The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Distribution in Europe: No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, It, Si, Hr, Ba, Sb, Ro, Bg, Gr, Ee, Lt, By,Ua, Rw, Ca, Ma.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş Mountains, Şuligu Peak, sub Jungermannia (Hazslinszky 1885:56); Pop IvanMountain, sub C. reclusa (Boros 1951:374).Giumalău Mountain, ♀ - Giumalău Secular Forest, 1200 m alt., 13.09.2006, leg. & det. ŞtefănuţS. [BUCA B3646, B3669], ♂ - [BUCA B3647], s - [BUCA B3652, B3680, B3698, B3708]; GiumalăuSecular Forest, 1200 m alt., 13.10.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3634], ♀ - [BUCA B3638].Rarău Mountain, Rarău, 14.05.1910 (Lilienfeldówna 1911:734); Codrul Secular Slătioara, sub C.reclusa (Tarnavschi 1936:285; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:485); Codrul Secular Slătioara, 860-1000 m alt.,sub C. reclusa (Ştefureac 1941:1153,1284,1285, Tab.9; Ştefureac 1969a: Tab.16; Papp 1969b:188).Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969(Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:36).Harghita County, Puturosu Mountain, Sfânta Ana Lake (Schur 1866:871; Fuss 1878:655;Hazslinszky 1885:56; Bálint & Orbán 2006:467); Lacul Roşu (Boros 1951:374).Ceahlău Mountain, Ceahlău, sub C. reclusa (Papp 1931a:219; Zanoschi 1970:280; Manoliu & al.1998:335).Bacău County, Slănic Moldova, on rotten fir, 07.1910, leg. Brândză M., det. Ştefureac T., sub C.reclusa (Ştefureac 1942a:5); Piciorul Ş<strong>and</strong>ru Mountain, 1645 m alt., sub C. reclusa (Papp 1957:285; Papp1958b:397).Nemira Mountains, Nemira, on rotten woods <strong>and</strong> wet soil, 1970-1977 (Mihai & Barabaş V.1978:114,117,125).Prahova County, Sinaia, 900-1200 m alt., sub C. reclusa (Loitlesberger 1898:195; Boros 1942a:34).Piatra Craiului Mountains, Grohotişului Valley, 1200 m alt., leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros &Vajda 1967:224; Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:75); Crăpătura Pietrei Craiului, 4-8.06.2001, leg. Pop O., det.Ştefănuţ S. (Dihoru G. & al. 2003:69; Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:75).Făgăraş Mountains, ? - Arpaşului Valley, ex Heufler L.R. (Schur 1866:871; Fuss 1878:655;Hazslinszky 1885:56; Drăgulescu 2003:17); Obs. This quoting missing in Heufler 1853.Cindrel Mountains, Păltiniş, in common spruce forest, leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda1967:224; Gündisch 1977:51; Drăgulescu 2003:17).Retezat Mountains, sub Jungermannia (Hazslinszky 1885:56); Zlătuia Brook Valley, on the edge<strong>of</strong> Galeşu Lake (Páll 1964a:108).Alba County, Vârciorog Valley, Cepelor Valley, Galbena Valley, Iarba Rea Valley, Cobleş Valley- downstream, Scărişoara Cave – aven, Ocoale, Ursoaia Saddle, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:75); ArieşulMare Basin, on rotten wood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87,89).Cluj County, Făget Forest, leg. & det. Péterfi M., sub C. reclusa (Györffy & Péterfi M. 1916:37;Boros 1942a:33; Boros 1958:4,8); Southern Ciucea on Surduc Valley, sub C. reclusa (Boros 1942a:34;Boros 1951:374); Someşul Rece Valley towards Răcătău, leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda 1967:224).Bihor Mountains, Padiş, 1200 m alt., 08.1999 (Jakab 2000b:69).Cephalozia connivens (Dicks.) Lindb.Syn.:– Blepharostoma connivens (Dicks.) Dumort.– Cephalozia multiflora Lindb.– Jungermannia connivens Dicks.– Trigonanthus connivens (Dicks.) Mitt.– Cephalozia connivens var. compacta (Warnst.) W.E. Nicholson– Cephalozia compacta Warnst.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Heufler 1853.Moldova (Papp 1943:662; Ştefureac & al. 1973:148).Muntenia (Mohan 1988b:100,101).Transylvania (Pax 1908:129).Ecology: humicolous, turficolous, acidophytic, hygrophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: BUCADistribution in Europe: No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Pt, Es, Co, It, Si, Ba, Mk, Ro, Bg, Ct, Ee,Lv, Lt, By, Ua, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re, Ka, Az, Ma.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Rodna Mountains (Pax 1908:129).79

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