The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Slăvei <strong>and</strong> Muchia Ascuţită, 2000 m alt., 1971, ass. Philonotido-Saxifragetum stellaris Horv. 1949,Mlaştina Mică at west to Zănoaga Lake below Zănoaga Peak, 2000 m alt., Mlaştina III from JudeleGlacial Valley, 2050 m alt., 1971, ass. Calthaetum laetae Krajina 1933 (Boşcaiu, Plămadă & Péterfi Ş.1972:177-179, Tabs.1,2; S<strong>and</strong>a & Popescu A. 1992:172, Tab.1); Judele Brook, on wet stones, 2080 m alt.(Plămadă 1973b:101); Judele Glacial Valley, in water, on stones, the vales between Muchia Ascuţită <strong>and</strong>Slăvei Culm – Judele 2 Valley, 1990-2100 m alt., Judele 2 Glacial Valley, in peatbogs, 1990-2090 m alt.,incl. sub S. dentata (Plămadă 1973b:102); Rovine Brook, 2000 m alt., 5.09.1967, Cârligului Valley at“Casa alpinet”, 1900 m alt., 9.07.1968, Ştirbului Brook, 1950-2000 m alt., 12.07.1971, Judele Brook,2070-2090 m alt., 9.07.1971, ass. Philonotido-Hygrohypnetum dilatati Plămadă 1974, Stânişoara Valley,1700 m alt., Judele Valley between Slăvei <strong>and</strong> Muchia Ascuţită, 1900 m alt., ass. Scapanietum undulataeSchwick. 1944, Zlătuia Brook Valley, 1600 m alt., ass. Brachythecietum rivulare Herzog 1943, BârleiBrook, 1850 m alt., 4.09.1967, Şesele Brook, 1050 m alt., 21.06.1968, Judele Brook, 2070-2100 m alt.,9.07.1971, ass. Fontinaletum gracilis Plămadă 1974, near Lia Lake, 1950-2000 m alt., 6.06.1969, nearGemenea Lake, 2100 m alt., 7.07.1969, upstream Tăul Cârligului, 2000 m alt., 8.07.1969, StânişoaraValley below Lolaia Peak, 1860 m alt., 7.07.1970, incl. sub S. dentata, ass. Philonotido-Saxifragetumstellaris Horv. 1949 (Plămadă 1974b:98-103, Tabs.3,4,5; Plămadă 1976a; Plămadă 1976b:16,22; Plămadă1993:55, Tabs.5,6); Retezat, 800-1200 m alt., ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum amarae (Tx. 1937)Mass 1959, 1750-2050 m alt., ass. Philonotido-Saxifragetum stellaris Horv. 1949, 1750-2050 m alt.,Calthaetum laetae Krajina 1933 (Coldea 1993:40, Tab.7).Ţarcu Mountains, Muntele Mic, 1000-1800 m alt., 03-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N. (Ştefureac1948a:220).Caraş-Severin County, „Şapte Izvoare”, Herculane Spa, 200 m alt., 22.06.1945, sub S. dentata(Ştefureac 1947a:138,150).Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Luncani, Luncanilor Valley (Hazslinszky 1885:67).Arad County, Dulcele on Mare Valley (Simonkai 1893:361).Mureş County, Răchitiş Peak „Poiana”, 25.07.1995, ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum amaraeMass. 1959 (Oroian 1996:247, Tab.22).Alba County, Galda de Sus, Rimetea (Barth 1880:121); Cărpiniş (Péterfi M. 1908:277); GăinaMountain, 1000 m alt., Galbena Valley, 600 m alt., sub S. dentata (Péterfi M. 1908:277; Goia &Schumacker 2000:92; Goia 2001:74); below Cucurbăta Mare, 1600-1700 m alt. (Coldea 1996:4, Tab.3;Goia 2001:74); Cucurbăta Mare Peak, 4.08.1994, 1700-1720 m alt., ass. Fontinalietum antipyreticaeGretzer (Goia 1998:251, Tab.2); Cobleş Valley, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:74); Arieşul Mare Basin, onrotten wood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87).Cluj County, Turzii Gorges (Barth 1880:121); Dobrin Mountain (Péterfi M. 1918:61); DobrinMountain, 14.04.1916, leg. & det. Győrffy I. & Péterfi M. (Györffy 1924b:38); Făget, leg. & det. PéterfiM. (Boros 1958:4,8); the peatbogs from spring <strong>and</strong> upper course <strong>of</strong> Someşul Rece, incl. Muntele Mare<strong>and</strong> Dobrin (Pop E. 1960:397); Someşul Rece Valley, leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda 1967:224);Gilău Mountains, common spruce forest (Plămadă 1985b:40).Bihor County, Bulz, Pietros, 500 m alt., Cristior, 400 m alt., Stâna de Vale, Buteasa, 1300 m alt.,incl. sub S. dentata (Péterfi M. 1908:277); Iadului Valley between Remetea <strong>and</strong> Bulz, 26.05.1915, leg. &det. Győrffy I. & Péterfi M., sub S. dentata (Györffy 1924b:38; Boros 1942a:33; Boros & Vajda1967:225); Apuseni Mountains (Ştefureac 1975b:313).Bihor Mountains, Padiş, 1250 m alt., 08.1999, sub fo. dentata (Jakab 2000b:70).Scapania verrucosa HeegSyn.:– Scapania parva Steph.– Scapania verrucosa fo. isoloba Müll. Frib.– Scapania verrucosa var. schiffneriana Müll. Frib.– Scapania verrufifera C. Massal.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Loitlesberger 1898.Transylvania (Pax 1908:130; Frey & al. 2006:101).<strong>Romania</strong> (Stephani 1910:134; Szweykowski 1969:59,61, Figs.1,2; Ştefănuţ 2003b:239, Fig.7).Ecology: epilithic, acidophytic, hygrophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; suboceanic-subalpine; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: H.A.T.R.Distribution in Europe: Fr, Ch, At, Es, It, Si, Hr, Ba, Ro, Bg, Ua, Ca.280

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