The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Nemira Mountains, Nemira Mountain, on soil, in common spruce forest, on Fagus sylvatica <strong>and</strong>Acer pseudoplatanus, 900-1400 m alt. (Barabaş V. 1974:26,29,30); Farcu Mare Peak, on Fagus sylvatica<strong>and</strong> Alnus incana trunks <strong>and</strong> wet rocks, 1970-1977 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1978:117); Nemira Mountain,800-1600 m alt., Slănic <strong>and</strong> Uz Brooks Vales, 500 m alt., Bălătău Lake, 900 m alt. (Barabaş V.1982b:58,59,63,67,74,75, Tabs.7,11,17,25,26).Bacău County, Pufu Hill, in forest, 800-900 m alt., Porcului Hill, in forest, Ciungetul BrookValley, sub fo propagulifera (Papp 1957:285; Papp 1958b:396); Berzunţ Culm, 990 m alt., SavaHermitage, in forest, sub var. propagulifera (Papp & Bîrcă 1960:316,324); Tajbuga Culm, on bark, incl.sub fo. propagulifera (Papp 1966:219-221); Seaca Forest, Tocila (Mititelu, Barabaş N. & al.1968:147,168; Ştefureac & al. 1973:149; Costică 1995:252); Uz Valley, near the dam, on rotten stumps,1966-1967 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1969:71,75); Podu Turcului, on Quercus robur (Mihai & Barabaş V.1970:67,70,71); s - Măgura Hill, north-west to Târgu Ocna, on Quercus petraea rotten stumps <strong>and</strong> rocks,680 m alt., rare, incl. sub fo. propagulifera, on stones (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1971:676,686); s, fer -Sohodol Forest, Măgura Commune, at base <strong>of</strong> Carpinus betulus tree, Traian Forest, on Quercus robur,Petricica Hill, Măgura Commune, on rotten beech trees, 1970-1971 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1972:87,92;Costică 1995:252); Cheşcheş Culm, on hornbeam bark, 2.05-8.11.1971 (Ştefureac & Barabaş V.1972:78,82); Ghioina Forest, incl. sub var. propagulifera, Lada Forest, Slabului Hill, the forest way fromÎnţărcătoare towards Zboina Verde, on Populus tremula, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica <strong>and</strong> Acercampestre (Eftimie 1972:151); Codrul Secular Runc-Racova, on bark (Barabaş V. 1982a:49); MăguraHill – Târgu Ocna, 400 m alt. (Barabaş V. 1982b:77,78, Tab.30).Bodoc Mountains, on wood (Ştefureac & Kovács 1981:117).Vrancea County, Ploscuţeni Forest, 303 m alt., at base <strong>of</strong> beech trees (Mihai & Barabaş V.1970:67,71-73); Tişiţei Gorges, on bark, 1977 (Mihai & Pascal 1986:46).Brăila County, Brăila, on willow <strong>and</strong> poplar barks, 29.05.1969, leg. Moşneagă M. & det. MohanG. [PHHM 6207727](Mohan 1971a:9).Tulcea County, Dealul Mare, Niculiţel Commune, on bark (Papp 1938:289,293,295; Mihai, Pascal& Viţalaru 1962:285; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:123); Letea Forest, north to C.A. RosettiCommune, on bark (Mihai & Pascal 1963:264; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:123); Codru Forest,Babadag (Mihai, Pascal & Viţalaru 1962:285); Babadag Forest, 220 m alt., Ciucurova Topolog Forest,350 m alt., Niculiţel Forest, on bark, 20-23.07.1968 (Ştefureac & Mohan 1969:140,144; Ştefureac, Mihai& Pascal 1970:123); ♀♂ - Canaraua Fetii, on Ulmus bark, 6.06.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB3993], s - [BUCA B3994]; Topolog, 44°51'55"N / 28°22'45"E, 13.06.2008, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B3886].Constanţa County, ? – near Valul lui Traian Commune, in forest. Obs. Quated according Mihai,Pascal & Viţalaru 1962, but missing in this paper (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:123); Făurei Forest,south-east to Băneasa Commune, on Acer tataricum <strong>and</strong> Quercus cerris (Mihai & Pascal 1963:264;Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:123); Danube Bank between Galiţa <strong>and</strong> Ostrov, Canaraua Fetii Forest,1963 (Mihai 1965:160); Cărpiniş Forest, Băneasa Commune (Mihai 1965; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal1970:123); Negureni Forest, on Quercus cerris (Mihai 1981b:10); Canaraua Fetii <strong>and</strong> Esechioi ForestReserves (Mititelu, Parincu & Gheorghiţă 1993:33); Neptun railway station, 2.07.2005, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3194]; ♀♂ - Comarova Forest near Neptun railway station, 2.07.2006, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3537].Penteleu Massif, Tisa Reserve, on bark, 1000 m alt. (Dihoru G. 1964:399, Tab.3; Dihoru G.1987b:94); Şapte Izvoare Valley, above forest hut, common spruce forest, on rotten common sprucewood, 11.10.1983 (Dihoru G. 1987b:94).Buzău County, ♀♂ - Sărata-Monteoru, 07.2005, leg. Ivănescu Cristina, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB3187]; ♂♀ - Spătaru Forest, on Fraxinus pallisiae bark, 45°05'22"N / 26°47'03"E, 11.11.2008, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3982].Ciucaş Mountains, Berii Brook Valley, Tigăile Mici Culm, Roşu Mountain, Zăgan Mountain,Bratocea Culm, Stâncoasă Culm (Mohan 1990b:44).Braşov County, Braşov (Schur 1866:874; Fuss 1878:653); Predeal (Loitlesberger 1898:196);Cheia Brook Valley, Râşnov Gorges, on fir bark, 850 m alt., 22.09.1940, leg. Cretzoiu P., det. Papp C.[FRE 2388; PHHM 6207961, 6207806, 6207807, 6207405] (Borza 1943:23); Lempeş Hill, on Quercusrobur, 05.1961 (Mihai 1962:278); ♀♂ - Tâmpa, 18.06.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3508,241

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