habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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THE ART IN RUPESTRIAN CULTURECRHIMA-CINP projectstraight out and the feet together, is linked to the representationof Christ and to the calculation for the buil<strong>di</strong>ng of aRomanic church. The square Romanic church, and especiallythe Cistercian churches, recalled the measures of Man as amicrocosm that is the square man. He was represented as a45 degrees rotated square, crossed by two <strong>di</strong>agonals: this isfound in rupestrian churches of Puglia and Libya. In manypopular tra<strong>di</strong>tions, the Square has the function and the meaningof the Magic Square: important evidences can be found inthe Islamic tra<strong>di</strong>tion, where it is linked to the names of God.In its most simple form, it is <strong>di</strong>vided into nine cells containingthe first nine numbers: the total sum on every row, columnand <strong>di</strong>agonal is 15. In the western world, the 25 cells MagicSquare was very common: it contained the Late Latin palindromesentence sator arepo tenet opera rotas (“the ploughingpeasant superintends work”).The Eagle fighting the SnakeThe fight between Eagle and Snake is a very ancient myth, acommon topic in the Euroasian mythology: it represents therising year and the dying year, the struggle between Light andDark, the Sun and the Underworld principles.The Eagle is a solar bird, and it represents sun, fire, heightand depth. The Eagle has the power to rejuvenate: it burns itswings with the sun, and then it <strong>di</strong>ves in the water, to gatheryouth again.On the other hand, the Snake (or Drake) is the prototype, thespirit of original water, one of the most important archetypesof Soul. It is the incarnation of lunar and night values, whichdoes not mean “negative” values. In fact it also representslife and libido: Chaldeans had the same word for “life” and“snake”. Eagle and Snake are the symbols of the eighth Astrologicalsign, Scorpio. This is the sign of the cycle life – death –rebirth: thus, Eagle and Snake are entwined in the alternationof sun and moon.In the Toltec (8th to 12th century) and the following Aztec iconographies,the Eagle clutches with its talons the Snake (Quetzalcoatl,representing the planet Venus): the Snake’s blood willbe used to create the new man. The struggle between Eagleand Snake is a “sacrifice”: the Snake <strong>di</strong>es to come to life againand to attack the Eagle, the eternal struggle between Life andDeath.This struggle may also signify the antithesis between Patriarchyand Matriarchy: the Eagle has solar/male attributes; theSnake has lunar/female attributes (Jung considered the Eagleas a paternal symbol, and the Snake is the Lord of Women andof Fertility in many tra<strong>di</strong>tions).In the Christian world, this is the symbol of the struggle betweenGood and Evil: a graffito of this symbol was engrave<strong>di</strong>n the rupestrian church of Santa Lucia in Mottola (Taranto).The PeacockThe Peacock is the symbol of resurrection and eternal life.This is due because it renews its feathers in spring. In ancientRome, it is linked to the myth of Juno. In a pagan legend, thePeacock flesh does not decompose. Some engraved Peacockshave been found in a cave of the ruined rupestrian village ofSan Giovanni (Taranto) and in some rupestrian churches inCappadocia.Anyway, symbolic graffiti and engravings are less <strong>di</strong>ffusedthan chronicle images. There are horses and horsemen, whichwere carved especially in paintings of the Odegitria: they werepropitiatory signs for a journey, or ex voto. There are alsomany images of ships, probably ex voto for avoided wrecks,or exactly riproduced prison hulks, as a thanksgiving for freedomfrom slavery.Graffiti with faces in the Early Me<strong>di</strong>eval church of San Marco(Massafra) are similar to faces on Lombard rings or on the socalled Triumph of Agilulf, and so they have been dated from7th to 8th century.There are thousands inscriptions, but there is not a single corpusthat contains them. Some historian of art has formulateda recent wrong theory (accepted by some archaeologist butrejected by epigraphists) that considers all the inscriptions asfunerary inscriptions. Funerary inscriptions are greatly <strong>di</strong>fferentfrom others inscriptions: the Greek formula for funeraryinscriptions is entàde kìte ‘here lies”, the Latin formula ishic requiescit ‘here rests’, while the other inscriptions can beas “Lord, remember your servant, his wife and his house”, or“Lord, help your servant”.L’ARTE NELLA CULTURA RUPESTRE1. SculturaPoco rappresentata è la scultura nelle chiese e nei siti rupestri me<strong>di</strong>terranei,anche perché ogni cavità artificiale è essa stessa un’opera <strong>di</strong>scultura, <strong>di</strong> maggiore o <strong>di</strong> minore impegno, ma comunque un’opera<strong>di</strong> scultura in negativo.Tuttavia non mancano manifestazioni scultoree in chiese rupestri <strong>di</strong>Cappadocia, <strong>di</strong> Armenia o <strong>di</strong> Puglia, anche se ridotte alla rappresentazione<strong>di</strong> animali simbolici, come pavoni o colombe (più spesso raffiguratiin graffiti o incisioni) o <strong>di</strong> croci <strong>di</strong> varie forme e <strong>di</strong>mensione,sovente particolarmente elaborate, come in Armenia, sulla facciata<strong>di</strong> chiese o all’interno <strong>di</strong> esse, dove sono excise soprattutto (particolarmentein Puglia) in cupole simboliche, al centro <strong>di</strong> cerchi concentricicostituiti generalmente da tre ghiere alludenti alla Trinità.Nel soffitto <strong>di</strong> numerose chiese, specialmente cappadocesi, è riprodottoa rilievo il monogramma Phòs Stauròs in lettere greche, colsignificato <strong>di</strong> ‘La Croce è luce’ o ‘Cristo è luce’.Seppure rarissime, si conoscono anche sculture iconiche in bassorilievo,come nella chiesa <strong>rupestre</strong> <strong>di</strong> Filigheddu 1 a Sassari, inSardegna, dove, sull’arco che precede l’abside, sono ingenuamenterappresentati tre volti, interpretati come immagini della Trinità edatati all’Alto Me<strong>di</strong>oevo, o come in quella <strong>di</strong> Santa Maria <strong>di</strong> Costantinopoli<strong>di</strong> Castellaneta (Taranto) dove, nel parecclesion, si vedonoi resti molto deperiti <strong>di</strong> un altorilievo rappresentante il volto <strong>di</strong> unpersonaggio incappucciato. Nella stessa chiesa <strong>di</strong> Castellaneta sonorozzamente riprodotti capitelli <strong>di</strong> tipo bizantino a foglie <strong>di</strong> acantospinoso, come in altre chiese rupestri pugliesi, dove però sono piùcomuni i semplici capitelli a dado o a libro, soprattutto nelle chiesemeno antiche, che sono però pur essi opera scultorea.Come rozze sculture in bassissimo stiacciato <strong>di</strong> tra<strong>di</strong>zione altome<strong>di</strong>evalesono da interpretare alcune figure delineate da un notevolevolumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 60 16/11/2012 15:01:15

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