habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia

habitat rupestre.pdf - Società Friulana di Archeologia


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R. Capraration of the superior step. Symbols are present in other religionstoo: they are <strong>di</strong>fferent from allegories, which are expressedthrough the language. Symbol contains its meaning, so it hasa hidden metaphysical value, which is expressed through aninner relation between the sensible representation and its idealvalue. Christianity used symbol or allegory depen<strong>di</strong>ng on theperiod of its development. Allegory prevailed when the earlyChristianity urgently needed to realize the promised world ofChrist’s announcement, or during the Renaissance and the Baroque,when there was a deep fracture between human and <strong>di</strong>vinity.When the Neo Platonist culture had a strong influenceon Christianity through the separate relation between man andGod in history and reality, symbol was more suitable as a signifierof <strong>di</strong>vine values and ideal elements. This is the symbolicvision of God, as it is described by the Alexandrian School ofPhilo, Clement and Origen, and, later, by Augustine of Hippo.The Cosmic CrossThe Cosmic Cross is inserted in a circle, and it symbolizesthe universe, in<strong>di</strong>cating the universal value of Redemption. ACosmic Cross was engraved in a cave of Santeramo.Pentalpha or Solomon’s starIn ancient Egypt, this was the esoteric symbol of Horus, son ofIsis and Osiris, the Sun. He represented the alchemic primarymaterial, inexhaustible source of life, sacred fire, and universalgerm of all of the beings. Pentalpha is a Pythagorean symbolafter the solution of the Golden Ratio: it means five alphas,that is the five principles. Pythagoras added the principle ofSpirit to the four principles by Empedocles (Air, Water, Earthand Fire). In white magic it represents the human microcosm:the five extremities of the body (see the so called Agrippa figure),and its five secret strength spots, that white magic canwake. Pentalpha is considered an active and benign symbolwith a single upper point (White Magic); if it is reversed, withtwo upper points, it becomes a passive and malefic symbol(Black Magic). The five pointed star is a very powerful magicsymbol, thanks to the characteristics of numbers. It has thepower of number 5,which is a positive power when it is composedby 1 and 4, and it is a negative power if composed by2 and 3, as in the upside down Pentalpha. Christian Greeksused it as a propitiatory sign at the beginning of books andletters. In ancient England it was used in places of worship, asin a window of the Westminster Abbey: this is why occultistsbelieve that the ancient English monks knew about occult science.I think that those monks, as many Christians, believe<strong>di</strong>t as the most propitiatory sign after the Cross, as it was engravedon King Solomon’s ring. This is a very common signin rupestrian churches.Solomon’s knotSolomon’s knot is a very ancient symbol. The legend maintainsthat Salomon was a young romantic man, but he was alsovery cruel with people. Once, while walking in a wood, heheard some noises, so he wanted to investigate. He had verylong hairs under a hat, but the wind stole his hat, and knottedhis hairs. He lost senses and, while sleeping, a voice invitedhim to be kinder. When he got awake, he hugged every personhe met, so his hairs were loosened.This symbol has a very deep spiritual meaning: it is the graphicalpara<strong>di</strong>gm of the knot between transcendent and immanentworlds, or the hard research for salvation and absolute. Duringthe Early Middle Ages, the Salomon’s is on Lombard jewels,on architectural sculptures in churches, and on rocks. After,the Knights Templar adopted this symbol, and they used it intheir places of worship. It represents a labyrinth (the hard pathof the initiate to final illumination) and a cross (the tool toreach illumination).It was used only used by cultured people, and it was engrave<strong>di</strong>n many rupestrian churches in the territory of Matera, in therupestrian church of San Posidonio (Massafra), ant it waspainted on the omophor of a Saint Bishop in Salento.Man inscribed in a squareThe meaning of the Square is the expression of the Earth element(the Creation) as a Divine appearance. The Circle expressesthe Celestial element, the Divine unity, Eternity andInfinity. The Square and the Cube represent Earth perfection,as the Circle and the Sphere represent Celestial perfection.The symbologies of the Square and of the number Four areentwined. The number Four represent Divine perfection, thestabilized world, the totally developed appearance: the Tetragrammatonof the name of God for the Hebrews, the PythagoreanTetraktys. The rhythms of the ages of the world, of humanlife and of Lunar months are based on the number Four.In the Christian tra<strong>di</strong>tion, the Square is <strong>di</strong>vided in for areas, asa representation of the Cosmos and the four elements.During the Middle Ages, the Vitruvian Man, with armsFig. 3 Funerary inscriptions in tomb, near Massafra. - Sculptured cross, Allach - Greek mythological stone carvings at Bhaje caves near Lonavala.59volumeRicerca_OK_2012-11-15.indd 59 16/11/2012 15:01:13

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