habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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EXCAVATED DWELLINGS IN SPAIN. FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTIONCRHIMA-CINP projectFig. 2 Hillside settlement (cave dwellings); cuevas de Almanzora (Almeria)Fig. 3 Flatland settlement (pit houses), Baza (Granada)Fig. 4 Flatland settlement (excavated dwelling); Salillas (Saragossa)occupancy of the settlements at the start of the 19 th Centuryincreased towards the middle and latter part of the centurydue to the development of the mining industry. During theearly 20 th Century, some of the settlements were abandoned,although towards the middle of the century, the populationsreturned due to a need of labourers for the harvesting of sugarbeet and sugar cane.In the case of the group in Almeria, the settlements were predominantlybuilt into the hillsides (cave dwellings), given theirproximity to gullies and river basins. The best examples ofthese are the Almanzora, Benahadux, Gador, Huercal de Almería,Terque, Tijola, Vera and Viator caves.The group in Baza-Huescar Gua<strong>di</strong>x are more often than notmixed, with settlements built predominantly on flatlands (pithouses). The best examples, in ad<strong>di</strong>tion to those already mentione<strong>di</strong>n Gua<strong>di</strong>x, Huescar and Baza are those found in Fonelas,Fiñana, Gorafe, Purullena, Benamaurel, Freila, Cullar-Baza, Cortes y Graena, El Marchal and Monachil.For most settlements, the excavated dwellings share a commonspatial characteristic: they were created using only excavation.Later on, there appeared mixed types where theexterior part of the excavated dwellings adjoined buil<strong>di</strong>ngsconstructed using tra<strong>di</strong>tional methods which gave rise to theirvery singular appearance.Although some of the settlements have now been abandoned,those which have consistently continued to be inhabited are ina good state of repair. In the case of Baza and Gua<strong>di</strong>x, the AndalusiaRegional Government has been promoting a comprehensiverenovation programme, both for the excavated dwellingsand the imme<strong>di</strong>ate surroun<strong>di</strong>ng areas, aimed mainly atimproving the living con<strong>di</strong>tions, implementing damp proofingand improving structural soundness.AragónThe excavated dwellings and hollows in Aragon are locatedalong the Ebro river valley and its tributaries. The geographical<strong>di</strong>stribution is in turn determined by local climatic andgeological con<strong>di</strong>tions.The climate in Aragon is arid, sub-humid, with a low rainfallindex; but contrary to the other two areas of Spain, it isstrongly influenced by the continental climate, with lower averagetemperatures during the winter months. The geologicalsubstrata comprises lacustrine se<strong>di</strong>mentary deposits, with thepresence of dolomite, loam, clay and calcerinite. This type ofrock has a level of resistance that makes it suitable for excavationwork.Cave-dwelling settlements tend to be built into the side of ahill, taking advantage of the fluvial terraces, as is the case ofBotorrita or Juslibol, although it is quite common to find flatlandsettlements, as in the case of Épila or Salillas.The origins of excavated dwellings in Aragon, as for those inthe rest of Spain, date back to the Arab occupation, althoughthe majority of the settlements date back to the middle ofthe 19 th Century. Contrary to the other geographical areas ofSpain, Aragon has not undergone any major migratory shifts,such as those in Andalusia or Levante, and this results in all ofthe settlements of excavated dwellings being relatively small.Generally speaking, they are not in a great state of repair,given that in Aragon, Aragon Regional Authorities have expressedno interest in conserving them.volumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 116 16/11/2012 15:02:07

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