The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Parâng Mountains, Curmătura Vidruţei, 1350 m alt., 26.07.1955, sub Haplozia (Ştefureac,Popescu & Lungu 1957a:68,69); Latoriţa Valley, Repedea Valley, 08-09.1954 (Ştefureac, Popescu &Lungu 1959:9,20, Tab.5); south to the peatbog from the edge <strong>of</strong> Câlcescu Lake (Ştefureac 1969a:104).Retezat Mountains, Râu de Mori (Schiffner 1914:308); Râul Mare Valley between Gura Zlata <strong>and</strong>Gura Apei (Páll 1964a:108); Retezat National Park, Leucodonto-Madothecietum platyphyllae,Anomodontetum attenuati (Barkm. 1939) Peciar 1965, Pterygyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri Plămadă(1976) 1978, Neckeretum crispae Ştefur. 1941 (Plămadă 1976a; Plămadă 1976b:20, Tab.2); betweenZlătuia Valley <strong>and</strong> Turcului Valley, 1100-1200 m alt., 7.09.1969, ass. Leucodonto-Madothecetumplatyphyllae Plămadă 1982, Zlătuia Valley, 790-800 m alt., 6-7.09.1969, Şesele Valley, 900-950 m alt.,9.09.1969, ass. Anomodontetum attenuati, Zlătuia Valley, 1000 m alt., 7.09.1969, Turcului Valley, 850 malt., 9.09.1969, Şesele Valley, 950 m alt., 14.07.1970, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri, Şesele -Pârgului Valley, 950 m alt., 9.09.1969, 1000 m alt., 14.07.1970, ass. Anomodonto attenuati-Neckeretumcrispae Plămadă 1982 (Plămadă 1982a:305-307,309, Tabs.2-5; Plămadă 1993:51, Tab.1); GemeneleValley, 08.2005, leg. Onete Marilena, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3204].Mehedinţi County, Orşova (Hazslinszky 1885:41); Orşova, Cazane (Schiffner 1914:308); <strong>The</strong>Culm towards Poiana Salcuţei, Slătinic Valley, Gura Văii, 28.06.1945 (Ştefureac 1947a:138); †, s - Ada-Kaleh Isle, on Populus alba (Ştefureac & Mihai 1968a:298,305, Tab.1); Eşelniţa Valley, frequent, onQuercus <strong>and</strong> Acer (Plămadă 1970b:206); Danube Defile, between Orşova <strong>and</strong> Cerna Valley, in forest, onbark, frequent, 1966-1968 (Plămadă 1970c:393); Tricule, the first valley towards Canton, on stones,between Berzasca <strong>and</strong> Sviniţa, 1966, sub fo. propagulifera (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:500).Domogled Mountain, Domogled (Degen 1901:14); ♀♂ - Crucea Albă, 500 m alt., 9.08.2004, leg.& det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2982].Caraş Severin County, Cerna Valley, Ciorici Peak (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:6,7).Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Luncani (Simonkai 1872:67; Fuss 1878:653); Poiana Ruscă, RuscaMontană, Pleşu, on hornbeam bark, 630 m alt. (Papp 1942a:51); Sinersig „Dumbrava” Forest, 29.07.1962(Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:14).Zar<strong>and</strong> Mountains, Highiş Peak, beech forest, Patru Gomile Valley, Slatina de Mureş, on bark(Csűrös M. 1978:77; Ardelean 2006:105).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Osoiu Mare, Valea Lungă, Ursului Hill, BrihenilorValley, on beech <strong>and</strong> oak bark (Mohan 1996:49; Ardelean 2006:105).Arad County, Ciala Forest, Pecica, from Adea towards Sebiş along “Tőzmellék” (Simonkai1893:361; Fuss 1878:653); Ciala Forest, on oak, 3.09.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2332,B2340]; ♂♀ - Runcu-Groşi Reserve, 46°10'14"N / 22°07'34"E, 428 m alt., 20.08.2008, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3926].Mureş County, Sighişoara, sub Jungermannia (Baumgarten 1846:229; Schur 1866:874; Fuss1878:653; Györffy 1917a:167); Lechinţa, oak forest, on bark, leg. Borza A., det. Papp C., incl. sub var.propagulifera (Papp 1944a:99); Ilva Valley, 9.08.1995 (Oroian 1997:113, Tab.1).Alba County, Piatra Ceţii, Trascău Mountains, 3.07.1868 (Barth 1868:140,141); Galda de Sus, leg.& det. Barth J. (Fuss 1878:653); Valea Lungă, on bark, 1866, leg. & det. Barth J. [SIB HF 1556, 1557](Fuss 1878:653; Borza & Lupşa 1964:151; Drăgulescu 1983:59); fer - Vidra, „Piatra Struţu”<strong>and</strong>Scărişoara, Piatra Runcului (Schiffner 1914:308; Goia 2001:82); Feneş Gorges, sub fo. propagulifera(Papp 1944b:236; Papp 1945a:162); the region between Geoagiu-Mureş-Ampoi-Feneş <strong>and</strong> Detunata Peakfrom Trascău Mountain, frequent (Plămadă 1986a:58); Pojar Hill, on hornbeam, 580 m alt., 25.08.1994,ass. Isothecietum myuri Hilitzer 1925, ass. Madotheco-Leskeeletum nervosae, Drăghiţa Valley, on fallenbeech tree, 750 m alt., 20.08.94, ass. Anomodonto-Leucodontetum Wisn. 1930 (Goia 1998:256-258,Tabs.6-8); Măgura Valley, 1300 m alt., ass. Pterygyn<strong>and</strong>retum filiformis Hilitzer 1925, Drăghiţa Valley,750 m alt., 28.08.1994, ass. Anomodonto-Leucodontetum (Goia 2000:120, Tab.8); Arieşul Mic Basin(Goia & Schumacker 2000:92); Popeştilor Brook, on willow, below Lucia Cave, on willow, Pojar Hill, onhornbeam, Morii Valley, on common spruce, beech <strong>and</strong> rotten wood, Ursoaia Saddle, common spruce,Cobleş Valley, Poiana Vadului, on ash tree, Divaia Valley, Popeştilor Valley, Vidrişoara Valley, ArieşulMic towards springs, Măgura Valley, Gârda – Scărişoara interfluve, Ordâncuşa Valley, Scărişoara Cave –aven, on beech tree, Galbena Valley, Drăghiţa Valley, Pătroieştilor Valley, on beech forest <strong>and</strong> on rottenwood, Vârciorog Valley <strong>and</strong> Ţoha Mică Valley, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:83); Popeştilor Valley,15.08.1994, Drăghiţa Valley, 20.08.1994, ass. Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941, Pojar Hill, 25.08.1994,Vidrişoara Valley, 20.08.1992, Cheia Valley, 31.07.1994, Morii Valley, 13.08.1994, Arieşul Mic Valley,243

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