habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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C. CrescenziSouthern church. The left arcosolium in the central apse containsthe Crucifixion of the agonizing Christ, two little angelsare collecting the blood from the nailed hands; beside thecross, there are the Virgin and Joan the Baptist. Saint Stephenand Saint Vitus are in the left part of the intrados. The apse’sdome contains the Déesis.The archivolt of the niche contains the paintings of Saint Peterof Verona and Saint Anthony the Great. The right arcosoliumcontains the Annunciation. All of these paintings are popularpaintings from the XIV century. The pillar between themain apse and a probable right apse contains the painting ofSaint James, while the external bay of the arcosolium housesa painting of Saint Nicholas and the Virgin with the Child.There is also a <strong>di</strong>ptych with Saint Leonard and Saint Helen.The wall between the two niches contains a painting of SaintEligius, while another Annunciation is housed in a niche. Thecounter-façade of the church, beside the entrance, contains thepaintings of Saint Catherine and Saint Nicholas, good examplesfrom the XIII century.San Leonardo. The Hypogeal Church of St. Leonard is at theintersection of Via Giordano Bruno and via Frappietri.The area is protected with a wall and a gate. The church isvery simple: a square aisle, with semicircular apse and a blockaltar; there is a northern pastoforium, , while the southern pastoforiumwas never completed.The paintings of the church are valuable: St. Andrew and St.Peter are painted on the eastern wall of the nave. St. Anthonythe Great hol<strong>di</strong>ng a scroll (with the inscription Aemulantespraecepta patrum - “Emulating the precepts of the fathers”)and St. Paul the Hermit is painted on the intrados of the northernarch. St. Stephen is painted on the northern presbyteral;St. Nicholas is on the pillar between the two entrance arches;St. Damien and St. Cosmas are represented in the intrados ofthe presbyterial arch.An Annunciation is contained in the southern presbyterialplutei (Gabriel the Archangel is on the northern wing, the Virginin the southern one). Traces of a fresco respresenting St.Vitus are on a pillar of the eastern wall of the nave. A veryelegant Déesis is on the apse’s dome. The ruin of the ceilinghas made the western aisle an open air space: the paintings onthis wall are badly preserved, and the rests suggest that thetheme was a Mary Breastfee<strong>di</strong>ng the Baby, St. Marine and St.Leonard.Fig. 7 San Leonardo church. Plan and sections. (survey: C. Crescenzi andM. Scalzo. 1982)Fig. 8 San Leonardo church.Fig. 6 Sant’Antonio Abate Church. Interior.Fig. 9 San Leonardo church. Interior view. (cre<strong>di</strong>td: C. Giustiniani)155volumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 155 16/11/2012 15:02:43

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