habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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RUPESTRIAN CHURCHES OF PALAGIANELLOCRHIMA-CINP projectthe trapezoidal shape. The original level of the floor has beenchanged, completely erasing the evidence of the tombs thatmay have existed. On the walls there are several alcoves, inclu<strong>di</strong>ngthe one on the eastern wall used like some sort of apse.In the latter, a prismatic stone altar still partially exists. Ofexceptional historical and artistic value the pictorial cycle onthe walls of the church: the Deesis that represents an half bustof Christ, the Virgin and St. Nicola in a niche of the bottomwall; the fresco on the left of the apse niche representing St.Pietro; St. Mattia in the niche of the southern wall; moreovera deteriorated representation of Christ on the throne near theaccess stairs.Fig. 9 The rupestrian church de<strong>di</strong>cated to Saint Girolamo on the east slopeof the gravina.The rupestrian Church of SerrapizzutaThe church, located in the west wall of the gravina, is in precariousstate of preservation because of the serious crashes involvingthe eastern part of the hall. Of rectangular planimetryplan, the church presents arched alcoves in the southern andwestern walls.The rupestrian Church of the Holy HermitsThe Church of the Holy Hermits is located on the eastern slopeof the gravina.The external front presents several arched alcoves, some ofthem with function of tomb, the arcosolia. Also the access, asimple architraved opening, is inserted in a semicircular arch.The plan is trapezoidal in shape and the inside ceiling is flat; alarge arched niche opens in the north wall. On the inside of theraised bema, there is a prismatic altar detached from the wall.The remains of wall paintings, on the sides of the niche witha carved cross, represent Saint Eustachio and the ArchangelMichele.Fig. 10 One of the stone altars and tables in the arcades of the bema, churchof Saint Girolamo.Fig. 11 Main entrance to the church of Saint Girolamo.Fig. 12 Plan of the rupestrian church of Saint Girolamo.volumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 170 16/11/2012 15:03:00

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