habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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COLOUR IN SUNKEN-FEATURE ARCHITECTURE IN THE SPANISH LEVANTE: BETWEEN IMMEDIACY AND NECESSITYCRHIMA-CINP projectFig. 8 María Figols and Sergio Díaz de Garay, in the front door of theirdwelling in Bardallur, Zaragoza, Spain. (photo: Pedro Etura)the lime not only made “the bulges and holes less visible butit also strengthened the structure”. We are also informedthat our builders used to finish off with either black or whiteplaster or even a “last handful of lime, if there was a lackof plaster or as damp-proofi ng, in which case mixing it withpowdered rock, which would usually be found in quarries orin lime only if it had been immersed in water for a long time,for at least two to three months”. 7 Alberti used to recommendapplying a minimum of three layers of whitewash to ensurethe longevity of the rendering. 8It is very doubtful whether the caves under study used limefor aesthetic reasons although it can not be denied that theinteriors appeared much brighter and more spacious like this.We suppose that it had more to do with the lime acting asa fungicide or an insecticide, as these were somewhat unhealthydwellings, with high levels of humi<strong>di</strong>ty and poor ventilation.The earthen wall, if not treated with lime, is subjectto a constant deterioration. Each time something hit or struckthe wall, soil would be <strong>di</strong>slodged, and this could results inearth falling on top of possessions or even on the unfortunatein<strong>di</strong>viduals. In other words, there could well be a functionalimperative for the use of lime.The high alkaline content of lime gives it certain anti-bacterialqualities, which is why it was used as a hygiene measurein dwellings. As an example, it stands out the use of liminghappened in Valencia in 1885 when the city was struck downby the worst cholera epidemic it had ever encountered up tothat point. The City Hall advised citizens to whitewash theirhomes as a form of <strong>di</strong>sinfection, provi<strong>di</strong>ng the people frommore humble quarters with the suitable materials to do so.Years afterwards, and once the epidemic had long <strong>di</strong>sap-Fig. 9 Juslibol dwellings, Saragossa, Spain.volumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 126 16/11/2012 15:02:12

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