The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Tabs.1,8); Mogoşoaia <strong>and</strong> Căldăruşani, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Popescu A. & al. 1984:174,182,369,371,372,383, Tabs.2,5,8,9,28; S<strong>and</strong>a, Coldea & Popescu A. 1994:9, Tab.1); Snagov Lake, Cernica Lake(Mohan 1990a:25); ! - Chitila, 2007, leg. Paucă-Comănescu Mihaela, det. Ştefănuţ S.Bucharest, † - in the pools <strong>of</strong> Dâmboviţa River from Ciurel <strong>and</strong> Grozăveşti, 13.10.1900, leg.Teodorescu E.C. (Radian 1901b:40; Radian 1915:189); in the pools along Sabar Valley between Odăi <strong>and</strong>Măgurele, 28.10.1900, leg. Teodorescu E.C., det. Radian S.Ş. (Radian 1901b:40; Radian 1915:189).Giurgiu County, Căscioreanca Forest near Malu-Spart, 21.05.1903, leg. Teodorescu E.C., det.Radian S.Ş. (Radian 1915:189); s - Comana, marshy place, 1968-1969 (Ştefureac & Mohan 1970a:352;Mohan 1990a:25); Flosecului Valley, between Comana <strong>and</strong> Vlad Ţepeş, ass. Lemnetum minoris,Wolffietum arrhizae Miy. & Tx. 1960, ass. Mentheto-Sietum angustifoliae Nedelcu 1973 (Nedelcu1973;134,139,142, Tabs.1,2,5); Comana Lake (Mohan 1990a:25).Sibiu County, Sibiu [SIB SCHUR 4611](Schur 1866:874; Fuss 1878:650; Gündisch 1977:45;Drăgulescu 2003:8); Bradu, Racoviţa (Fuss 1878:650; Drăgulescu 2003:8); Sibiu, 420 m alt. (Gündisch1977:45; Drăgulescu 2003:8).Gorj County, Steic, in pools with Thypha angustifolia, in ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Costache2002:55).Timiş County, Lugoj, Oloşagului Street, the Lake from Cărămidăria Bartoş, 13.08.1965, subRicciella, ass. Lemno-Utricularietum Soó 1928 (Boşcaiu 1966:71).Alba County, Valea Lungă, leg. & det. Barth J. [SIB HF 1477](Fuss 1878:650; Barth 1880:121;Borza & Lupşa 1964:150; Drăgulescu 1983:57).Cluj County, Sălicea, Tăul Mare, 600 m alt., 8.11.1914, leg. Györffy I. & Péterfi M. [BRHE1](Györffy & Péterfi M. 1916:18; Boros 1958:7; Pop E.1960:60); Turda, Băile Sărate (Todor 1947:41);Făget (Boros 1958:3,7); Chintău, Deuş Lake, 480 m alt., 6.07.1939, leg. & det. Nyárády E.I. & Péterfi Ş.,rev. Ştefureac T. [FRE 3045a; PHHM 6207636, 6207637](Nyárády E.I. 1941:5; Boros 1958:7; Borza,Gergely & Raţiu O. 1968:522).Bihor County, Tărian (Simonkai 1890a:129); Salonta, Corhana Channel, Şerpilor Lake, Lacul cuStuf, Rădvani Fishery, the canals around Marţihaz Village, Cefa, ass. Lemneto-Utricularietum, ass.Salvinieto-Spirodeletum, ass. Ceratophylleto-Hydrocharetum, ass. Potameto-Ceratophylletum, ass.Nymphaeetum albo-luteae, ass. Elatini-Lindernietum pyxidariae (Pop I. 1962:196,197,199-202,205,Tabs.1-5,7; Pop I. 1968:69,123, Tabs.16,18-24).Satu Mare County, Livada Commune, ass. Hydrochari-Stratiotetum (Langendock 1935) Westh<strong>of</strong>f1942 riciietosum fluitantis Gergely, Raţiu O. & Moldovan 1977 (Gergely, Raţiu O. & Moldovan I.1977:23, Tab.3; Karácsonyi 1995:141); Livada Commune, in canal (Gergely, Raţiu O. & Moldovan I.1977:23, Tab.4).Riccia frostii AustinSyn.:– Riccia beckeriana Steph.– Riccia frostrii Austin fo. major Papp, Mihai & Viţalaru– Riccia microspora Steph.– Riccia palaestina S.W. Arnell– Riccia watsoni AustinFirst citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Papp, Mihai & Viţalaru 1962.Moldova (Ştefureac & al. 1973:141).<strong>Romania</strong>, chorology (Ştefănuţ 2003b:238, Fig.6);Ecology: epigaeic, acidophytic, hygrophytic, photophytic; circumpolar; Hth.Distribution in Europe: At, Hu, Es, It, Hr, Sb, Ro, Ua, Re, Rs.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Botoşani County, Mitoc, Prut Valley, on s<strong>and</strong>y-calyey alluvial deposits, 90 m alt., 27.10.1961(Papp, Mihai & Viţalaru 1962:147,148, Fig.1; Ştefănuţ 2003b:235, Fig.6); Mitoc, Prut Valley, on s<strong>and</strong>ycalyeyalluvial deposits, 90 m alt., 27.10.1961, sub fo. major (Papp, Mihai & Viţalaru 1962:148, Fig.2;Ştefureac 1978d:161; Ştefănuţ 2003b:235, Fig.6).Caraş Severin County, Ostrovul Modova Veche, on s<strong>and</strong>y soil, 24.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai1967:14; Ştefănuţ 2003b:235, Fig.6).257

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