figueiredo, Estrela, & Smith, Gideon F.29: 79-92. 2011. The genus Cyphostemma (Planch.) Alston (Vitaceae) in Angola.Starling, R. J. & Dodds, J. H.1: 84-90. 1983. Tissue-culture propagation of cacti and other succulents.Stuppy, Wolfgang, & Nagl, Walter10: 85-88. 1992. Regeneration and propagation of Ariocarpus retusus Scheidw.(Cactaceae) via somatic embryogenesis.Stuppy, Wolfgang, & Taylor, Nigel P.7: 84-88. 1989. A new variety of Ariocarpus fissuratus (Cactaceae).Taylor, Nigel P.1: 113. 1983. Thelocactus beguinii N.P.Taylor nom. nov.

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