List of Plant Diseases American Samoa - College of Tropical ...

List of Plant Diseases American Samoa - College of Tropical ...

List of Plant Diseases American Samoa - College of Tropical ...


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pak-choi Brassica chinensis<br />

panax Polyscias scutellariapaogo<br />

pandanus Pandanus whitmeeanus<br />

papaya Carica papaya<br />

paper-mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera<br />

parrot flower Heliconia psittacorum<br />

pata Macaranga harveyana<br />

pele Hibiscus manihot<br />

Philippine orchid Spathoglottis plicata<br />

poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima<br />

polo Capsicum annuum<br />

poumuli Flueggea flexuosa<br />

primrose willow Ludwigia octovalvis<br />

pua fiti Plumeria sp.<br />

pualulu Fagraea berteroana<br />

purple nut sedge Cyperus rotundus<br />

rose Rosa chinensis<br />

rubber tree Ficus elastica<br />

sago palm Metroxylon vitiense<br />

<strong>Samoa</strong>n nutmeg Myristica fatua<br />

sana Zea mays<br />

sanasana Coix lacryma-jobi<br />

sapote Manilkara zapote<br />

screwpine Pandanus whitmeeanus<br />

soi Dioscorea bulbifera<br />

sweet pepper Capsicum annuum<br />

ta’amu Alocasia macrorrhiza<br />

talie Terminalia spp.<br />

talo Colocasia esculenta<br />

tanitani Polyscias guilfoylei<br />

tapioca Manihot esculenta<br />

taro Colocasia esculenta<br />

tava Pometia pinnata<br />

tavai Rhus taitensis<br />

teuila Hedychium coronarium<br />

ti Cordyline terminalis<br />

tipolo Citrus aurantifolia<br />

tomato Lycopersicon esculentum<br />

torch ginger Nicolaia elatior<br />

tufaso Dysoxylum samoense<br />

u’a Brousonetia papyrifera<br />

‘ulu Artocarpus altilis<br />

vavae Cieba pentandra<br />

vi apple Spondias dulcis<br />

white ginger Hedychium coronarium<br />

yard-long bean Vigna unguiculata<br />

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