The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Iaşi County, Bârnova Forest, det. Mihai G. (Constantineanu 1969:188); Humosu Natural Reserve,ass. Mnietum cuspidati Felföldy 1941 (Mihai 1983c:349,356, Tab.7).Ceahlău Mountain, Ceahlău, 800 m alt., on rotten wood, sub C. polyanthos var. pallescens (Papp1934b:71,83; Zanoschi 1970:280; Manoliu & al. 1998:335).Neamţ County, without locality, sub C. polyanthos var. pallescens (Papp 1934a:193); CerneguraMountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt. (Lungu 1963a:242); s - Botoşanu Hill, beech forest,on wet rocks (Mihai 1971e:407,409); Pângărăcior Brook Valley, on wet soil (Mihai 1973d:29,32).Harghita Mountains, in wet Picea abies forest near Luci, on soil, 13.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. &Csízi K., sub C. polyanthos var. pallescens (Orbán & Bálint 2002:60); Groapa Mare, 1300 m alt., on wetrocks, 16.08.2001, Pietros Valley, 900 m alt., on wet rocks, 28.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K., sub C.polyanthos var. pallescens (Orbán & Bálint 2002:60; Bálint & Orbán 2003:14).Bacău County, Ciungetul Brook, Feşca de Sus Brook, Oituz River (Papp 1957:285); Slănic Brook,Cheşcheş Culm, on soil, 2.05-8.11.1971 (Ştefureac & Barabaş V. 1972:77).Vrancea County, Tişiţei Gorges, on wet soil (Mihai & Pascal 1986:46).Covasna County, Pasul Oituz, sub Jungermannia (Baumgarten 1846:226,227; Schur 1866:870;Fuss 1878:654; Szepesfalvi 1929:45).Ciucaş Mountains, Chiruşca Mountain, Ciucaş Peak, Alb Brook Valley, Berii Brook Valley,Zăgan Mountain, Piscul Turiştilor (Mohan 1990b:43).Braşov County, Predeal, 1897, leg. & det. Loitlesberger K., sub C. polyanthus (Loitlesberger1898:196; Szepesfalvi 1929:45); between Strâmba Valley <strong>and</strong> Lupului Valley, 13.09.2006, leg. Pop O.,det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3614].Bucegi Massif, Jepi Valley, in forest, leg. Dumitrescu M., det. Radian S.Ş., sub C. polyanthos var.pallescens Lindb. (Radian 1901b:41); Ialomiţa Valley (Mohan 1990a:24); Peştera Hermitage, DB,45°23'17"N / 25°26'26"E, 1540 m alt., 7.09.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3573].Prahova County, Teleajen Valley, (Mohan 1990a:24).Piatra Craiului Mountains, Pârâul Rece, AG, 45°30'38"N / 25°11'34"E, 1500 m alt., 8.07.2003,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2626] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:75); Prăpăstiilor Valley, BV,45°31'47"N / 25°17'13"E, 890 m alt., 21.08.2001, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3530].Iezer-Păpuşa Mountains, Iezer Valley, Bătrâna Valley, Dâmboviţa Valley (Mohan 1990a:24).Leaota Mountain, Vaca Valley, 900 m alt., incl. sub fo. intermedia Papp (Papp & Diaconescu1968:386,387).Cindrel Mountains, Fâneţele Tilişcanilor, 1000 m alt., Crinţ, 1000 m alt., Săroi, 1300 m alt.(Gündisch 1977:47; Drăgulescu 2003:10); Cindrel, 2200 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:47; Drăgulescu 1992:55;Drăgulescu 2003:10); Iezerul Mic-Platoul Diavolului on Frumoasa, 2200 m alt. (Drăgulescu 1992:55;Drăgulescu 2003:10).Sibiu County, Sibiu (Schur 1866:870; Fuss 1878:654; Szepesfalvi 1929:45; Drăgulescu 2003:10).Mureş County, below Răchitiş „Poiana” Peak, 25.07.1995, ass. Caricetum rostratae Osvald 1923em. Dierssen 1982, Carici echinatae-Sphagnetum Soó (1934) 1954 (Oroian 1996:235,239, Tabs.10,14).Parâng Mountains, Repedea Valley, 08-09.1954 (Ştefureac, Popescu & Lungu 1959:8,19,34).Mehedinţi County, Eşelniţa Valley, on wet s<strong>and</strong>y soil, 1966 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:500).Caraş-Severin County, Voislova, leg. & det. Simonkai L. (Fuss 1878:654; Szepesfalvi 1929:45).Alba County, right slope <strong>of</strong> Ampoiului Valley, downstream Găureni, at 16 km from Zlatna, inhornbeam grove (Plămadă 1986a:59, Tab.1).Cluj County, Cluj-Napoca „Pokolköz”, 29.06.1916, leg. Györffy I. & Péterfi M. (Györffy1924b:37; Boros 1958:8); Sălice (Boros 1958:4,8).Bihor County, Vadu Crişului Cave, leg. Neacşu M. 1968, Ştefureac T. 1985 (Ştefureac1985e:110,111, Tab.1).Bihor Mountains, Cetatea Rădesei Cave, 1971, ass. Cratoneuro (filicini)-Chiloscyphetumpallescentis Ştefureac 1985 (Ştefureac 1985e:110,111,115, Tab.1).Syn.:– Chiloscyphus fragilis (Roth) Schiffn.– Chiloscyphus pallescens var. erectus (Boulay) Meyl.– Chiloscyphus polyanthos var. erectus Boulay– Chiloscyphus polyanthos var. fragilis (Roth) Müll. Frib.– Jungermannia fragilis Rothvar. fragilis (A. Roth) Müll. Frib.91

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