The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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558,560; Papp 1939a:358; Papp & Eftimie 1963:108,111,112); Repedea-Bârnova Forest Massif, in forest,in pools, 1975-1976, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Mihai 1977a:139, Tab.3); Bârnova Forest, sub Ricciellafluitans fo. robusta (Papp 1935a:431; Papp 1955; Ştefureac & al. 1973:141); Totoeşti, incl. sub fo. major(Papp 1959b:566); Stânca-Comarna, Victoria <strong>and</strong> Bosia, along Prut Meadow, ass. Riccietum fluitantis(Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1972a:191; Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975c:227; Mititelu & Barabaş N.1975c:227,258, Tab.7; Mititelu & al. 1995:123; Navrotescu & Mititelu 2003:29); Domniţa-VoineştiForest, Voineşti <strong>and</strong> Ţibana Commune, on marshy soil, edge <strong>of</strong> pool (Mititelu & Chifu 1978:378,394);Poieniţa Lake, south-east to Dobrovăţ, 330 m alt., 22.05.1970, ass. Riccietum fluitantis, ass. Caricetumelatae W. Koch 1926, ass. Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinereae Soó & Zólyomi 1955 (Dobrescu1978:12,Tab.1; Dobrescu 1981:384,387,390, Tab.11; Mititelu & al. 1995:123); Humosu Natural Reserve,ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Mihai 1980:8; Mihai 1983c:357, Tab.9).Neamţ County, Peste Recea Forest, sub fo. robusta (Papp 1955; Ştefureac & al. 1973:141); Peste-Recea, incl. sub fo. major (Papp 1959b:566); Peste Recea Forest, west to Tîmpeşti <strong>and</strong> Leka Villages,Războieni Commune, at confluence <strong>of</strong> Şipot with Recea, in fens, beech-hornbeam mixed forest, 360 malt., 15.07.1948 [FRE 3045b; PHHM 6207708] (Papp 1960a:120; Borza, Gergely & Raţiu O. 1968:522);Hrişcani, south to Vad Village, Dragomireşti Commune, in fens, beech-hornbeam mixed forest, subRicciella (Papp 1960a:120).Vaslui County, ? - Bârzeşti, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Dobrescu 1970:336); Tăbălăeşti, in pools,1966-1969 (Plămadă & Viţalariu 1971:165); Cârja, ass. Salvinio-Spirodeletum Slavnič 1956, BaltaFocşei, ass. Lemno-Utricularietum Soó 1938, Prundu-Berezeni, Tufa-Berezeni, Balta Mare-Fălciu, Cârja,Maţa-Cârja, Maicâş-Vlădeşti, Târzii, Vetrişoaia (Mititelu 1971:822; Ştefureac & al. 1973:141; Mititelu1975:130; Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975c:227,258, Tab.7; Navrotescu & Mititelu 2003:29).Bacău County, Seaca Forest, ass. Riccietum fluitantis, det. Mihai G. (Mititelu, Barabaş N. & al.1968:135,148,169; Ştefureac & al. 1973:140; Costică 1995:252); Borşani-Coţ<strong>of</strong>eneşti, the lake fromChetriş Forest, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1971a:792; Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1971b;Dobrescu & Kovács 1972:370; Ştefureac & al. 1973:140; Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975b:216); Slobozia-Oneşti, 200 m alt., ass. Lemnetum minoris Oberd. 1957 (Barabaş N. 1974:99); Mărgineni, in the lakefrom Seaca Forest, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975a:5,10, Tab.1); Viişoara – Tg.Trotuş (Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975b:216); without locality, ass. Potametum natantis Soó 1927 (Mititelu& Barabaş N. 1978:271).Vrancea County, Adjud (Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1975b:216).Galaţi County, Vlădeşti in Balta Maicâş, 1972-1973, ass. Riccietum fluitantis Slavnič 1956(Mititelu & Barabaş N. 1973:352; Navrotescu & Mititelu 2003:29).Tulcea County, Danube Delta, frequent, leg. & det. Ştefureac T. (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal1970:122); Danube Delta (Godeanu M. & Manikovschi 1972:396,397).Constanţa County, Cochirleni Lake, ass. Riccio-Azolletum carolinianae Nedelcu & al. 1986, ass.Riccietum fluitantis Slavnič 1956, ass. Lemno-Azolletum carolinianae Nedelcu 1964, ass. Lemno-Salvinietum natantis Miyawaki & Tx. 1960, ass. Lemnetum minoris (Oberd. 1957) Müller & Görs 1960,ass. Lemno-Utricularietum Soó 1928, ass. Najadetum marinae (Oberd. 1957) Fukarek 1961, ass.Nymphaeetum albo-lutae nowinski 1920 nymphaetosum V. Kárpati 1963, ass. Trapo-NymphoidetumOberd. 1957, ass. Nymphoidetum peltatae (All. 1922) Oberd. & Müller 1960 (Nedelcu & al. 1986:85-87,89, Tabs.1-3; S<strong>and</strong>a, Coldea & Popescu A. 1994:9, Tab.1; S<strong>and</strong>a, Popescu A. & Nedelcu 1997:62).Prahova County, D<strong>of</strong>tana Valley - Paltinu Lake [PHHM 7778/3873](Mohan 1971a:7; Mohan1971b:45).Braşov County, Rupea, leg. & det. Baumgarten J.C.G. [SIB HF 1475] (Baumgarten 1846:236;Schur 1866:874; Fuss 1878:650; Drăgulescu 1983:57); Braşov-Bartolomeu, leg. & det. Bielz J. [SIB HF1476, HS 43325] (Schur 1866:874; Fuss 1878:650; Drăgulescu 1983:57); Fortyogó (Gesprengberg) Bog,leg. & det. Moesz G. (Prodan 1939:335).Ilfov County, Căldăruşani Lake near Hermitage, 20.04.1901, leg. Teodorescu E.C., det. RadianS.Ş., the pool between Ciolpani <strong>and</strong> Ţigăneşti Monastery, 4.05.1901, leg. Teodorescu E.C., det. RadianS.Ş. (Radian 1901b:40; Radian 1915:189); Periş, in forest, in pools, 29.05.1903 (Radian 1915:189); Periş,pools near railway, 17.05.1915 (Radian 1920:74); Chitila, 09.1912, leg. Brândză M. (Radian 1920:74);Căldăruşani Lake, 1956 (Salmen & Ruemmele 1960:140); Căldăruşani Lake, 1959 (Antonescu &Udrescu 1961:152); Mogoşoaia Lake, frequent, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Nedelcu 1969:235,236, Tab.1;Nedelcu 1971:195); Căldăruşani Lake, ass. Riccietum fluitantis (Nedelcu 1972:537,544, 549,555,256

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