The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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aequiloba (Loitlesberger 1898:193; Pax 1908:130,316). <strong>The</strong> species appears in the paper <strong>of</strong> Düll R.(1983) <strong>and</strong> is included in the list from 2002 (Söderström, Urmi & Váňa 2002:32). <strong>The</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> thespecies in <strong>Romania</strong> was confirmed in 2007 from the Bucegi Massif, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. (Ştefănuţ2007a: 103).31 Scapania gracilis was published by Ştefureac T. from the din Codrul Secular Slătioara oldgrowth forest, Rarău Mountain, under „Scapania gracilis Kaal.” (Ştefureac 1941:1155,1272; Ştefureac1942b:91; Ştefureac 1969a: Tab.16; Papp 1969b:188). <strong>The</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> this species in <strong>Romania</strong> requiresfurther confirmation.32 Scapania gymnostomophila Kaal. was recently published as new species for <strong>Romania</strong>, from theBucegi Massif, Caraiman Mountain, Prahova County [BUCA B3722, B3723] (Ştefănuţ 2008a:234).33 Targionia hypophylla L. was not included in the 2004 list (Ştefănuţ 2004d). <strong>The</strong> species wascited by Pančić (1861), from Caraş-Severin County, Rusca Montană (Pančić 1861:94; Györffy1908d:262).34 Tritomaria polita (Nees) Jörg. was published for the first time for <strong>Romania</strong> in 1977 by PlămadăE. (1977b:115), from Făgăraş Mountains. <strong>The</strong> species was identified in fertile state from the ValeaDoamnei circus glacier, Făgăraş Mountains [BUCA B2001, B2093, B2094] (Ştefănuţ 2001:129).THE REJECTED TAXA FROM THE LIST OF HORNWORTS AND LIVERWORTSFROM ROMANIA1. Calypogeia arguta Nees et Mont. published as new for <strong>Romania</strong> by Dihoru G. (after Smets L.), butunconfirmed by Smets L. (Dihoru G. 2001a:115; Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).2. Fossombronia foveolata Lindb. is mistakenly included by Dihoru G. in the list <strong>of</strong> synonyms (DihoruG. 2001a:119; Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).3. Gymnomitrion crenulatum Gottsche ex Carrington published as new for <strong>Romania</strong> by Dihoru G. (afterSmets L.), but unconfirmed by Smets L. (Dihoru G. 2001a:120; Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).4. Jungermannia jenseniana Grolle published by Degen A. sub J. pusilla, but reviewed by Váňa J. as J.confertissima Nees (Degen 1914:217; Váňa 1974:37; Dihoru G. 2001a:124; Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).5. Lophozia elongata Steph., was published as Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort. var. cylindracea(Dumort.) Müll. Frib. synonym to Lophozia elongata Steph. (Mihai, Pascal & Costică 1998;Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).6. Mannia <strong>and</strong>rogyna (L.) A. Evans, a Mediterranean species, was mistakenly included in the guidebook <strong>of</strong> Papp C., instead <strong>of</strong> M. pilosa. <strong>The</strong> citations <strong>of</strong> the species by Papp C. (Papp 1967a:9),under G. dichotoma, from the Bucegi Mountains, Cerbului Valley, Bucşoiu Mountain <strong>and</strong>Făgăraş Mountains (probably Piatra Craiului), are referring to the species Mannia pilosa, citedfrom these localities, which is missing from the work <strong>of</strong> Papp. <strong>The</strong> species is also cited by Mohan(1998), from Arad County, Stânca Şoimului (Şoimuşului), after Hazslinszky 1885, but thisliverwort is not present in the cited paper. From an ecological perspective, the distribution area <strong>of</strong>the species Mannia <strong>and</strong>rogyna does not include <strong>Romania</strong>.7. Marchantia paleacea Bertol., published by Mohan & Pârvu C. from Prahova County, BâlbâitoareaSwamp, Tătaru Mountain, on the left bank <strong>of</strong> the Bâlbâitoarea brook, was not found in thesubsequent researches done by Dihoru G. from 9.07, 20.10.1981 (Mohan & Pârvu 1975:595;Dihoru G. 1984c:81; Mohan 1988b:116; Plămadă & Dumitru 1998b:67; Dihoru G. 1998:241;Ştefănuţ 2003b:231). Mediterranean species with unnatural presence in <strong>Romania</strong> (Plămadă &Dumitru 1998b:67; Dihoru G. 1998:241; Ştefănuţ 2004d:38).8. Metzgeria lindbergii Schiffn. (sub Metzgeria simplex Lorb. ex Müll. Frib.) mistakenly included in thelist <strong>of</strong> hornworts <strong>and</strong> liverworts from South-East Europe (Sabojlević & Natcheva 2006:174).9. Metzgeria temperata Kuwah., published by Pócs in 2006 <strong>and</strong> reviewed in 2007 as M. violacea (Ach.)Dumort. (Pócs 2006:9-24; Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2007:13; Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs2008:121,122).10. Nardia breidleri (Limpr.) Lindb. was reported from <strong>Romania</strong> but without localities <strong>and</strong> specimens(based on Düll 1983), <strong>and</strong> has been rejected until specimen is found. Perhaps the report was basedon Ştefureac’s paper, referring to the Alps (Ştefureac 1955:601).31

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