The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Cindrel Mountains, Găuşoara, leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda 1967:224; Gündisch 1977:51;Drăgulescu 2003:17).Alba County, Izbucul Ponorului (Boros & Vajda 1974:6); Vârciorog Valley, 1340 m <strong>and</strong> 1385 malt., 3.06.1995, 13.09.1996, ass. Riccardio-Scapanietum umbrosae Philippi 1965, Cobleş Valley, 1280 malt., 09.08.1996, Iarba Rea Valley, 790 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass. Leucobryo-Tetraphydetum pellucidaeBarkman 1958, Lupşa, 1160 m alt., 15.05.1996, ass. Anastrepto orcadensis-Dicranodontietum denudatiŞtefur. 1941 (Goia 2000:112,115, Tabs.2,5); Arieşul Mic Basin (Goia & Schumacker 2000:92); CepelorValley, Vârciorog Valley, Iarba Rea Valley, Gârda Seacă – upstream to Casa de Piatră, Scărişoara Cave –aven, Arieşul Mic – downstream to mine, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:75); Arieşul Mare Basin, on rottenwood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87,89); ♀ - Cetăţile Ponorului, 46°33'55"N / 22°42'15"E, 1050 m alt.,3.09.2007, leg. Ştefănuţ S. & Goia Irina, det. Váňa J. [BUCA B3818]; ♀ - Cetăţile Ponorului, 46°33'55"N/ 22°42'15"E, 1050 m alt., 3.09.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3819, B3823, B3861], s - [BUCAB3826].Bihor County, Someşul Cald Gorges (Goia & Mătase 2001:17).Cephalozia loitlesbergeri Schiffn.Syn.:– Cephalozia loitlesbergeri Schiffn. var. gracilisFirst citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Lungu 1973b.Ecology: truficolous, acidophytic, rarely calcicolous, hygrophytic, photophytic; circumpolar; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: BUCADistribution in Europe: No, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Es, It, Ro, Bg, Ee, Lt, By, Ua, Rn, Rw, Rc, Ka.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Rodna Mountains, Iezerul Pietrosului, MM, 47°35'53"N / 24°38'53"E, 1835 m alt., 28.08.1999,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2122]; ♀♂ - Ineu Glacial Ring, BN, 47°31'35"N / 24°53'35"E, 1920 malt., 26.08.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2225], s - [BUCA B2226].Suceava County, Cristişor-Neagra Broştenilor, Borcut Meadow, in common spruce forest, on peat(Lungu 1973b:72; Lungu 1981c:91); Neagra Broştenilor Meadow at Cristişor, in peatbogs, ass.Eriophoro-Sphagnetum recurvi Hueck 1925, Sphagnetum medii Kästn., Flossn. & Uhl. 1933 (Lungu1977: Tab.1).Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969(Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:35-37).Covasna County, Mohoşul de la Com<strong>and</strong>ău, peatbog, 1050 m alt., 16.06.1975, det. Plămadă E.,sub var. gracilis, ass. Eriophoro vaginato-Sphagnetum (recurvi-magellanici) (Weber 1902) Soó 1954(Danciu & Kovács 1979:179,181, Tab.1; S<strong>and</strong>a & Popescu A. 1992:170, Tab.1).Făgăraş Mountains, ♀ - Pojorta Valley, BV, 45°38'14"N / 24°53'48"E, 800-1000 m alt.,18.09.2001, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2658, B2661].Cephalozia lunulifolia (Dumort.) Dumort.Syn.:– Cephalozia affinis Lindb. ex Steph.– Cephalozia catenulata var. pallida Spruce– Cephalozia media Lindb.– Cephalozia media var. laxa Schiffn.– Cephalozia media var. pallida (Spruce) C. Massal.– Cephalozia multiflora Spruce– Cephalozia pallida (Spruce) Pearson– Cephalozia symbolica (Gottsche) Breidl.– Jungermannia lunulifolia Dumort.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Breidler 1890a.Moldova, sub C. media (Papp 1943:662; Ştefureac & al. 1973:148).Muntenia (Mohan 1988b:101).Transylvania, sub C. media (Pax 1908:129).Ecology: humicolous, acidophytic, mesophytic, sciophytic; boreal-mountain; circumpolar; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: BUCADistribution in Europe: Sj, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Pt, Es, Co, It, Si, Hr, Ba, Sb,Ro, Bg, Gr, Ee, Lv, Lt, By, Ua, Nz, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re, Ca, Az, Ma.82

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