The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Scapania brevicaulis TaylorSyn.:- Scapania degenii Schiffn. ex Müll. Frib.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Ştefureac 1958a.<strong>Romania</strong>: Smith A.J.E. 1990:186; Ştefănuţ 2003b:238, Fig.5; Frey & al. 2006:106.Ecology: epilithic, subneutrophytic-basiphytic, meso-hygrophytic, scio-photophytic; circumpolar; arctic-alpine; Hch.Distribution in Europe: Is, No, Se, Br, Po, Ch, At, Sk, Ro, Rn.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Rodna Mountains, Pietrosul Borşei, western slope, on rocks, 2150 m alt., sub S. degenii(Ştefureac 1958a:109; Paton 1999:368; Ştefănuţ 2003b:235, Fig.5).Scapania calcicola (Arnell et J. Perss.) InghamSyn.:– Martinellia calcicola Arnell & J. Perss.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Györffy 1924b.<strong>Romania</strong> (Frey & al. 2006:100).Moldova (Papp 1943:665; Ştefureac & al. 1973:147).Muntenia (Mohan 1988b:106).Ecology: epilithic, calcicolous, mesophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; mountain; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCADistribution in Europe: Sj, Is, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Br, Fr, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Es, It, Si, Hr, Sb, Ba, Ro, Bg, Al, Gr, Ee,Lv, Cm, Fl, Rn.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş County, Poiana Botizii (Boros 1943e:148; Boros 1951:377).Suceava County, Ţibău Mountain, conf. Mihai G. (Pascal 1970a:199).Rarău Mountain, Codrul Secular Slătioara, 1280-1470 m alt. (Ştefureac 1941:1155,1245,1273,Tabs.5,7; Papp 1969b:188; Ştefureac 1986f:193); Plaiul Todirescu-Slătioara Reserve (Ştefureac &Raclaru 1978:197).Bacău County, Cernica Brook Valley (Papp 1957:285; Papp 1958b:412,417).Braşov County, Braşov, 790 m alt., 28.08.1936, ass. Seslerietum rigidae burcicum (Zólyomi1939:68,112, Tab.1; Vajda 1947:37; Boros 1951:377; Ştefănuţ 2006b:34; Ştefănuţ 2008b:29); Tâmpa,18.06.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3507, B3513] (Ştefănuţ 2006b:34; Ştefănuţ 2008b:29).Bucegi Massif, Obârşia Ialomiţei - Mecetul Turcesc, 2000 m alt., 29.06.1943 (Ştefureac 1946:338;Ştefureac 1972c:101); ♂ - Dorului Valley, PH, 45°21'51"N / 25°28'37"E, 1830 m alt., 28.07.2005, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3216]; Babele Mountain, PH, 45°24'38"N / 25°28'36"E, 2140 m alt., 7.09.2006,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3553].Piatra Craiului Mountains, Marele Grohotiş, AG, 45°30'49"N / 25°11'49"E, 1650 m alt.,8.07.1998, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. (Dihoru G. & al. 2003:71; Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:83); CrăpăturaPietrei Craiului, BV, 45°33'30"N / 25°15'44"E, 1300 m alt., 22.08.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2713] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:83); Piatra Mică, BV, 1750 m alt., 10.07.2004, leg. Pop O., det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3040] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:83).Mehedinţi County, Vărănic Hill, the way from Brezniţa to Gura Văii, 400 m alt., 03.1945(Ştefureac 1947a:138,148).Codru-Moma Mountains, Liliecilor Cave, Ponoarele, on calcareous rocks (Mohan 1996:49;Ardelean 2006:104).Alba County, Rimetea, leg. Péterfi M., sub Martinellia (Györffy 1924b:38); Piatra SecuiuluiMountain, near Rimetea, leg. Vajda L. & Gergely I. (Vajda 1960:156); Ionel’s Cave, Gârda de Sus, 800m alt., 16.05.1999 (Smets 2003:60).Cluj County, Turului Gorges, leg. & det. Györffy I. & Péterfi M. 8.06.1915, sub Martinellia(Györffy 1924b:38; Vajda 1947:37).Bihor Mountains, Ordâncuşii Gorges, 900-920 m alt., ass. Poëtum nemoralis calcicolum Pop I. &Hodişan I. 1967, 850 m alt., ass. Calamagrostetum variae carpaticum Sillinger subass. biharicum (Pop I.& Hodişan I. 1967:18,19, Tabs.3,4).266

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