Music-selling in seventeenth-century Rome: three ... - Patrizio Barbieri

Music-selling in seventeenth-century Rome: three ... - Patrizio Barbieri

Music-selling in seventeenth-century Rome: three ... - Patrizio Barbieri


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132 <strong>Patrizio</strong> <strong>Barbieri</strong>have also emerged concern<strong>in</strong>g a considerable number of authors unknown to modernrepertories and editions now lost or with scores that were unknown: of theselatter, we should particularly po<strong>in</strong>t out several music performances of the Barber<strong>in</strong>iperiod, such as Chi soffre speri, La Geno<strong>in</strong>da, S. Bonifazio, Il Sant’Eustacchio by VirgilioMazzocchi, and Il martirio de’ santi Abundio &c by his brother Domenico (§ 2.1).ABBREVIATIONSAS Roma, Archivio di StatoAV Roma, Archivio storico del Vicariato, parish registersI: Appendix I: entry no.II: Appendix II: entry no.III: Appendix III: entry no.<strong>in</strong>v. 1676 oscar mischiati, Indici, cataloghi e avvisi degli editori e librai musicali italiani dal 1591 al 1798,Firenze, Olschki, 1984, pp. 244–263 (<strong>in</strong>v. Franz<strong>in</strong>i 1676)Inventories (Appendices I, II, III. IV):In the transcription, all supplementary <strong>in</strong>formation is <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> square brackets. Where possible, thecompositions are identified (<strong>in</strong> some cases, several editions belong to the chronological period considered).If the publish<strong>in</strong>g location is not stated, Venice is <strong>in</strong>ferred. The mark ‘[?]’ means that identificationof the work is not possible, while the sign ‘[*]’ <strong>in</strong>dicates that the composition does not appear <strong>in</strong> theworks consulted. 4 Unknown or unidentified authors on the other hand are marked ‘[**]’. The mark ‘?’<strong>in</strong> front of a work or author’s name suggests possible identification. In cases where read<strong>in</strong>g is defective,miss<strong>in</strong>g letters have been replaced by dots (e.g.‘Mon…..di’)1. The Franz<strong>in</strong>i’s activity through their <strong>in</strong>ventories: a chronology, 1568–1690The first evidence of the Franz<strong>in</strong>i’s presence <strong>in</strong> <strong>Rome</strong>, a family orig<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g fromthe prov<strong>in</strong>ce of Brescia, is found <strong>in</strong> 1568. 5 The activity of Girolamo – whose bookshopwas located on Via del Pellegr<strong>in</strong>o, the street then favoured by booksellers – goesback at least to 1572. In partnership with Giorgio Ferrari (of Cremona) and DomenicoBasa (from the Veneto), he also managed the Stamperia del Popolo Romano,4. First and foremost, the follow<strong>in</strong>g RISM repertories: E<strong>in</strong>zeldrucke vor 1800, ed. by Karlhe<strong>in</strong>zSchlager et al., 11 vols., Kassel, Bärenreiter, 1971–92; Recueils imprimés, XVI e -XVII e siècles, i, ed. by FrançoisLesure, München-Duisburg, G. Henle Verlag, 1960; Écrits imprimés concernant la musique, i-ii, München-Duisburg, G. Henle Verlag, 1971. To these have to be added: robert eitner, Biographisch-BibliographischesQuellen-Lexicon […], 10 vols., Leipzig, Breitkopf & Haertel, 1900–1904; saverio franchi, Drammaturgiaromana, i, Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 1988; saverio franchi, Annali della stampa musicale romanadei secoli XVI-XVIII […] <strong>in</strong> collaborazione con Orietta Sartori, i/1, Roma, ibimus, 2006; arnaldomorelli, Alessandro Scarlatti maestro di cappella <strong>in</strong> Roma ed alcuni suoi oratori. Nuovi documenti, “Note d’archivioper la storia musicale”, ii, 1984, pp. 117–44: 136–139 (<strong>Rome</strong>, Hospital of S. Giacomo, <strong>in</strong>ventoryof music books, year 1657); giuseppe ottavio pitoni, Notitia de’ contrapuntisti e compositori di musica, ed.Cesar<strong>in</strong>o Ru<strong>in</strong>i, Firenze, Olschki, 1987; cesar<strong>in</strong>o ru<strong>in</strong>i, “Edizioni musicali perdute e musicisti ignot<strong>in</strong>ella Notitia de’ contrapuntisti e compositori di musica di Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni”, <strong>Music</strong>ologia humana.Studies <strong>in</strong> honor of Warren and Ursula Kirkendale, ed. Siegfried Gme<strong>in</strong>wieser, David Hiley, Jörg Riedlbauer,Firenze, Olschki, 1994, pp. 417–442; claudio sartori, I libretti italiani a stampa dalle orig<strong>in</strong>i al 1800, Cuneo,Bertola & Locatelli, 1990; emil vogel, alfred e<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong>, françois lesure, claudio sartori, Bibliografiadella musica italiana vocale profana pubblicata dal 1500 al 1700, Pomezia, Stader<strong>in</strong>i-M<strong>in</strong>koff, 1977.5. AS, 30 Not. Cap., uff. 33, vol. 17, f. 733v, 22.11.1568: a debt of 17.50 scudi is recorded <strong>in</strong> favour ofone Cesare de Franz<strong>in</strong>is of Brescia.

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