The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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icuspidatae-Nowellietum curvifoliae Philippi 1965, Ursoaia Saddle, 1270 m alt., 11.08, 24.08.1996,Cepelor Valley, 1370 m alt., 16.05.1996, Lupşa, 1180 m alt., 15.05.1996, Iarba Rea Valley, 790 m alt.,25.08.1996, ass. Leucobryo-Tetraphydetum pellucidae Barkman 1958, Găina, 980 m alt., 21.08.1992, ass.Brachythecio salebrosi-Drepanocladetum uncinati Marstaller 1989, Morii Valley, 700 m alt., 22.10.1995,ass. Dicrano scoparii-Hypnetum filiformis Barkman 1958, Iarba Rea Valley, 800 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass.Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformis Wisn. 1930 (Goia 2000:111-113,115,116,118,119, Tabs.1-7); Arieşul Mic Basin (Goia & Schumacker 2000:92); Arieşul Mic – upstream mine, on common spruce<strong>and</strong> fir trees, Ursoaia Saddle, on common spruce <strong>and</strong> rotten woods, Cobleş Valley, on beech, VârciorogValley, Cepelor Valley, Galbena Valley, Arieşul Mare upstream to Arieşeni, Iarba Rea Valley, GârdaSeacă, Cobleş Valley, Scărişoara Cave – aven, Gheţari, Ocoale, Măgura Valley – Neagra, Mătişeşti,Stearpă Valley, Drăghiţa Valley, Ţoha Mică, on rotten woods (Goia 2001:82); Arieşul Mare Basin, onrotten wood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87); Arieşul Mic Valley down from the mine, 20.08.1994, ass.Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformis Wisn. 1930, Arieşul Mic Valley up from the mine,20.08.1994, ass. Dicrano scoparii - Hypnetum filiformis Barkm. 1958 (Goia & Schumacker 2003:64,Tab.5); between Cobleş Valley <strong>and</strong> Galbena Valley, 1320 m alt., 9.08.1996, between Mătişeşti <strong>and</strong> ŞauaUrsoaia, 730 m alt., ass. Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformis Wisn. 1930 (Goia & Schumacker2004:111, Tab.4).Cluj County, Southern Ciucea on Surduc Valley, 400 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:276; Boros1942a:34); Făget, Feleac Hill, Sălicea (Boros 1958:8).Bihor County, Băiţa, 450-800 m alt., Onceasa, 1200 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:276); Iadului Valleybetween Remetea <strong>and</strong> Bulz, 350 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:276; Boros 1942a:33).Bihor Mountains, Beliş, sub Jungermannia (Baumgarten 1846:229; Fuss 1878:655; Hazslinszky1885:52); Cetăţile Ponorului, 1150 m alt., 17.08.1999 (Jakab 2000a:91,92; Jakab 2000b:67); SomeşulCald Gorges (Goia & Mătase 2001:17); Cetăţile Ponorului, AB, 46°33'55"N / 22°42'15"E, 1050 m alt.,3.09.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3820, B3830, B3837, B3851; B3863], ♀ - [BUCA B3858].subsp. brevirete (Bryhn et Kaal.) R.M. Schust.Syn.:– Blepharostoma trichophyllum var. brevirete Bryhn & Kaal.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Ştefănuţ 2004i.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: BUCADistribution in Europe: Sj, Is, No, Se, Fi, Po, Sk, It, Ro, Rn, Re.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Bucegi Massif, ♀♂ - Hornul Mare, BV, 45°26'55"N / 25°26'35"E, 2300 m alt., 8.07.1999, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3107, B3109], 45°26'56"N / 25°26'31"E, 2310 m alt., 8.07.1999, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3136], s - 45°26'55"N / 25°26'35"E, 2300 m alt., 8.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B3127, B3130], 45°26'56"N / 25°26'31"E, 2310 m alt., 8.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB3112, B3128, B3133, B3137]; Gaura Glacial Ring, BV, 45°26'27"N / 25°26'19"E, 2120 m alt.,8.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3367].Bucegia romanica RadianSyn.:– Bucsecsia romanica (Radian) Györffy– Radiania rumaenica Schiffn. ex. Györffy, nom. illeg.<strong>The</strong> genus <strong>and</strong> species were described <strong>and</strong> published by Simeon Ştefan Radian in 1903.Popular name: bucegia (Täuber 1980:121).<strong>Romania</strong>: Radian 1903:3-7; Evans 1917:18; Evans 1923:61; Domin 1923:22; Podpěra 1931:53; Simionescu 1939:122,123, Fig.204;Guşuleac 1947-1948:501, Fig.712; Buia 1948:18; Müller 1954:385; Papp 1956b:31; Răvăruţ & al. 1967:314; Ştefureac1975a:141-149; Ştefureac 1978d:160; Ştefureac 1982b:56; Dihoru G. 1987a:88; Mohan 1988b:116; Opriş 1990:130; Dihoru G.1999c:17-21; Sabovljević & al. 2001:77; Ştefănuţ 2003b:236, Fig.1; Dihoru G. 2004:167.Ecology: epigaeic, euryion, mesophytic, sciophytic; arctic-alpine; Hth. Characteristic species to ass. Bucegietum romanicaeŞtefur. 1984.Threatened species (Plămadă 1977b:115).Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: BUCA, CL, PHHM, FREDistribution in Europe: Po, Sk, Ro, Ua.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Rodna Mountains, Pietrosul Rodnei, 2280 m alt., 4.09.1982 (Ştefureac 1983b:510; Ştefureac1983g:175,179,182; Coldea 1990:167; Dihoru G. 1999c:18); Pietrosul Rodnei, 2260 m alt., 31.08.1983,65

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