The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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alt., leg. & det. Boros Á, Ciceu (“Csicsói”) Mountain, 1900 m alt., leg. & det. Pócs T. (Boros & Vajda1967:223,224; Bálint & Orbán 2006:470); Greu Mountain, 1100 m alt., 11.07.2000, Minei Valley, 1100-1200 m alt., 11.07.2000, Vermet Valley, 1050-1250 m alt., 2.07.2000, Asău Valley, 1000-1100 m alt.,22.10.2000, Mic Valley, 1050-1150 m alt., 16.08.2001, Pietros Valley, 900 m alt., 28.08.2001, UlieşulMic, 1150 m alt., 17.04.2001, Luci Meleche Forest, 1050 m alt., 13.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K.(Bálint & Orbán 2003:14; Bálint & Orbán 2006:470); Mohoş, sub S. dentata (Bálint & Orbán 2006:470).Harghita County, Piatra Piscului, leg. & det. Demeter K. [CL](Igmándy 1943:56); Harghita,26.07.1901 (Barth 1905:13); Chirui Spa from Lueta, 14.08.1869, leg. & det. Barth J. [SIB HF 1554](Fuss1878:657; Drăgulescu 1983:58).Neamţ County, Cernegura Mountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt. (Lungu 1963a:242).Bacău County, Şurei Hill, in forest, near Slănic-Moldova Spa, on right side <strong>of</strong> Slănic Brook, 500m alt., sub „S. penata” (Papp 1969a:181); Slănic Brook, on rocks, 2.05-8.11.1971 (Ştefureac & BarabaşV. 1972:78); Ruginii Brook, incl. sub var. dentata (Eftimie 1972:151); without locality, 450 m alt.(Barabaş V. 1982b:70, Tab.20).Ciucaş Mountains, Berii Brook Valley, Alb Brook Valley, Sterp Brook Valley (Mohan 1990b:43);Gârbova Massif, Cazacului Valley, Azuga’s affluent, 950 m alt., det. Ştefureac T. (Badea &Cretzoiu 1941:285).Prahova County, Teleajen Valley, (Mohan 1990a:24).Făgăraş Mountains, Arpaş Valley, incl. sub var. rivularis, common spruce forest (Heufler1853:48-49; Fuss 1854:20; Schur 1866:875; Fuss 1878:657; Hazslinszky 1885:67; Drăgulescu 2003:16);Cârţişoara Mountains, leg. & det. Barth J. (Fuss 1878:657); Bâlea (Schur 1866:875; Fuss 1878:657;Hazslinszky 1885:67; Drăgulescu 2003:16); Negoiu, 2000 m alt., leg. & det. Loitlesberger K., sub var.purpurea [Krypt. Exs. 473] (Loitlesberger 1898:193,194; Zahlbruckner 1900:188; Drăgulescu 2003:16);Topolog Valley, 1600 m alt. (Herzog 1919:296); Arpăşel Valley, 1000 m alt., sub S. dentata var.heterophylla (Pócs 1958:108); Făgăraş Mountains, det. Vajda L., sub subsp. dentata (Pócs 1958:109);Arpaş Valley, leg. & det. Vajda L., Călţun Lake, 2350 m alt., leg. & det. Pócs T. (Boros & Vajda1967:223,224); Sărata Glacial Ring, right side <strong>of</strong> Sărata Valley, peatbog, 1750 m alt., det. Ştefureac T.(Diaconeasa 1969:317; Drăgulescu 2003:16).Iezer-Păpuşa Mountains, Păpău Sheepfold, 1600 m alt., incl. sub S. dentata (Loitlesberger1898:193,194); Iezer Valley, Bătrâna Valley, Râuşor Valley (Mohan 1990a:24); below Iezer Refuge,7.08.1993, Iezer Valley, 19.08.95, near the springs <strong>and</strong> alpine brooks, ass. Chrysosplenio-Saxifragetumstellaris Pawl. & Walas 1949 (Alexiu 1995:40, Tab.2; Alexiu 1996:184).Cozia Mountain, north-eastern side <strong>of</strong> Jgheabul Bulzului, on soil, 1975-1976 (Dihoru G. 1990:53);Slavei Brook, on soil, sub var. dentata (Dihoru G. 1990:53).Cindrel Mountains, between Rozdeşti <strong>and</strong> Onceşti (Herzog 1919:296); Beşineu, incl. sub fo.elongata, Păltiniş, Râul Mare Valley, leg. & det. Vajda L., sub var. dentata (Boros & Vajda 1967:223,224;Gündisch 1977:51); Crinţ, 900 m alt., Păltiniş, 1500 m alt., Cânaia, 1700 m alt., Săroi, 1200 m alt.,Şerbănei, 1800 m alt., Bătrina, 1870 m alt., Beşineu, 1900 m alt., Jujbea, 2100 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:51;Drăgulescu 2003:16); Cindrel, 2200 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:51; Drăgulescu 1992:55; Drăgulescu 2003:16);Frumoasa - Platoul Diavolului [SIB HG](Drăgulescu 1992:55; Drăgulescu 2003:16).Sebeşului Mountains, Sebeş Valley, between Oaşa <strong>and</strong> Ciban, in common spruce forest, 800-1200m alt., sub S. dentata (Borza 1959:69,283, Tab.38; Drăgulescu 2003:16).Lotrului Mountains, the peatbog from Sărăcinul Mic, on left side <strong>of</strong> Lotru Valley, near PuruForest Hut, Voineasa Commune, 1956 (Ştefureac, Popescu & Lungu 1957b:872).Căpăţânei Mountains, Lotru Valley, Bucureasa, Malaia, 9-15.09.1952, sub S. dentata (Ştefureac,Popescu & Lungu 1955:527).Parâng Mountains, the springs <strong>of</strong> Mânileasa Brook, 1200 m alt., 26.07.1955 (Ştefureac, Popescu& Lungu 1956b:1314); the edge <strong>of</strong> the peatbog near Câlcescu Lake, 11.08.1955 (Ştefureac 1959:757);Mândra Mountain, Jieţ Valley, 1810 m alt., leg. & det. Pócs T. (Boros & Vajda 1967:223); south to thepeatbog from edge <strong>of</strong> Câlcescu Lake, incl. sub var. aequatiformis (Ştefureac 1969a:103,104); east to thepeatbog on Câlcescu Lake border (Ştefureac 1969a:105).Retezat Mountains, Zănoaga (Simonkai 1872:67; Fuss 1878:657; Hazslinszky 1885:67); JudelePeak, 2200 m alt., 22.07.1914, leg. Péterfi M., sub S. dentata var. speciosa Nees [BRHE 9](Györffy &Péterfi M. 1916:37); Mlaştina de Sus on Zănoaga Valley, Zănoaga-Slăveiul marked path, 1870 m alt.,Mlaştina I between Slăvei <strong>and</strong> Muchia Ascuţită, 1990 m alt., incl. sub S. dentata, Mlaştina II between279

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