The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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199. Scapania mucronata H. Buch200. Scapania nemorea (L.) Grolle201. Scapania paludicola Loeske et Müll. Frib.202. Scapania paludosa (Müll. Frib.) Müll. Frib.203. Scapania sc<strong>and</strong>ica (Arnell et H. Buch) Macvicar204. Scapania subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort.205. Scapania uliginosa (Sw. ex Lindenb.) Dumort.206. Scapania umbrosa (Schrad.) Dumort.207. Scapania undulata (L.) Dumort.208. Scapania verrucosa Heeg209. Targionia hypophylla L. 33210. Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.211. Tritomaria exsecta (Schmidel) Loeske212. Tritomaria exsectiformis (Breidl.) Loeske213. Tritomaria polita (Nees) Jörg. 34214. Tritomaria quinquedentata (Huds.) H. Buch215. Tritomaria scitula (Taylor) Jörg.NOTES1 Cr<strong>and</strong>all-Stotler B. & Stotler R.E., in Shaw & G<strong>of</strong>finet 2000, include the Lophoziaceae family inJungermanniaceae (Cr<strong>and</strong>all-Stotler & Stotler 2000). In the <strong>Atlas</strong> the Lophoziaceae family was kept.2 We kept the genus Leiocolea separately from the genus Lophozia, in according to Söderström,Urmi & Váňa (2002, 2007).3 In Cr<strong>and</strong>all-Stotler & Stotler 2000, the Frullania species were kept in the family Jubulaceae; wemaintained separately the Frullaniaceae <strong>and</strong> Jubulaceae families.4 Anthoceros punctatus L. (that includes the species Anthoceros agrestis <strong>and</strong> A. punctatus) waspublished from Broşteni, Suceava County, det. Proskauer J.M. (Müller 1957:1317) <strong>and</strong> under Aspiromituspunctatus (L.) Schljakov (Schuster 1992b:759). <strong>The</strong> previous citations <strong>of</strong> the species Anthocerospunctatus have to be checked. According to Söderström, Urmi & Váňa 2002:35, in <strong>Romania</strong> only thespecies A. agrestis is present, identified by us in the samples collected by Papp C. <strong>and</strong> included in FREunder A. punctatus.5 Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk. was identified recently from the Piatra CraiuluiNational Parc, near Zărneşti, Braşov County [BUCA B2801, B2802 <strong>and</strong> B2803] (Ştefănuţ 2004d:28). <strong>The</strong>only previous citation is from 1931, noted from Broşteni, Suceava County (Tarnavschi 1931, 1931b).6 Phaeoceros laevis (L.) Prosk. needs confirmation. <strong>The</strong> samples identified under this name mightbe Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk.7 <strong>The</strong> last citation <strong>of</strong> the species Anastrophyllum saxicola (Schrad.) R.M. Schust. dates from 1866(Schur 1866).8 <strong>The</strong> only citation <strong>of</strong> the species Asterella gracilis (F. Weber) Underw. dates from 1915 (Radian1915) <strong>and</strong> was confirmed by us in 2004 [BUCA B948-B952] (Ştefănuţ 2004h:15-16), 2005 [BUCAB3260, B3298] <strong>and</strong> 2006 [BUCA B3497].9 Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dumort. subsp. brevirete (Bryhn et Kaal.) R.M. Schust. wasnot included in the list published in 2004 (Ştefănuţ 2004d), but it was identified later, in fertile state,among the samples collected from Bucegi Mountains - Hornul Mare, Braşov County, 2300-2310 m alt.10 Cephaloziella baumgartneri Schiffn. was recently published by Smets L. from Grohot, Bulzeştiide Sus, Hunedoara County [BR; Smets 7692] <strong>and</strong> Gârda de Sus, Alba County [CL; Smets 8616, 8672],conf. Plămadă E. (Smets 2003:59-60).11 Cephaloziella massalongi (Spruce) Müll. Frib. was recently published by Jakab G. from theHarghita Mountains (Jakab 2000a:87-89, Fig.1).12 Cephaloziella spinigera (Lindb.) Warnst. was recently published by Jakab G. from Săpâncioara,Maramureş County (Jakab 1999:55).29

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