The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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1949c:692; Pop E. 1960:349; Godeanu S. 1970:45); Nucet, 1820 m alt., ass. Nardetum strictae typicum,Furnica, 1985 m alt., ass. Nardetum strictae supinae (Puşcaru D. & al. 1956: Tab.66); between Blana <strong>and</strong>Nucet Valley, 1850 m alt. (Puşcaru D. & al. 1956:396, Tab.174; Ştefureac 1972c:101,102); <strong>The</strong> glacialrings <strong>of</strong> Ialomiţa Valley, DB, 45°26'00"N / 25°26'42"E, 2200 m alt., 10.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B2324]; ♀♂ - Horoaba Valley, DB, 45°23'28"N / 25°26'02"E, 1520 m alt., 23.10.2006, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3602].Piatra Craiului Mountains, ♀♂ - Crăpătura Pietrei Craiului, BV, on rotten wood, 45°33'44"N /25°15'51"E, 1100 m alt., 21.08.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2745] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G.2006:74,75); Ascuţit Peak, BV, 45°32'50"N / 25°13'57"E, 2100 m alt., 8.08.2004, leg. Pop O., det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2995] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:75); Marele Grohotiş, AG, 45°30'36"N /25°11'45"E, 1650 m alt., 8.07.1998, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3164] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G.2006:75); Poiana Lespezilor, BV, 45°30'27"N / 25°13'27"E, 1330 m alt., 8.08.2003, leg. Pop O., det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3347].Giurgiu County, s - Comana, on rotten wood, 1968-1969 (Ştefureac & Mohan 1970a:353).Făgăraş Depression, Copăcioasa Valley, BV, 45°44'17"N / 24°59'44"E, 21.07.1998, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3472].Făgăraş Mountains, Capra Lake, AG, 45°36'01"N / 24°37'48"E, 2250 m alt., 17.07.2000, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2484, B2507]; Urlea Lake, BV, 45°35'44"N / 24°50'31"E, 2200 m alt.,17.09.2001, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2050], 45°35'43"N / 24°50'29"E, 2195 m alt., 17.09.2001,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2079], 45°35'42"N / 24°50'25"E, 2194 m alt., 17.09.2001, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2401].Iezer-Păpuşa Mountains, Iezer Mountain, 1500-1800 m alt., Stâna Păpău, 1700 m alt., incl. subvar. alpicola (Loitlesberger 1898:195).Cozia Mountain, fer - Cozia Peak, 1668 m alt., 1975-1976 (Dihoru G. 1990:52).Cindrel Mountains, Jujbea, 1800 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:51; Drăgulescu 2003:17); Cindrel, 2000-2030 m alt. [SIB HG](Gündisch 1977:51; Drăgulescu 1992:55; Drăgulescu 2003:17).Parâng Mountains, Latoriţa Valley, on calcareous rocks, 900 m alt., 31.08.1954 (Ştefureac,Popescu & Lungu 1956a:512-513, Tab.1); fer - Curmătura Vidruţei, 1350 m alt., 26.07.1955 (Ştefureac,Popescu & Lungu 1957a:68-70, Tab.1); Latoriţa Valley, 08-09.1954 (Ştefureac, Popescu & Lungu1959:9,39, Tab.7); around the peatbog near Câlcescu Lake (Ştefureac 1969a:108); below Mohor Ridge,2300 m alt., alpine peatbog (Ştefureac 1969a:117,118, Tab.15).Hunedoara County, Baldovin (Péterfi M. 1908:275); Băiţa, leg. Péterfi M. (Györffy 1924b:37).Caraş-Severin County, Caransebeş, 300 m alt., 03-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N. (Ştefureac1948a:220,221).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Crişul Văratecului Valley, Brihenilor Valley, onrotten wood (Mohan 1996:49; Ardelean 2006:103).Alba County, Colţii Trascăului (Páll 1960b:90); Scărişoara Cave, 1340 m alt., 11.08.1996, ass.Calypogeietum trichomanis Neumayr 1971, Scărişoara Cave, 950 m <strong>and</strong> 1340 m alt., 11.08.1996,Vârciorog Valley, 780 m, 1340 m <strong>and</strong> 1385 m alt., 3.06.1995, 13.09.1996, Cepelor Valley, 875 m alt.,16.05.1996, Galbena Valley, 875 m alt., 12.09.1996, Iarba Rea Valley, 950 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass.Riccardio-Scapanietum umbrosae Philippi 1965, Goieştilor Valley, 1340 m alt., 15.04.1994, GalbenaValley, 780-900 m alt., 12.09.1996, Ursoaia Saddle, 900 m alt., 12.08.1996, Vârciorog Valley, 1270 malt., 3.06.1995, Vidrişoara Valley, 1300 m alt., 21.08.1992, Iarba Rea Valley, 900 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass.Lophocoleo-Dolichothecetum seligeri Philippi 1965, Cepelor Valley, 1380 m alt., 16.05.1996, ScărişoaraCave, 1200 m alt., 12.08.1996, Cobleş Valley, 980 m alt., 9.08.1996, ass. Cephalozio bicuspidatae-Nowellietum curvifoliae Philippi 1965, Cobleş Valley, 1280 m alt., 9.08.1996, Cepelor Valley, 1370 malt., 16.05.1996, Iarba Rea Valley, 790 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass. Leucobryo-Tetraphydetum pellucidaeBarkman 1958, Lupşa, 1160 m alt., 15.05.1996, ass. Anastrepto orcadensis-Dicranodontietum denudatiŞtefur. 1941, Iarba Rea Valley, 800 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass. Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformisWisn. 1930 (Goia 2000:111,112,114,115,117,119, Tabs.1-5,7); Arieşul Mic Basin (Goia & Schumacker2000:92); Vârciorog Valley, Cepelor Valley, Galbena Valley, Arieşul Mare upstream to Arieşeni, IarbaRea Valley, Gârda Seacă – upstream to Casa de Piatră, Casa de Piatră, Gogii Brook – Cobleş, CobleşValley, Măgura Valley – Neagra, Scărişoara Caveaven, Ocoale, Gheţari, Ursoaia Saddle, Mătişeşti,Horea, Ţoha Mică, Goieştilor Brook, Arieşul Mic – downstream to mine, on rotten wood (Goia77

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