The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969, ass.Neckerieto-Isothecietum myosuroides Barkman 1958, subass. isothecietosum myuri Barkman 1958(Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:36, Tab.3).Stânişoara Mountains, Suha Mare Brook Valley, above the forest hut, on beech bark, TarniţaPeak, on rocks, 1974 (Pascal & Toma M. 1977:42).Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Măgheruş Valley, Lupişte, Hederiş Hill (Ştefureac & Cristurean1973:315); Codrişor Forest, La Pârloage, Râpa Mare, Monari, Simioneşti, 1980-1981 (Mohan &Hodoroga 1983:53); Satului Valley, near Rebra, in forest, on bark, 470-570 m alt., in Leucodontea(Plămadă & Coldea 1989b:121).Iaşi County, Repedea, Bordea <strong>and</strong> Breazu Forest (Papp 1924a:102; Papp 1929:555,558-560; Mihai& Pascal 1973a:267, Tabs.3,4); Bârnova Forest, sub fo. propagulifera (Papp 1925c:156; Papp 1929:555);Nicolina Brook Valley, east to Lunca Bârnovei (Papp 1935b:326,331); Repedea <strong>and</strong> Bârnova forests (Papp1939a:355); Poieni, sub fo propagulifera (Papp 1942b:525,526); Strunga Forest, sub fo propagulifera[I](Papp 1942b:525,526); Pârlitura Valley, Carului Valley, in forest, on bark, incl. sub fo. propagulifera(Papp 1950:400,403); Repedea Forest <strong>and</strong> Bordea Forest, on bark, frequent (Papp & Eftimie 1963:110,111);Uricani Forest, incl. sub fo. propagulifera (Eftimie 1967:290,292); Bursucăriei Hill, 160-170 m alt., on oaktree bark, incl. sub fo. propagulifera (Dobrescu & al. 1969:170,175,176, Tab.2); “Surda” Forest, HurloaeaHill, west to Piscul Rusului-Dagâţa, det. Papp C. (Dobrescu 1969a:388); Miroslava Hill (Dobrescu & al.1971:147); Breazu Forest, 160-180 m alt., ass. Madotheceto-Leskeetum nervosae (Gams 1927) Barkaman1958 (Mihai & Pascal 1973a:267, Tabs.3,4); Uricani Forest, ass. Atricheto-Lophocoletum minoris Mihai1973, ass. Frullanieto-Raduletum complanatae (Lippmaa 1935) Mihai 1973 (Mihai 1973b:413-418,Tabs.1,3,5,6); Repedea-Bârnova Forest Massif, ass. Madotheceto-Leskeetum nervosae (Gams 1927)Barkaman 1958, ass. Leskeelleto-Raduletum complanatae Mihai 1974, ass. Frullanieto-Raduletumcomplanatae, ass. Leucodontetum sciuroides Hilitzer 1925, ass. Metzgerietum furcatae Størmer 1938(Mihai 1974a:128-130, Tabs.2-6), ass. Lophocoleetum heterophyllae Peciar 1965, ass. Anomodontetumattenuati Peciar 1965 (Mihai 1975:105,106, Tabs.1,2), bryocoenosis with Brachythecium salebrosum(Mihai 1976b:283,284, Tab.3); Mârzeşti Forest, ass. Madotheceto-Leskeetum nervosae, ass. Frullanieto-Raduletum complanatae, ass. Leskeetum polycarpae Horvat 1932, incl. subass. anomodontetosum viticulosiMihai 1976 <strong>and</strong> amblystegietosum serpentis Mihai 1976, ass. Hypnetum cupressiformis Hilitzer 1925(Mihai 1976c:662-665,667, Tabs.2,3,5-7,9); Domniţa Forest – Voineşti, Voineşti <strong>and</strong> Ţibana Communes,on Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer platanoides, Populus tremula bark <strong>and</strong>rotten tree stump (Mititelu & Chifu 1978:378,394); Iaşi Botanical Garden (Mihai 1979a; Ştefureac1982c:200); Humosu Natural Reserve, ass. Madotheco-Leskeeletum nervosae (Mihai 1980:8; Mihai1983c:354,355, Tabs.5,6).Vaslui County, Hârboanca Forest, at 0,7 km south-west to Brăhăşoaia, 1955-1968, det. Papp C.(Dobrescu 1969b:26,27, Tab.1); Crasna Valley, on bark, frequent, 1966-1969 (Plămadă & Viţalariu1971:166).Harghita Mountains, 30.08.1901 (Barth 1905:13); Minei Valley, 1100-1200 m alt., 11.07.2000,Asău Valley, 1000-1100 m alt., 22.10.2000, Cifrabuc, 1200 m alt., 16.08.2001, Rotund Mountain, 1100m alt., 28.08.2001, Pietros Valley, 900 m alt., 28.08.2001, Boitor Forest, 1000-1100 m alt., 28.08.2001,Ulieşul Mic, 1150 m alt., 17.04.2001, Luci Meleche Forest, 1050 m alt., 13.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. &Csízi K. (Bálint & Orbán 2003:14; Bálint & Orbán 2006:470).Harghita County, Odorhei, Tăureni, in beech forests, on bark, 1958-1962 (Páll 1963b:17).Ceahlău Mountain, Durău, Ceahlău (Papp 1924b:392; Papp 1934b:69,72; Manoliu & al.1998:339); Ceahlău, 1200-1700 m alt. (Mihai 1979b); Ceahlău, ass. Neckero-Anomodotetum viticulosi(Wisn. 1929) Philippi 1965 subass. homalothecietosum philippeani Ştefur. 1941, ass. Neckeretumcomplanatae (Hilitzer 1925) Peciar 1965 (Mihai 1987b: Tabs.3,4,5).Neamţ County, Tâmpeşti <strong>and</strong> Poieni Forests (Papp 1924a:102); Neamţ Monastery, on deciduoustree bark <strong>and</strong> rotten beech trees, 07-08.1919,1921,1923, leg. Brândză M., det. Ştefureac T. (Ştefureac1942a:5); Recea Forest, Poarta Poenilor Forest, incl. var. propagulifera (Papp 1947a:158; Papp1947b:182,183,190); Corni Forest Massif, „Lacul cu Clin” Forest, sub fo. propagulifera (Papp1959b:564; Ştefureac & al. 1973:149); Cernegura Mountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt.(Lungu 1963a:242); s - Botoşanu Hill, on Picea abies (Mihai 1971e:407); Pângărăcior Brook Valley, atbase <strong>of</strong> beech tree, sub fo. propagulifera (Mihai 1973d:29,32); Dobreanu Culm, on the trunk tree (Mihai1974c:23; Ştefureac & al. 1973:149).240

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