The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Suceava County, Cristişor-Neagra Broştenilor, Borcut Meadow, on rotten common spruce woods(Lungu 1973b:72; Lungu 1981c:93,95).Rarău Mountain, Codrul Secular Slătioara (Tarnavschi 1936:285; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:483).Neamţ County, Tarcău-Grinduş Mountain (Papp 1942b:525).Făgăraş Mountains, Arpăşel Valley, 1000 m alt., det. Vajda L. (Pócs 1958:108,109).Vâlcea County, Poiana Lungă, 1000 m alt. (Herzog 1919:295).Cindrel Mountains, Şanta, 1200 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:50; Drăgulescu 2003:15).Alba County, Galbena Valley, 780 m alt., 12.09.1996, ass. Lophocoleo-Dolichothecetum seligeriPhilippi 1965, Iarba Rea Valley, 790 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass. Leucobryo-Tetraphydetum pellucidaeBarkman 1958, Iarba Rea Valley, 800 m alt., 25.08.1996, ass. Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformisWisn. 1930 (Goia 2000:113,116,117,119, Tabs.3,5,7); Vârciorog Valley, Iarba Rea Valley, Gârda de SusValley – Izbucul Chiobului, on rotten common spruce woods (Goia 2001:69,70, Fig.17); Arieşul MareBasin, on rotten wood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87,89).Cluj County, Someşul Rece Valley, leg. & det. Vajda L. (Boros & Vajda 1967:222).Scapania aspera Bernet et M. BernetSyn.:– Martinellia aspera (M. Bernet & Bernet) Broth.– Scapania aequiloba var. aspera (M. Bernet & Bernet) Boulay– Scapania aequiloba var. major Gottsche ex Warnst.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Györffy 1924b.Ecology: epilithic, calcicolous, mesophytic, scio-photophytic; Eurasia; suboceanic-mountain; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCA, Krypt. Exs.Distribution in Europe: No, Dk, Se, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, Be, De, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Es, Bl, Co, Sc, It, Si, Hr, Sb, Me, Ba, Ro, Bg,Al, Gr, Cm.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Ţibleş Mountains, Păltiniş Peak, 1984-1985 (Mohan 1988a:21).Suceava County, Tătarca Brook Valley, near the forest way, on soil, conf. Mihai G. (Pascal1970a:199; Pascal 1973; Pascal & Mititelu 1971; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:483); Ţibău Brook Valley(Pascal & Mititelu 1971; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:483).Giurgeu Mountains, Bicaz Gorges, 1978, 1979, ass. Tortello-Ctenidietum mollusci (Mihai1981a:18, Tab.5).Piatra Craiului Mountains, Prăpăstii, 860 m alt., 29.08.1936, ass. Saxifraga cuneifolia-Campanula carpatica (Zólyomi 1939:82,137, Tab.6; Vajda 1947:37; Boros 1951:377; Ştefănuţ & PopO.G. 2006:83).Retezat Mountains, towards Tăul Negru (Páll 1964a:108); Râuşor, 1050 m alt., 5.06.2003, leg.Paucă Mihaela, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3093], ♀ - [BUCA B3096].Hunedoara County, Hunedoara, leg. Péterfi M., sub Martinellia (Györffy 1924b:38; Vajda1947:37; Boros 1951:378).Domogled Mountain, on rocks, 27.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:14); Crucea Albă, Şerban(Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:8); Crucea Albă, 500 m alt., 9.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2991].Mehedinţi County, Cazanele Mari, on rocks, 1966 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:500); Romnuţa Mare,Cerna Valley, near Obârşia, 400 m alt., 08.08.1968, leg. & det. Pócs T. [Krypt. Exs. 4762](Passauer1976).Alba County, Morii Valley, on calcareous rocks, 700 m alt., 01.06.1995, ass. Tortello-Ctenidietummollusci (Goia 1998:252, Tab.3; Goia 2001:70).Bihor County, Crişul Repede Defile, on rocks, ass. Tilio-Fraxinetum (Boros 1942a:31,32; Boros1944b:149, Boşcaiu & Gergely 1966:104); Vadu Crişului, leg. Soó R., Iad Valley (Boros 1944a:160;Boros 1944b:149; Boros 1951:377); Apuseni Mountains (Ştefureac 1975b:313).Bihor Mountains, Cetăţile Ponorului, 1150 m alt., 17.08.1999 (Jakab 2000a:92; Jakab 2000b:67);Galbena Valley, 750 m alt., Ponor, 1100 m alt., Padiş, 1150 m alt., 08.1999 (Jakab 2000b:66,69).265

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