The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Distribution in Europe: Sj, Is, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Pt, Es, Sc, It, Si, Hr, Sb, Me,Mk, Ro, Bg, Gr, Ee, Lv, Lt, By, Ua, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re, Ca, Ma.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş County, Vişeul de Jos, Morii Valley, 500 m alt., Vişeul de Sus, Gurguiata, leg. & det.Coman A. (Boros & Vajda 1967:218).Botoşani County, Comăneşti Forest, in wet <strong>and</strong> shady places (Mihai 1966:147,152,154).Suceava County, Călimăneţul Brook, Panaci (Papp 1927b:149); Bistriţa Aurie Valley, betweenIacobeni <strong>and</strong> Ciocăneşti, north-weastern slope <strong>of</strong> Brezuţa Peak, on banks <strong>of</strong> Suhărzelul <strong>and</strong> SuhărzelulMare brooks (Pascal 1969:106; Pascal 1973; Ştefureac 1986f:194); Cârlibaba Brook Valley, 1967(Ştefureac & Pascal 1970a:246,249); Deaca brook Valley, Liţu, Ţibău, Argestru, Vatra Dornei (Pascal &Mititelu 1971; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:477); Cristişor-Neagra Broştenilor, Borcut Meadow, on edge <strong>of</strong>the aldertree thicket (Lungu 1973b:72; Lungu 1981c:90); Barnar Gorges, on wet soil, sometimes marshy(Pascal & Seghedin 1977:141).Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969(Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:35); Tureac Brook, Cârţibavu Mare Valley, Leşului Valley, MuncelPeak, Piatra Fântânele, 1983-1984 (Mohan & Hodoroga 1986:211).Ţibleş Mountains, Ţibleş Valley, Mesteacănul Valley, Suplai Commune, Fiad Commune, 1984-1985 (Mohan 1988a:16).Giumalău Mountain, above Giumalău Forest Chalet, 11.09.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB3690].Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Râpa Mare, Piatra Corbului, Simioneşti, 1980-1981 (Mohan &Hodoroga 1983:51; Mohan 1990a:24).Căliman Mountains, Pietrosul Peak, on soil, Dorna Valley, on rocks (Mihai 1968a:204).Harghita County, 26.07.1901 (Barth 1905:13).Harghita Mountains, Stâncilor Peak (Schiffner 1914:304); Stâncilor Peak (Degen 1930:975);Cifrabuc, 1200 m alt., 16.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K. (Bálint & Orbán 2003:14; Bálint & Orbán2006:466).Neamţ County, Neamţ Monastery, on clayey soil, 07-08.1921, 1923, leg. Brândză M., det.Ştefureac T. (Ştefureac 1942a:4); Cernegura Mountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt. (Lungu1963a:242, 244; Lungu 1967b:249, Fig.1); Pângărăcior Brook Valley, on humus <strong>and</strong> wet rotten woods(Mihai 1973d:28).Vrancea County, Tişiţa Gorges, on clayey wet soil, 1977 (Mihai & Pascal 1986:46).Ciucaş Mountains, Teleajen Gorges at Bratocea, 2.09.1900 (Radian 1915:198); Bratocea Culm,Chiruşca Mountain, Piscul Turiştilor (Mohan 1990b:45).Gârbova Massif, Azuga Valley, Rea Valley, on soil, 1967-1970 (Lungu & Ştefureac 1970:5).Prahova County, D<strong>of</strong>tana Valley [PHHM 7725/3873](Mohan 1971a:7; Mohan 1971b:45; Mohan1990a:24); Teleajen Valley, Negraşului Valley, Ordojoaia Valley (Mohan 1990a:24).Bucegi Massif, Izvorul Dorului Valley, PH, 45°22'04"N / 25°28'22"E, 1770 m alt., 28.07.2005,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3249, B3250, B3251]; Peştera Hermitage, DB, 45°23'17"N / 25°26'26"E,1540 m alt., 7.09.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3570]; ♀ - [BUCA B3628].Piatra Craiului Mountains, Grohotişului Valley, 800 m alt., leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda1967:218; Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:74).Leaota Mountain, Mitarca Valley, 1300-1600 m alt. (Papp & Diaconescu 1968:387).Iezer-Păpuşa Mountains, Iezer Valley, Bătrâna Valley, Dâmboviţa Valley (Mohan 1990a:24).Făgăraş Mountains, Arpaş Mountain (Schur 1866:869; Fuss 1878:652; Hazslinszky 1885:35;Drăgulescu 2003:9); Obs. Schur F. <strong>and</strong> Hazslinszky F. quoting this locality according Heufler F.R., butmissing in Heufler’s paper (Heufler 1853).Argeş County, Cândeşti, in Brătioarei Valley, 26.09.1899 (Radian 1915:198).Sibiu County, Sibiu [SIB SCHUR 4551](Schur 1866:869; Fuss 1878:652; Hazslinszky 1885:35;Gündisch 1977:46; Drăgulescu 2003:9).Vâlcea County, at Olt in Boia Valley, about 800 m alt., 14.08.1897, leg. & det. Loitlesberger K.[H.A.T.R. 159] (Loitlesberger 1898:196; Radian 1915:198).Cindrel Mountains, Gura Râului, 800 m alt., Păltiniş, 1300 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:46; Drăgulescu2003:9).60

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